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The beast tag is great together with The Curator in your deck + the occations you get a second Curator from Stonehill Defender. Depending on what you value higher, there are high chances to get a good adaption. And sometimes you even get the perfect one for the situation. My conclusion is that Ornery Direhorn is great for taunt warrior.
Can't be targeted by spells and hero powers
+3 Attack
+1/+1 - 6 mana 6/6 taunt is actually good stats compared to most taunts.
Living Spores
Divine Shield
+3 Health
If I adapt to gain Taunt my opponent can only attack it with minions that have Windfury
Wtf this is OP. You can have DOUBLE taunt.
Windfury is also pretty good when you're looking to push damage/bait removal
Strong card
Divine Shield or Poisonous are the best IMO
+3 health or +3 attack is good too
i rather stick to pirates and kill my oppoent on turn 5
This card is pretty underwhelming but its a common so I guess that makes sense
Will Taunt be an option when this card adapts? That basically gives you 2 options 1/3 of the time.
cant get the same adapt
... yes you can
no you can't
I saw a demo of it. You can't get taunt twice, or any other adapt.
good, good. let the warriors kill each other and then the hunters will rise
Taunt warrior gonna bring back the black knight
Honestly seems like a solid card. 6 Mana, 5/5, gain +3 attack or health isn't bad, gain Divine Shield makes it a better Sunwalker, Stealth and Can't Be Targeted makes it stick around for a turn.