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Did you hear the one about the dragon that stayed up all night drinking? He was DRAGON ass at work the next day
Really good pull for Deathwing, Dragonlord. I've been using two of these in a "Big Warrior" deck that uses Gather Your Party and Woecleaver.
Can be clutch. It’s kind of like giving you conditional 12 health on Turn 9.
And something like 40x less dust required, and can have two of them.
This dude just sleeps while Ysera makes people dream!
Black Knight: You called?
I think you will need a lot more than 4 attack and charge to kill sleepy dragon :P. I think The Black Knight is more effective :D
has more attack, less health and is a beast. what#s your point?
This dumb elephant doesn’t get pulled from your hand when you cheat out Deathwing, Dragonlord in Big Priest
I mean more like, take 2 points from attack to health and change the tag and you have a new card. Pretty boring. I didn't meant it is the same card tho, but it's that similar it seems more boring than usual
Synergy with Dragonhatcher
Dragons will do that, won't they.
While you are right, there is a Big difference for 9 2/4 pull a Dragon that do nothing and pulling a 4/12 with taunt that protects you and the Dragonhatcher.
Yeah I knew what you meant, was just a joke. I can see now how on the internet that doesn't work does it haha. "My apologies".
is this Smaug ?
Because Ysera is legendary, this is common.
(And it has taunt)
because it's a taunt that works wonders against priest and it's also a common