Star Student Stelina
Card Text
Outcast: Look at 3 cards
in your opponent's hand.
Shuffle one of them
into their deck.
Flavor Text
Cheating is just using your resources wisely.
Outcast: Look at 3 cards
in your opponent's hand.
Shuffle one of them
into their deck.
Cheating is just using your resources wisely.
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A completely unique card. You disrupt your opponent's setup or their curve when they're building up a play. You also know bestessays what else they've got. From the Scholomance Academy set, Star Student Selina is a legendary demon hunter minion card.
Everyone saying this is weak clearly only play face decks and don't understand how bad it can be to have a card removed from your hand
Completely different card... When your opponent is setting up a play, you ruin their setup... or their curve... Plus you know what else they have.
Really I think this is pretty bad. Its bad on curve because you spend your entire turn playing a 4/3. Its bad later because control decks after turn 6-7 always have 9 cards in hand and the chance to get the one OP card is not good. Also control decks by this time have way more than 1 super good card in hand(DQA, Zephrys, their other highlander cards like Brann, or removal like Reno, Puzzle box, Plague of Death, Soul Mirror, Twisting Nether, Nagrand you really care if they lose one of these cards?). Also even IF(and those were many ifs up to now) you somehow have Mana to play this card, have nothing better to do with that 4 Mana than playing this card AND get your opponents OP card(lets say Zeph), who guarantees you that he doesnt instantly re-draw it? Its not even the bottom of the deck. On top of that its an Outcast effect. Theres too much stars that have to align for our star student to make it viable.
Sure effects like this are OP in YGO(Erebus for example) but only since its so ez to spam and replicate them. DH in Hearthstone has nothing to make this usable multiple times(yeah good luck with Youthful Brewmaster) and spending 4 mana for a really crappy statted minion with the potential of removing 1 good card from your opponents hand for possibly only 1 turn seems....reaaaallly bad. I predict this never sees play if it stays this way at least if DH doesnt get massive support in that same direction
How right I was:)
Everyone who writes "useless" dont see the whole picture.
Blizzard seems to generate a new archtype here...."handshuffle DH".
This card + Glide will kill almost all Control Decks and even some Midrange decks out there.
Combine this 2 with the powerful curve of DH cards and noone can stop you (bcs you can shuffle back all the cards that possibly could stop you).
And I'm prety sure those 2 are not the only shuffle cards for DH. ;)
I'd say this card looks ridiculously powerful in any sort of mid-range or control deck (seems too slow for aggro DH to be running it) if it weren't for the outcast requirement. I don't generally play demon hunter, but that requirement along with the fact you'll probably be running a good number of other outcast cards make this one a bit harder to use effectively. Outcast on the whole seems pretty bad for a control deck, which usually likes to hold onto certain cards and keep a bigger hand size.
If you've played magic the gathering you know how strong thoughtsieze is. This is the closest heathstone has gotten to that effect, and it's in a decent minion. In wild it's possible this will completely change the format- however demonhunter currently only has a good aggro deck in wild. We'll see if that will change with this and other cards coming out from expansion. If so, it could really change things in wild, which would be fun!
now imagine wild and chaining this off with ease
I don’t see how this is weak. See three of their cards and distrupt something is great. Think how great it would be to take away their zeph or bran when they need it
Terribly weak
It's a balanced glide for slower DH's so I'll be very happy to play this in Highlander DH
I want to play this with dirty rats and all the other hand disruption cards and see if it ever works :)
is this better than Madame Luzul? Would you rather have a copy of the card or put it into their deck?
I'm getting discouraged by this expansion.
I feel like there is nothing more boring than watching your opponent play solitaire while you just ry to kill them before they assemble their combo. Hand disruption really helps shut down combo decks, but is really bad against aggro and not too good against midrange decks. Is it really a bad thing to add balanced interaction to the game?