Blood Herald

Card Text
Whenever a friendly minion dies while this is in your hand, gain +1/+1.
Flavor Text
"Red Blood, it gives you wings."
Whenever a friendly minion dies while this is in your hand, gain +1/+1.
"Red Blood, it gives you wings."
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This card is a pretty good nerf to Apexis Blast.
It looks like a beast and a demon. So why it's not either one of those?
This card is a sleeper. It's so damn good in practice. Hunter games with 5 mana 30/30 bats.
Demon Hunter doesn't want to be holding onto cards for a long time, and Hunter sure doesn't want this. Will not be played.
I'd be willing to give this a try in DH with all the illidari rush cards. This thing will easily become huge. Going to need a defender to give it taunt though, otherwise slamming a 5mana 10/10 down won't mean much.
Hmm... I think I smell potential here. See, the fact that it's only while in your hand is weak, but when you stack in something like Nethrandamus, you've got a card that's starting to fit into an archetype of sacrificing the weak for greater power.
This brings us up to 3 cards (that is, 5 cards in a deck) that can profit off of that, with this, Nethrandamus, and Wrathscale Naga. Stack all of that together, and a picture begins to emerge of a demon hunter deck that's based around maximum card turnover, and low cost, expendable minions.
Theoretically, what you'd want is to start off with one card to exploit your minions, and then things like Crimson Sigil Runner and Coordinated Strike. Potentially interesting. Probably not actively good, though.
The only problem is what Kripp said during the stream: Those cards can mess with your outcast cards. Sure, you are building a big minion, but an important Outcast is right there and you can't play it. It sure has a downside, let's see if it is going to work
This would get pretty big in my Quest Hunter deck
Magma Rager of this expansion, even Divine Rager is better than this
Bolvar Fordragon never saw play, this isn't looking any better.
But DH have some spells to summon those 1/1 with rush. So you can create a big minion in your hand within one turn
Why this card is tribe-less? It could be better as a beast or atleast a demon.
sort of Blubber Baron, but still not good