Steward of Scrolls

Card Text
Spell Damage +1
Battlecry: Discover a spell.
Flavor Text
Oh dang it, I spilled ink elemental all over my essay!
Spell Damage +1
Battlecry: Discover a spell.
Oh dang it, I spilled ink elemental all over my essay!
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Azure Drakish, for spells. But discover tempers the quality a bit.
I think vulpera scoundrel is still better, costs 2 less so you have more mana to cast the spell same turn.
You may be able to discover a spell that gives you damage over the top. Auto include in spell damage decks.
But isn't it kinda slow? I mean, what are the spells that do damage that cost 5 or less mana? Rolling fireball could be one, but I'm not sure
Ink elemental is cool as hell. Card itself is okay.
Funny how this card is common.
Rarity in hs is kinda garbage
GenMarleon Maexxna's a pretty special case since it was the first poisonous, and it costs less since its in Blackrock Mountain, so it could be considered less than a legendary.
Also... You Marleon from hearthcards?
Patient Assassin and Emperor Cobra would like to say hello.
Umm... I know it's a bit different, but wasn't Azure Drake HOF'd for a reason? Haha. Because of the "Discover" mechanic, this card could be even better.
My thoughts exactly. This is a better Azure Drake in most classes. I think they could quite safely un-HOF Azure in today's meta.
Discover is strictly worse than card draw. Think about it: Would you rather have a choice of three random class spells or one "random" card of your remaining deck - one that you specifically put there in the first place?
Yes, there will be Trolden and Pavel moments where the ultimate comeback happens, but on average the performance should be worse.
Discover is often worse, but not strictly worse. You can get extra copies of cards you already run 2 of and you also don't get closer to fatigue.
The main problem with Azure Drake is that it was in the Classic set, not that it was too strong. It was just too versatile to be in the set. The card was played in a huge number of decks and with it being in the Classic set, it was present in every meta. This one, is with us just for two years.
I agree, just wanted to add that in some situations, discovering cards can be better than drawing because of fatigue
Cards from your deck are always higher quality than cards you discover though, outside fringe RNG cases.
I think some people really undervalue discover. Sure, a card from your deck is better in a vacuum, but when you need a short term answer, Discover is your best way out. Much better than drawing like Deep Freeze or Dragonqueen Alexstrasza at that moment.
I'm just thinking, don't underestimate Discover. This card should be present in almost every deck (other than like spell mage or pure paladin obviously).