Brittlebone Destroyer
Card Text
Battlecry: If your hero's
Health changed this turn,
destroy a minion.
Flavor Text
Broke many a leg in drama class.
Battlecry: If your hero's
Health changed this turn,
destroy a minion.
Broke many a leg in drama class.
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i think in warlock its similar to kelidan. idk which one is better...
Can this card also destroy itself.
An amazing card for warlock, this card can be comboed up with so many cards, like nether breath, you can also play this with potion vendor and voodoo doctor to heal and destroy for 5 mana, can also be played along side crazed netherwing, kronx, attacking , flame imp, and even fatigue, let's not forget attacking with galakrond's weapon, interested to see how it goes.
This card make the pirate who steal opponent weapon more interesting.
Great, another instant kill something card, that develops the board as well. As if ppl dont hate Priest enough already.
Remember Vilespine Slayer ? Yeah, everyone loved that card when the Rogue turned around tempo with a single card.
Seems like a fantastic card with the only downsides being that it's maybe a bit slow for aggressive Warlock decks and it's pretty bad to put in the res pool for Priest decks that care about that.
Every single priest deck runs two copies of renew, which I feel will be the most effective activator for the card at 5 Mana. At it's worst though, as several have pointed out, hero power + this at 6 Mana is still damn good. About the only decks this doesn't fit in would be zoo for warlocks and Rez for priests.
Imo this is an easy 4 star card that we'll see quite often for both classes.
Not as strong in galakrond decks.
good thing neither have weapons... but yeah for both classes the most common setup will basically have this being 6 mana heal 2 destroy a minion or 6 mana hurt yourself for 2, draw a card, and destroy a minion. So an assassination on legs plus a little synergy action.
Oooh, anti-aggro and delay tactics.
Definitely potential. Assuming no other cards to push the power level up (ie. self damage warlock; better priest heals):
* In priest, 6 mana for a 3/3 that heals face for 2 and destroys a minion. A 3/3 is probably worth 2.5 mana, destroy a minion about the same for priest specifically given the Shadow Word costs, and heal face for 2 is probably worth 0.5 mana, if not slightly less. However, package all those abilities together, and yeah, you're probably getting a good mana saving by having it all on 1 card.
* In warlock, 6 mana for a 3/3 that draws a card and destroys a minion. Again, 3/3 is probably worth 2.5 mana. Draw a card is worth about 1 mana, and in warlock destroying a minion is probably worth 3.5 mana. Essentially, even if you just have to play this after hero powering it's great value in a more controlling warlock build, be it handlock, Galakrond, highlander, or something new that crops up.
Definitely a card to keep an eye on. Also, insanely good in arena.
...Is Warlock gonna be great again?
6 mana destroy a minion and use your hero power doesn’t seem awful.
And get a 3/3 body. And you don't even need to use your hero power, you Health can be changed with other effects, both damaging and healing.
damn;is very powerful
Daaaaaaamn she purty.
Wow! I'd think this one might really see play.
Especially for Priest it's nice to have an option to destroy a minion (WITHOUT the former Attack-restrictions). Sure: You'll need to do some healing, but there are enough options.