Mana GiantSpell more and save more with a GIANT discount! |
PyroblastDeal 10 damage to the enemy hero. Take the time for an evil laugh after you draw this card. |
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
FlamestrikeDeal 5 damage to all enemy minions. When the ground is on fire, you should <i>not</i> stop, drop, and roll. |
Archmage AntonidasBattlecry: Shoot three Fireballs at random enemies that deal 6 damage each. He's really disappointed Jaina became a frost mage. |
Frostwyrm's FuryDeal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions.
Terrible destruction, but minty fresh breath! |
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Death Nights, Frost Morn, what's next - Blood Noon? |
Army of the DeadSummon five 2/1 Risen Ghouls.
Yesterday's army, today. |
FireballDeal 6 damage. This spell is useful for burning things. If you're looking for spells that toast things, or just warm them a little, you're in the wrong place. |
PolymorphTransform a minion There was going to be a pun in this flavor text, but it just came out baa-d. |
Grommash HellscreamCharge Grommash drank the tainted blood of Mannoroth, dooming the orcs to green skin and red eyes! Maybe not his best decision. |
Stitched Giant
Sew big or go home! |
Arcane IntellectDraw 2 cards. Playing this card makes you SMARTER. And let's face it: we could all stand to be a little smarter. |
CinderstormDeal 5 damage randomly split among all enemies. Forecast: "Cloudy with a chance of fireballs." |
Frost NovaFreeze all enemy minions. Hey man, that's cold. Literally and metaphorically. |
Grave StrengthGive all friendly minions +2/+1.
They're just standing there… MENACINGLY! |
Battlefield NecromancerBattlecry: Summon two 2/1 Risen Ghouls.
Coming soon: the Hand Necromancer and the Deck Necromancer. |
Bloodhoof BraveTaunt He thought the set was called "Flippers of the Old Cods" and hungrily volunteered to be in it. He is definitely going to get his hearing checked. |
Tauren WarriorTaunt Tauren Warrior: Champion of Mulgore, Slayer of Quilboar, Rider of Thunderbluff Elevators. |
Armor Up!Hero Power
FireblastHero Power
Ghoul ChargeHero Power
Arcane ExplosionDeal 2 damage to all enemy minions. This spell is much better than Arcane Implosion. |
FrostboltDeal 3 damage to It is customary to yell "Chill out!" or "Freeze!" or "Ice ice, baby!" when you play this card. |
IgniteDeal @ damage. "So there I was in the Deadmines, I had VanCleef by the throat, and I was just about to let him have it when... <sniff> What's that smell?" |
Mortal StrikeDeal 4 damage. "If you only use one ability, use Mortal Strike." - The Warrior Code, Line 6 |
Arcane Servant"Would sir like me to punch something?" |
Cruel TaskmasterBattlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack. "I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday." - Cruel Taskmaster |
FlamewakerAfter you cast a spell, deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies. Flamewakers HATE being confused for Flamewalkers. They just wake up fire, they don’t walk on it. Walking on fire is CRAZY. |
Arcane BoltDeal 2 damage. Just you wait until I have 8 mana! |
Arcane MissilesDeal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies. You'd think you'd be able to control your missiles a little better since you're a powerful mage and all. |
BashDeal 3 damage. You might think bashing doesn't take a lot of practice. It doesn't. |
CleaveDeal 2 damage to Hey you two…could you stand next to each other for a second… |
First FlameDeal 2 damage to an enemy minion. You never forget your first love: fire. |
Mirror ImageSummon two 0/2 minions with Taunt. Oh hey it's Mirror Image! !egamI rorriM s'ti yeh hO |
Blazing BattlemageWeaponized an ancient technique once used to slice cold butter. |
Body Bagger
Gotta get that bag. |
Bonedigger Geist
He's a grave-half-full kind of geist. |
Frail GhoulCharge
Frostwolf GruntTaunt Grunting is what his father did and his father before that. It's more than just a job. |
Mana WyrmWhenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack. These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while they are generally considered a nuisance rather than a real threat, you really shouldn't leave them alone with a bucket of mana. |
Orgrimmar Aspirant"Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge |
Risen Ghoul
Arcane BoltDeal 2 damage. Just you wait until I have 8 mana! |
Arcane ShotDeal 2 damage. Magi conjured arcane arrows to sell to hunters, until hunters learned just enough magic to do it themselves. The resulting loss of jobs sent Stormwind into a minor recession. |
FireballDeal 6 damage. This spell is useful for burning things. If you're looking for spells that toast things, or just warm them a little, you're in the wrong place. |
Arcane Servant"Would sir like me to punch something?" |
Huffer |
King KrushCharge The best defense against King Krush is to have someone you don’t like standing in front of you. |
Mana WyrmWhenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack. These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while they are generally considered a nuisance rather than a real threat, you really shouldn't leave them alone with a bucket of mana. |
Mirror ImageTaunt |
Stonetusk BoarCharge This card is boaring. |
Garrosh Hellscream |
Jaina Proudmoore |
Lich King
Rexxar |