clear all

Mana Giant

Spell more and save more with a GIANT discount!


Deal 10 damage to the enemy hero.

Take the time for an evil laugh after you draw this card.

The Scourge

Fill your board with random Undead.


Deal 5 damage to all enemy minions.

When the ground is on fire, you should <i>not</i> stop, drop, and roll.

Archmage Antonidas

Battlecry: Shoot three Fireballs at random enemies that deal 6 damage each.

He's really disappointed Jaina became a frost mage.

Frostwyrm's Fury

Deal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions.
Summon a 5/5 Frostwyrm.

Terrible destruction, but minty fresh breath!

Boneguard Commander

Battlecry: Summon four
2/1 Risen Ghouls.

Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY!


Death Nights, Frost Morn, what's next - Blood Noon?


Army of the Dead

Summon five 2/1 Risen Ghouls.

Yesterday's army, today.


Deal 6 damage.

This spell is useful for burning things. If you're looking for spells that toast things, or just warm them a little, you're in the wrong place.


Transform a minion
into a 1/1 Sheep.

There was going to be a pun in this flavor text, but it just came out baa-d.

Grommash Hellscream

Has +6 Attack while damaged.

Grommash drank the tainted blood of Mannoroth, dooming the orcs to green skin and red eyes! Maybe not his best decision.

Stitched Giant

Sew big or go home!

Arcane Intellect

Draw 2 cards.

Playing this card makes you SMARTER. And let's face it: we could all stand to be a little smarter.


Deal 5 damage randomly split among all enemies.

Forecast: "Cloudy with a chance of fireballs."

Frost Nova

Freeze all enemy minions.

Hey man, that's cold. Literally and metaphorically.

Grave Strength

Give all friendly minions +2/+1.
(+2 Attack/+1 Health)

They're just standing there… MENACINGLY!

Battlefield Necromancer

Battlecry: Summon two 2/1 Risen Ghouls.

Coming soon: the Hand Necromancer and the Deck Necromancer.

Bloodhoof Brave

Has +3 Attack while damaged.

He thought the set was called "Flippers of the Old Cods" and hungrily volunteered to be in it. He is definitely going to get his hearing checked.

Tauren Warrior

Has +3 Attack while damaged.

Tauren Warrior: Champion of Mulgore, Slayer of Quilboar, Rider of Thunderbluff Elevators.

Armor Up!

Hero Power
Gain d2 Armor.


Hero Power
Deal 1 damage.

Ghoul Charge

Hero Power
Summon a 1/1 Ghoul
with Charge. It dies at
end of turn.

Arcane Explosion

Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.

This spell is much better than Arcane Implosion.


Deal 3 damage to
the enemy hero
and Freeze it.

It is customary to yell "Chill out!" or "Freeze!" or "Ice ice, baby!" when you play this card.


Deal @ damage.

"So there I was in the Deadmines, I had VanCleef by the throat, and I was just about to let him have it when... <sniff> What's that smell?"

Mortal Strike

Deal 4 damage.

"If you only use one ability, use Mortal Strike." - The Warrior Code, Line 6

Arcane Servant

"Would sir like me to punch something?"

Cruel Taskmaster

Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack.

"I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday." - Cruel Taskmaster


After you cast a spell, deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies.

Flamewakers HATE being confused for Flamewalkers. They just wake up fire, they don’t walk on it. Walking on fire is CRAZY.

Arcane Bolt

Deal 2 damage.

Just you wait until I have 8 mana!

Arcane Missiles

Deal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies.

You'd think you'd be able to control your missiles a little better since you're a powerful mage and all.


Deal 3 damage.

You might think bashing doesn't take a lot of practice. It doesn't.


Deal 2 damage to
two random enemy

Hey you two…could you stand next to each other for a second…

First Flame

Deal 2 damage to an enemy minion.

You never forget your first love: fire.

Mirror Image

Summon two 0/2 minions with Taunt.

Oh hey it's Mirror Image! !egamI rorriM s'ti yeh hO

Blazing Battlemage

Weaponized an ancient technique once used to slice cold butter.

Body Bagger

Gotta get that bag.

Bonedigger Geist

He's a grave-half-full kind of geist.

Frail Ghoul

At the end of your turn,
this minion dies.

Frostwolf Grunt


Grunting is what his father did and his father before that. It's more than just a job.

Mana Wyrm

Whenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack.

These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while they are generally considered a nuisance rather than a real threat, you really shouldn't leave them alone with a bucket of mana.

Orgrimmar Aspirant

"Four out of three orcs struggle with math." - Angry Zurge

Risen Ghoul

Arcane Bolt

Deal 2 damage.

Just you wait until I have 8 mana!

Arcane Shot

Deal 2 damage.

Magi conjured arcane arrows to sell to hunters, until hunters learned just enough magic to do it themselves. The resulting loss of jobs sent Stormwind into a minor recession.


Deal 6 damage.

This spell is useful for burning things. If you're looking for spells that toast things, or just warm them a little, you're in the wrong place.

Arcane Servant

"Would sir like me to punch something?"


King Krush


The best defense against King Krush is to have someone you don’t like standing in front of you.

Mana Wyrm

Whenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack.

These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while they are generally considered a nuisance rather than a real threat, you really shouldn't leave them alone with a bucket of mana.

Mirror Image


Stonetusk Boar


This card is boaring.

Garrosh Hellscream

Jaina Proudmoore

Lich King
