This card won't see the light of day before rotation because everything that the Druid does currently is just strictly better. After rotation, it looks like Druid will need some more support for this (especially since both Gnash and the DK will rotate so both odd cost attack buffs will go away). There are still some more cards to be revealed so there is a change that the Druid will get more support (which in this case, a very attack buff).
This card seems really bad on the surface, however, there is one thing that cannot be ignored. Druid has become just as good if not better at gaining armor than warrior. Warrrior's new weapon Sul'thraze requires Overkill for extra attacks on the same turn. Druid's new cards do not! Druid will be using Twig to go with cards such as this for some crazy turns. Everything that seemed positive about with Overkill now looks rather negative when Team 5 puts cards like this in the same expansion. Way to take a huge steaming pile of crap on your new keyword Team 5! Well played!
I probably threw in too many "give your hero +x attack" cards and something should be replaced with ramping cards so you can drop Gonk, the Raptor as soon as possible and/or Spreading Plague for defence, but that's a rough sketch. I think it could work.
I don't know, but this is not that easy to remove and has potential to clear the board and deal massive amount of damage to face the next turn. I'd love to get this to play with in wild, since i always had fun with those card.
But it is so expensive for what it does. There just are not enough good attack boosting cards outside of Malfurion and the Twig.
Bite, Gnash and Claw are just so weak. Claw isn't TOO bad in maybe an odd druid package. And that's honestly as of right now the only place I can see this card.
Druid really needs either a card which gives you more attack, or a couple of cards like Feral Rage.
With the current card pool I can only see this working in Odd Druid or post-Malfurion.
EDIT: I kinda didn't notice this card can be used infinitely. That makes it a lot more appealing for clearing boards. Cheat this out with Stampeding Roar, play double Claw + Hero Power. That's 5-7 damage from your hero. You can clear the whole board with that.
A pseudo board clear option for druid? Well, it can be used together with florist to reduce the cost. Hopefully we can see a card that turn druids armor into attack, then this card might still see play.
This is way too conditional. Not only do you need to gain Attack, but your opponent can easily play around this by not playing minions with less than 4 health until they have removed Gonk (it's hard for Druid to gain more than 3 Attack based on the cards we have so far). And you still take face damage.
It might still be playable in an Oondasta deck if the stats were fair for the cost, but they are not (compare this to Captured Jormungar). There are better beasts to play.
That aside, I think you could make this more consistent (and Standard format) by at running Witching Hour instead of of Mark of Y'Shaarj, Fire Flies instead of Dire Moles (don't want dire mole in res pool), Branching Paths instead of Feral Rage, 1 Claw instead of 1 Bite (so that you can play alongside witching hour for the same combo). That might be able to win a little more consistently, but I still don't think it's worth playing over other Druid archetypes.
Dunno if this is garbage or part of a yet another popular druid deck, but I like it.
I mean it's always nice to see new and fresh archtypes. (Baku) hero power druid will be fun deck to play against. Druid never actually built a deck around Savagery and Savagery-type of cards. More than 4 years have passed since hs was released, let's admire this archtype before it vanishes.
I probably threw in too many "give your hero +x attack" cards and something should be replaced with ramping cards so you can drop Gonk, the Raptor as soon as possible and/or Spreading Plague for defence, but that's a rough sketch. I think it could work.
This card won't see the light of day before rotation because everything that the Druid does currently is just strictly better. After rotation, it looks like Druid will need some more support for this (especially since both Gnash and the DK will rotate so both odd cost attack buffs will go away). There are still some more cards to be revealed so there is a change that the Druid will get more support (which in this case, a very attack buff).
*votes as bad*
This could help Twig of the World Tree reach durabilty 1 faster
This card seems really bad on the surface, however, there is one thing that cannot be ignored. Druid has become just as good if not better at gaining armor than warrior. Warrrior's new weapon Sul'thraze requires Overkill for extra attacks on the same turn. Druid's new cards do not! Druid will be using Twig to go with cards such as this for some crazy turns. Everything that seemed positive about with Overkill now looks rather negative when Team 5 puts cards like this in the same expansion. Way to take a huge steaming pile of crap on your new keyword Team 5! Well played!
Savagery was nerfed 5 years ago in preparation of this expansion.
Anger is the punishment we give ourselves for someone else's mistake.
The thing is, if the effect was slapped on an epic, or rare card, that costed less, it still wuld’ve been kinda meh.
Release the Kraken!
I just threw some cards in a haste, but basically you need to have Twig of the World Tree equipped and Gonk, the Raptor to survive for one turn, then you can drop the Spirit of the Raptor, Ship's Cannon, Sharkfin Fan clear the board with attacks, draw cards for every minion killed, drop the pirates with every attack and activate Ship's Cannon, break the Twig of the World Tree, drop Evolving Spores on minions (divine shield or deathrattle summon 1/1), deal the last attack damage to face, and then Savage Roar the next turn.
I probably threw in too many "give your hero +x attack" cards and something should be replaced with ramping cards so you can drop Gonk, the Raptor as soon as possible and/or Spreading Plague for defence, but that's a rough sketch. I think it could work.
Don't forget the Death Knight
I like this card.
But it is so expensive for what it does. There just are not enough good attack boosting cards outside of Malfurion and the Twig.
Bite, Gnash and Claw are just so weak. Claw isn't TOO bad in maybe an odd druid package. And that's honestly as of right now the only place I can see this card.
Druid really needs either a card which gives you more attack, or a couple of cards like Feral Rage.
With the current card pool I can only see this working in Odd Druid or post-Malfurion.
EDIT: I kinda didn't notice this card can be used infinitely. That makes it a lot more appealing for clearing boards. Cheat this out with Stampeding Roar, play double Claw + Hero Power. That's 5-7 damage from your hero. You can clear the whole board with that.
Dunno if that's good, but it sounds like fun.
Useful only for this before rotation
Twig of the World Tree
A pseudo board clear option for druid? Well, it can be used together with florist to reduce the cost. Hopefully we can see a card that turn druids armor into attack, then this card might still see play.
Odd feral druid I guess
Maflurion's Hero Power, 3 attack
Claw, 2 attack
Thats a 5 attack straigh away is the same turn you play this legendary, and could give you some cards with the help of the spirit...
Seems meh
Odd druid support
it can with DK hero power
This is way too conditional. Not only do you need to gain Attack, but your opponent can easily play around this by not playing minions with less than 4 health until they have removed Gonk (it's hard for Druid to gain more than 3 Attack based on the cards we have so far). And you still take face damage.
It might still be playable in an Oondasta deck if the stats were fair for the cost, but they are not (compare this to Captured Jormungar). There are better beasts to play.
I predict this doesn't see play.
Not a single playable card for druid so far, pure trash lol
After rotation Druid will be trash tier.
So basically, what youre saying... Commonly played cards such as Ironbeak Owl, Spellbreaker, Vilespine Slayer, Execute, Shield Slam, Naturalize, Siphon Soul, Deadly Shot, Spider Bomb, Meteor, Polymorph, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Gluttonous Ooze, Harrison Jones or anything similar and you lose. you also lose to control since they wont have a board with low health that needs to be cleared.
That aside, I think you could make this more consistent (and Standard format) by at running Witching Hour instead of of Mark of Y'Shaarj, Fire Flies instead of Dire Moles (don't want dire mole in res pool), Branching Paths instead of Feral Rage, 1 Claw instead of 1 Bite (so that you can play alongside witching hour for the same combo). That might be able to win a little more consistently, but I still don't think it's worth playing over other Druid archetypes.
Dunno if this is garbage or part of a yet another popular druid deck, but I like it.
I mean it's always nice to see new and fresh archtypes. (Baku) hero power druid will be fun deck to play against. Druid never actually built a deck around Savagery and Savagery-type of cards. More than 4 years have passed since hs was released, let's admire this archtype before it vanishes.
I'm talking about Savagery the one we know today:
see my previous comment