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This card is a pane in the rear end when played on you.
People say it is OP but I think it is just strong not as oppressive as Bloodreaver Gul'dan or Defile or Deathstalker Rexxar
That makes FOUR cards which define the entire game. Just because something else is bad if not worse doesnt mean there cant be other things which suck.
Hate, Hate, Hate this card
Worst card ever printed! It solved Druid AOE weakness. Druid just gains mana and don't care about opponent. Just ramp to 10, Juicy Psychmelon, Aviana, Kun and the rest is history.
Exactly what you need to fight brainless aggro cancer while slowly marching towards your master plan :P
Probably my favorite standard card. Its sooooo powerful. Got nerfed and never went anywhere is how nuts it is. Insta concedes on the spot sometimes with the plague. I love it.
get rid of this fucking card!
When you don't play aggro often, you forget how ridiculous this card is. It makes and breaks the Druid class almost by itself.
blizzard i dont have a problem with the card i think its balanced and board fill decks should know to play around it but PLEASSEEEE speed up the animation
so your suggestion is not playing the game. because in this game you have to play minions. you dont know anything.
most of the good designed cards are rotated and bullshit cards like these stayed. im so mad because the game is so boring now and developers dont even care because people still buy packs.
Played more than 10 games in a row vs Druid with 2 of these... and fuckin uninstaled hearthstone afterwards... good bye you cancerus retards !
imagine being so petty you let a single card make you quit playing a game
ok these taunts might have 1 attack but 5 hp is alot. it straight up kills all kind of board fill decks. blizzard basically forces the meta in their way.
nutty card
This card is just way too good... I hate it!
It's value of a potential 7/35 is just ridiculous for a 6 cost card and it's just annoying. This card (+ Swipe) is the reason why my beloved Dude Paladin fails against most Druids. I think this should spawn 1/4 minions instead of 1/5s. That would nerf it a good bit but not too much, so it would surely still see play. Alternatively they could also increase it's cost even more (to something like 8 or 9). I think that could work too... But as of now, I think this card is just overpowered.
I'd surely rate it 10/10 but it's insanely annoying to play against and just OP.
honestly against control it's garbage. control almost never has more than 2 minions on board which are usually larger in size than aggro decks which makes summoning 2/10 in stats or so for 6 mana is a terrible play as the 1/5s get killed in one or two hits and are no threat due to their low damage. the only thing this card is good against is aggro because it really holds of minions, but i don't see you complaining about Dragonfire Potion costing the same and killing the entire board.
Such a poorly designed card