Speaking of Keeper of the Grove, Silence and minion removal are potent effects in Hearthstone. Currently, some removal options are too widely played, are attached to minions with efficient stats, or are simply too powerful. While removal is an important part of Hearthstone, it also makes playing big, exciting minions less rewarding. We are adjusting some of these cards so that the decision to add them to your deck comes with a cost, especially if you don’t end up finding an ideal target for them. These changes should help make cards with high attack or cool effects more interesting too.
Ironbeak Owl is a staple source for an inexpensive Silence in many decks. In line with our overall goal to make Silence effects more costly, Ironbeak Owl is moving from 2 to 3 mana.
About time......
Very powerful in hunter thanks to Master's Call. Oh yeah, and it just so happens to be Odd
Baku the Mooneater would like to take a moment to thank Blizzard for this card's nerf.
I love getting it in my Build-A-Beast.
I think this card needs a little buff. Spellbreaker is one mana more and 4/3. 3 mana is okay but stats should be at least 2/3 or 2/2.
Agreed. It still wouldn't have it's former strength as a cheap universal silence, but it would at least not be such a tempo loss to use.
It feels like even in Silence Priest or against powerful deathrattles this is lackluster.
I honestly thought that Blizzard would nerf the Silence effect. I think a possible solution would have been to make Silence last for only a single turn, like with Abusive Sergeant or Dark Iron Dwarf. That way you could still take out the minion you silenced and not have to deal with the Divine Shield or the Deathrattle on it.
P.S.: If you think it's a dumb idea, you can either dislike it or dicuss it. The latter would be much appreciated. ;)
Pros of Ironbeak Owl to Spellbreaker:
It's a Beast, allowing you to grab it from Tomb Spider.
1 Mana Less, giving you an option to use it in a tighter mana budget.
1 Health makes it die to any can-trip damage.
Cannot compete with most 3-Cost minions.
Really well summarized. :)
I think it's a safe thing to add that this really means it's only viable in Hunter decks and Beast Druid, if that ever becomes a thing. Maybe in a really aggressive Zoo Warlock, with all the Taunt minions right now.
Now Spellbreaker is like +1cost +2/+2
aggro will be shifted towards it.
Spellbreaker seems better now.
Was just coming to say this. Everywhere except for maybe Hunter, I'd be willing to spend 1 mana for +2/+2...
I think a really good way to nerf the silence effect in the whole game would be that the minion can only silence another minion that has his level of rarity or less. And this would make more sense, since legendary minions been countered by an Owl is ridiculous.
The same kind of effect could be applied for the Big Game Hunter effect in the game. He could only kill minions with 7 atack with his level of rairity or less.
Sorry for the bad english, feel free to correct my grammar.
Why so many dislikes? :(
Its just an idea
You people can always share your toughts about it if you dont like it
because it's dumb, how are you supposed to deal with anything that its rare or more?
With new silence minions that they could release? Maybe buffing owl to be an epic card? There are many ways.
Aww hoot hoot was my phrase to minions with huge effects... whats Spellbreaker's catchphrase? :l
"Your magic shall not save you!"
Master of Evolution nerf
then its stats should balance that. perhaps 2/3 or 2/2, still 3 mana