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It's right now just an arena-card. For constructed there is simply not enough support yet.
kripp's salty tears
Insane Arena Card.
This card is pure value, great substitute of Drakonid Operative. Deal damage now and play minion later.
Card that might be broken in correct situation. Although Holy Water makes me go back to vanilla WoW when paladins had to collect those from Stratholme.
All depends on the minion meta. There's actually a few 4 health minions that are worth killing. Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Spiteful Summoner, Arcane Tyrant, Harrison Jones, Ixlid, Fungal Lord, Vilespine Slayer, Fal'dorei Strider, Spiritsinger Umbra, and Frothing Berserker are all decent cards to get copies of. There's even a few 4 health minions from Witchwood so far. Lord Godfrey, Clockwork Automaton, Darius Crowley, Toxmonger, Blackwald Pixie, and Phantom Militia.
Thanks for listing out some good targets for this card. Decided to keep instead of dusting after reading your comment.
Slower Bane of Doom for priest.
Holy Water...
More like THIEF Water.
Shadow Bolt stapled to a conditional Convert.
Convert saw no play as a 2 Mana spell with no damage attached. One might wonder why Holy Water would stand any chance in a serious deck.
I'm not going to say the card is Constructed-worthy. As it stands, the card is, in my opinion, overcosted and a tad too situational. That said, we have seen spells in the past that have been more viable in conjunction with other effects (see Hand of Protection vs. Argent Protector, Dark Conviction vs. Keeper of Uldaman).
One significant issue with Convert's viability is that if a player wished to run Convert, there were always better options. If you want a Ragnaros, why not simply run Ragnaros yourself instead of Convert, instead of waiting for your opponent and spending 2 extra Mana? On the flip side, a player might run Holy Water as a removal spell which impacts the board as well as granting the player a minion of their choice.
Again, a little overcosted to warrant fair comparison with cards like Uldaman. Usable arena card at least, on par with something like Hammer of Wrath.
Its not a bad card, thou 3 damage = 2 mana, so i think 4 damage to only minions worth 2.5 mana, 3 at best. Paying extra 2 mana or more for a card is very expensive/slow in a meta dominated by powerfull tempo plays.
Shut up, honey; Billy plays a priest and that's their thing now.
Hasn't it always been priest's thing?
finally a card to kill that annoying 4/4 minion while generating value!
Water blessed by god himself; I'll just throw it at someone.
Depending on the meta this card can be really good. Obviously not good vs aggro, but is fairly good vs midrange and control. Very comparable to Hammer of Wrath or Starfire where you deal mana-1 damage and "draw" a card. Difference is you have some choices in terms of which card you want and you can't just cycle it. Good card in Arena as well.
OK, who the hell is a priest lover in the dev team? He loses that stupid Drakonid Operative but gets more good cards. Stop making priest a thief, his cards are ridiculous.
"But 4 damage will not always kill a minion". Well yeah, like it would be so hard to trade before then use this spell or simply pass until you are sure you can kill a minion with this spell.
I get the hype but this seems pretty slow to me. Will have to see in the meta but... 5 mana for just 4 dmg is slow. And yes, you get a copy of a potentialy good minion, but you still need to play it at full cost, not getting any free tempo. AND, if your enemy doesnt realy have anything worth stealing for a slow card...then you are just wasting a card slot.
%100 pickrate in arena
Otherwise, if this spell costs 8 and deals more damage, it will be another masterpiece in spiteful priest