I don't understand people here. They complain for months about how druid is busted and should be nerfed. Then, they release legendaries that do not create combos or any of the non- interactive stuff that druids do and yet, people complain that legendaries are crap. This card helps druid gain board control against boards with minions with 3/4 health. Probably it will not be amazing right away, but you wait and see much like Hadronox.
Whats the point of crafting bad cards just to nerf druid? They will just keep playing old decks that are actually broken and not touch this new stuff ever. Every other class is having a new expansion apart from druid.
This + twig + Malfurion = 4 attack. Add savage roar and your wall of 1/5s could all essentially go face in a Druid mirror. Card will likely see some limited tournament play to counter decks that create annoying taunt walls. I expect this card to surprise some people, similar to Azalina Soulthief. Solid 2 star card.
So many Druid cards revealed with Hero attack synergy but none yet that boost Hero attack. I can't remember these synergies ever being relevant to the game, and so far have no reason to suspect they will be.
Well, i am kinda confused since the description is a bit unclear. After your hero attacks then "it" may attack again. What's the "it" is referring to? you mean the hero gets a chance to attack again? that's cool! if not, i mean the minion gets a chance to attack then it's fair enough too i think. Mana cost might be a bit high, should have been 6 mana, so that 4 mana could be reserved for the hero to attack twice on the same turn with 10 mana at tray (conditions apply).
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Help me with my HS Custom Card Pack Expansion Knights of the Tainted Seas. Because you are Awesome.
Gonk and Spirit of the Raptor aren't good right now but they could be good with the right support cards. There's NO POINT trying to introduce cards that Druid will use before rotation. It's lose-lose. Any card powerful enough to supersede the current list of in-every-Druid-deck cards will have to be something so OP it will stale up the meta for a year just like the current cards. The only thing to do with Druid is let its Mammoth cards die and start something new in April. So anything new for Druid right now should be considered just a foundation for next expansion. Having said that it's up to Team 5 to give these hero power and beast synergy cards (and maybe odd druid) the support they need in the next expansion. The fact that none of these new Druid cards work with what Druid does now is the BEST THING POSSIBLE.
So hopefully (unlike Freeze Shaman) this new archetype will get the support it needs next expansion. A new Druid hero card with a hero power that buffs his attack would help. Maybe lower cost, 5-6 mana. An attack based hero power would be a bit stale since that's what the DK's was but....better that then abandon an archetype they've already invested in and leave Druid in limbo. A unique battlecry (like Zul'jin's) helps to offset a vanilla hero power. Besides, hero powers shouldn't be so powerful. DK hero powers were an overreach that rotation will finally fix.
I say print the next Druid hero in April to support this archetype and make him like Jaina: if he kills a minion with his hero power it summons a treant or something. 5-6 mana so you can get your HP synergy going in the mid game. Hero power gives him 3 attack with the summon on kill. Balance the card with the right battlecry and appropriate treant stats. Maybe it just summons a 2/2 treant.
(Because an extra 4-attack swing at anything with a minion is usually better than the *chance* of extra swings from hero, only at minions, taking face damage. Which opponent can play around with a big taunt, or freeze, or trading away killable minions, or...)
Shudderwock means driving a clown car in circles around your opponent while he swings his sword at you. Half the time he chops you and your car to pieces. The other half you park on his legs and 40 clowns come out one by one, trampling him to death.
I want this deck to get the support it needs to be viable but so far even against an aggro deck using druids armor gain this mechanic is just absolute trash. Maybe you can use it to stall while you wait to draw Malygos or something?
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Oh, Lethal - where did you go? I miss you all the time.
Toast shows a very interesting interaction with this legendary, which answers my question about what the win-condition of this deck is. If you manage to stick two Gonks on the board (Twig of the World Tree/Dreampetal Florist), then you might kill your opponent with the extra attacks.
The flaw of this strategy is that you are dependent on your opponent's board state. They have to have a lot of fragile minions on the board, which you then have to kill barehandedly. So this deck will most likely fail, but at least it will be a fun one. I might give it a shot - I opened Flobbidinous Floop and never made use of him.
Honestly I misread this card. At first I thought it was another "If this minion attacks and kills a minion it may attack again." until I saw the recent clip of Toast gonking his opponent with his face repeatedly.
1st how the card works bcuz if u get more copies for Gonk, the Raptor that's maybe will not gain more charge for ur hero like any minion card if the minion have charge and u give him a charge is it getting double charge for 2 Attack ? so i don't think the hero will get more than 1 ATK no matter how many times u trigger the effect, that's wt i think but i hope i'm wrong bcuz it will be useless legendary
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Say hello to more maly/tag druid for the next 3-4 months. Thanks blizzard.
Jesus, enjoy druid while we can I guess.
Current Deck: [Moon-Arcane Medivh]
Watch me play and follow me on Twitch
I don't understand people here. They complain for months about how druid is busted and should be nerfed. Then, they release legendaries that do not create combos or any of the non- interactive stuff that druids do and yet, people complain that legendaries are crap. This card helps druid gain board control against boards with minions with 3/4 health. Probably it will not be amazing right away, but you wait and see much like Hadronox.
Whats the point of crafting bad cards just to nerf druid? They will just keep playing old decks that are actually broken and not touch this new stuff ever. Every other class is having a new expansion apart from druid.
All this 'synergy' with druid attacking stuff... i dont think it'll work out. Especially after Druid DK rotates out...
Hello, is anyone here? Hello?
This + twig + Malfurion = 4 attack. Add savage roar and your wall of 1/5s could all essentially go face in a Druid mirror. Card will likely see some limited tournament play to counter decks that create annoying taunt walls. I expect this card to surprise some people, similar to Azalina Soulthief. Solid 2 star card.
I don't like it :/
So many Druid cards revealed with Hero attack synergy but none yet that boost Hero attack. I can't remember these synergies ever being relevant to the game, and so far have no reason to suspect they will be.
Well, i am kinda confused since the description is a bit unclear. After your hero attacks then "it" may attack again. What's the "it" is referring to? you mean the hero gets a chance to attack again? that's cool! if not, i mean the minion gets a chance to attack then it's fair enough too i think. Mana cost might be a bit high, should have been 6 mana, so that 4 mana could be reserved for the hero to attack twice on the same turn with 10 mana at tray (conditions apply).
Help me with my HS Custom Card Pack Expansion Knights of the Tainted Seas. Because you are Awesome.
~Long John Silver~
Gonk and Spirit of the Raptor aren't good right now but they could be good with the right support cards. There's NO POINT trying to introduce cards that Druid will use before rotation. It's lose-lose. Any card powerful enough to supersede the current list of in-every-Druid-deck cards will have to be something so OP it will stale up the meta for a year just like the current cards. The only thing to do with Druid is let its Mammoth cards die and start something new in April. So anything new for Druid right now should be considered just a foundation for next expansion. Having said that it's up to Team 5 to give these hero power and beast synergy cards (and maybe odd druid) the support they need in the next expansion. The fact that none of these new Druid cards work with what Druid does now is the BEST THING POSSIBLE.
So hopefully (unlike Freeze Shaman) this new archetype will get the support it needs next expansion. A new Druid hero card with a hero power that buffs his attack would help. Maybe lower cost, 5-6 mana. An attack based hero power would be a bit stale since that's what the DK's was but....better that then abandon an archetype they've already invested in and leave Druid in limbo. A unique battlecry (like Zul'jin's) helps to offset a vanilla hero power. Besides, hero powers shouldn't be so powerful. DK hero powers were an overreach that rotation will finally fix.
I say print the next Druid hero in April to support this archetype and make him like Jaina: if he kills a minion with his hero power it summons a treant or something. 5-6 mana so you can get your HP synergy going in the mid game. Hero power gives him 3 attack with the summon on kill. Balance the card with the right battlecry and appropriate treant stats. Maybe it just summons a 2/2 treant.
Stormwatcher usually better and you can have two.
(Because an extra 4-attack swing at anything with a minion is usually better than the *chance* of extra swings from hero, only at minions, taking face damage. Which opponent can play around with a big taunt, or freeze, or trading away killable minions, or...)
Shudderwock means driving a clown car in circles around your opponent while he swings his sword at you. Half the time he chops you and your car to pieces. The other half you park on his legs and 40 clowns come out one by one, trampling him to death.
Whizbang Strategy Reference -- update complete for Rastakhan's Rumble!
I want this deck to get the support it needs to be viable but so far even against an aggro deck using druids armor gain this mechanic is just absolute trash. Maybe you can use it to stall while you wait to draw Malygos or something?
Oh, Lethal - where did you go? I miss you all the time.
A moment of silence for those who get this as their free loa...
If there's any upside to this card at all it's this:
Responding to your opponent's rage filled friend request messages after defeating them with, "Get Gonked".
Toast shows a very interesting interaction with this legendary, which answers my question about what the win-condition of this deck is. If you manage to stick two Gonks on the board (Twig of the World Tree/Dreampetal Florist), then you might kill your opponent with the extra attacks.
The flaw of this strategy is that you are dependent on your opponent's board state. They have to have a lot of fragile minions on the board, which you then have to kill barehandedly. So this deck will most likely fail, but at least it will be a fun one. I might give it a shot - I opened Flobbidinous Floop and never made use of him.
This is the sleeper of the set.
Good thing I didn't dismiss this card, I had a feeling this would actually be good.
Honestly I misread this card. At first I thought it was another "If this minion attacks and kills a minion it may attack again." until I saw the recent clip of Toast gonking his opponent with his face repeatedly.
1st how the card works bcuz if u get more copies for Gonk, the Raptor that's maybe will not gain more charge for ur hero like any minion card
if the minion have charge and u give him a charge is it getting double charge for 2 Attack ? so i don't think the hero will get more than 1 ATK no matter how many times u trigger the effect, that's wt i think but i hope i'm wrong bcuz it will be useless legendary