Acidic Swamp Ooze
Card Text
Battlecry: Destroy your opponent's weapon.
Flavor Text
Oozes love Flamenco. Don't ask.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Destroy your opponent's weapon.
Oozes love Flamenco. Don't ask.
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Needs to be nerfed. It's too easy to include this just in almost any deck.
This is a great example how you make a counter card: Okay when played on tempo (so you don't feel bad playing it vs non-wep classes) and accessible to EVERYONE.
This is why I loathe posts like "Oh, just play [insert classc card here]" or "Just play [insert Wild-only card here]". Okay, great, but what if I want to play one of the other classes instead? What if I wanna play Standard only?
I wish they'd add a similar counter for secrets in Classic set...
Welcome back
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Your Ooze minions have +1 Attack.
With the next expansion this card will become mandatory!
Could get nerfed to 2/2 since he's an autoinclude.
RIP my would-be game-winning Arcanite Reaper.
RIP my shattered computer screen.
There are so little cards that remove your opponent's weapon: Acidic Swamp Ooze (basic), Harrison Jones (Legendary), and Sabotage (Epic, only for rogues).
Harrison Jones and Sabotage are not good options for new players as they are expensive to craft (and Sabotage requires a combo to destroy the weapon).
Also, Acidic Swamp Ooze is a 2 mana 3/2, which is good stats, while Harrison Jones is a 5 mana 5/4, so If you want a stronger value minion or an alright turn 2 against other, this card is better. (Harrison Jones also can't be played until turn 4/5).
I am surprised that I didn't see this card in constructed until few months ago; In those times, I enjoyed those days playing my truesilver or doomhammer without worrying about this card.
Cards like these are necessary to keep balance against weapon classes (Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, and Most Importantly Warrior). I was actually having harder time in casual versing noobs with my aggro paladin (this was quite a long time ago) than rank 15-12 just because they ran this card. (and the mages also ran arcane explosion which killed my 1 health minions)
Thanks to the Shaman overload (pun intended) on ladder, this little fellow might have just earned the title of Best Basic Neutral Card.
Its stats let it be played on curve vs classes without weapons, and being able to run two of these increase the chances of having one ready when a Doomhammer or 7/4 Upgrade!'d Arcanite Reaper pop out. Then there's also the chance of completely neutralizing a Tirion Fordring by playing this right after he dies if you lack a silence.
I used to like Boulderfist Ogre the most out of the Basic set, but this guy has earned his top spot.
i totaly agree with you but don't forget about some other decent basic minions such as shatterted sun cleric 3/2 and buff effect teaches the new players how to trade efficently,chillwind yeti 4/5 dies to fireball and most of removall but fairly good stats and is counter to shadow word pain,stormwind champion,frostwolf warlord are not that bad either espeicaly in paladin/shaman basic decks where you can buff them even more easly due to their hero power,and last gurubashi berserker 2/7 works well in mage/priest decks and darkscale healer is just amazing in priest combined with Northshire Cleric.
Opponent plays Doomhammer. I play Acidic Swamp Ooze.
"Sorry bro, you looze".
This card will never stop being good.
Lol Noxious
this card done won me many a game....
how we get this card gold ?
Rogue level 57
Pretty good 2 drop without the battle cry.
Obv not as strong as Harrison Jones (no draw mechanics) but this can shut down Patron Warriors pretty hard, and isn't bad against rogues / Paladins / Hunters either.
I believ besdies Harrison Jones and Blingtron 3000 his is the only other way to affect a enemies weapon.
A great example of a strong tech card.
I'd argue in some ways the Ooze is better than Harrison Jones. Against non-weapon classes (i.e. Warlock), Harrison Jones is essentially a vanilla 5/4 for 5, which is pretty bad. This card, on the other hand, is a 3/2 for 2, which is what you'd want from a vanilla creature (total stats = 2 * mana cost + 1). Plus, if your 5-drop slot is crowded (as it would be in some Druid decks), you're simply better off with Ooze to begin with. I'm not trying to downplay Harrison Jones since he's still fantastic against weapon classes and does have the advantage of card draw, but I am saying that I'd be hard pressed to call this card not as strong.
All in all, this is one of the best basic cards in the game along with Sen'jin Shieldmasta, and depending on your deck could potentially be even better than Harrison Jones.