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Had to read flavor text twice before getting it, lol.
BTW, here we have Mark of Y'Shaarj. Where are Theodore of Y'Shaarj and Chris of Y'Shaarj??
Love it. I don't know how I could have played beast druid before it. Yeah I did it for those cute critters, but it isn't the same if the aren't corrupted by a malevolent god.
And flavor wise we could understand the beast interaction with Y'shaarj this way: Y'shaarj controls emotions and minds => with it's mark you enrage the target, making it thouger => beasts minds are usually easier to control, making the process faster => the fact of the process being fast is reflected by the card draw (shiv = fast, but weak hit; arcane intellect = faster thinking; sprint...)
My favourite use of this card so far: t1 Coin into Druid of the Saber (stealth form), t2 Mark of Y'Shaarj.
Result: only 1 card net used and a 5/4 Stealthed Beast on the board. Sweeeet.
Gonna try Beast Druid in Wild.
Take a good number of those (not the full 30 of course!), add in some solid standard Druid choices, and you might just have a solid deck.
might as well make it - give ur win rate -2/-2 bc if you have this card in ur deck, you might as well uninstall
its pretty much a better mark of the wild because taunt usually does nothing unless you are running some weird giant deck
This would work better with hunter.But if you have beast it's decent also sometimes you don't want your minion to die.
Arena 3 out 10
Normal 7 out 10
You don't HAVE to play it on turn 2 you know... Also, if you had to, I'd actually start considering playing 1 mana beasts because this card is incredible. It generates tempo without losing value, which is basically everything beast druid is looking for. The problem with beast druid now is that removal is too efficient, if you innervate out a big guy, or mark of the wild a small guy, your minions are gonna be better than your opponent's. But now it just gets fireballed/shield slammed/eviscerated/Shadow Word: Deathed or whatever, and you get 2-for-1'd, without even gaining tempo. With this card added in the mix, beast druid gets more tools to keep their specialty of staying ahead on curve, without running out of gas as fast as they do.
Blizzard REALLY WANTS there to be a meta beast-druid deck
Is that Savage Combatant in the picture?
Epiphany: it's actually just a snap of Addled Grizzly captured a split second later
I want this. :D Fits my play style pretty good. :)
Beast druid seems promising in standard though im assuming it will be a tier 3 or 2
This is just a better explorers hat...in a class that hardly uses beast, If this was a hunter card it would be much better. Hunters use the most beast and have crappy card draw, Tracking isn't the worst thing in the world you can get deeper into your deck with it but you loose two cards,Quick Shot you need an empty hand 90% of the time it's used for face damage or on minion and Starving Buzzard is just crap.
Every shapeshifting druid minion is a beast (Claw, Saber, Flame), and if you include this, there isn't exactly a terrible line up of beasts to include.
Haven't you realized? Blizz is trying to make a class use the beast tag. If it was a hunter card yeah it would be a lot better, but maybe blizzard wants to see a different class using beast
seriously there have been so many beast-druid related cards coming out
There's a reason hunters aren't very good at drawing cards. I'd like to keep it that way thankyouverymuch. Also, this card is MUCH better than explorers hat. +2/+2 is significantly better than +1/+1, and the downside of explorer's hat is that the card you get from it is explorer's hat, instead of a good one. Explorer's hat is a card that sacrifices tempo for value. This is a card that maintains tempo while gaining value, much better.