This is cool. I like it. I'm not sure the number's right, it seems a LITTLE cheap, but the big warrior deck doesn't exist yet, so who knows. 6 health is also kind of hard to break through, a 0/6 isn't hard to trade into, but the deck that runs this doesn't run small minions.
'cause that's what Warrior needs, more deck disruption. Jeez.
If you compare this to like... Gnomferatu, it's obviously not that nuts, but it being reiterative makes it better, and it targeting minions makes it even better too.
I'm just looking at this on *top* of Tho'grun that makes it nutty. Deck Destruction effects kind of compound, the smaller your opponent's deck is, the more powerful deck destruction effects are. So every deck destruction effect makes the next one better.
Meltemental seems pretty good to me. Like Tar Creeper but even fatter.
Obviously it has synergy with DK's freeze cards too, but that's like... an aggro deck. I'm not positive that deck wants a fat taunt that can't attack or not just to enable a few synergies.
Under the Sea conflicting with Blizzard in Orb decks kinda sucks. But it's a solid card. Especially in big spell decks.
Also as of right now, big spell mage doesn't exclusively need big spells. It benefits from big spells, but you're not penalized for running small spells, and in fact with the Orb I'd say you're rewarded for having a wider range of spell costs. Getting extra light shows or Ice Barriers can be good.
Under the Sea kind of conflicts with that, hitting a 3 cost spell off Under the Sea isn't godawful but it's not good. So that's... kind of interesting. Maybe those type of orb decks don't want Under the Sea then.
There's also the tourist element, but I dunno what tourist Mage has.
Nerf the cards that are keeping them from seeing play.
Everything's relative.
The main thing that made Blood Crusader not see play was it only worked with Paladin minions.
This works with everything. CNE for 6, Scourge for 6, Yogg for 6, Reno for 6. All great hits.
This isn't actually a Manathirst effect.
Manathirst is a battlecry effect, this impacts the card while it's still in the hand.
Not a lot of warriors run paladin cards.
If you mean in Warrior vs. Paladin match ups, this card is actually pretty good at dealing with handbuffed threats in the late game.
Yeah this thing's annoying. Just further midrange tempo hate. You'll either have an answer or you won't.
Just... not loving the game's direction more and more.
It's a strong card, encourages menagerie builds in warrior. Fine. But super annoying.
This is cool. I like it. I'm not sure the number's right, it seems a LITTLE cheap, but the big warrior deck doesn't exist yet, so who knows. 6 health is also kind of hard to break through, a 0/6 isn't hard to trade into, but the deck that runs this doesn't run small minions.
Hm, not sure.
'cause that's what Warrior needs, more deck disruption. Jeez.
If you compare this to like... Gnomferatu, it's obviously not that nuts, but it being reiterative makes it better, and it targeting minions makes it even better too.
I'm just looking at this on *top* of Tho'grun that makes it nutty. Deck Destruction effects kind of compound, the smaller your opponent's deck is, the more powerful deck destruction effects are. So every deck destruction effect makes the next one better.
Without Thro'gun I'd think this card was cool.
Ehhh... the combo potential here is through the roof, though. Those tokens can get beefed up really easily with a lot of neutral cards.
The mage location isn't exactly going to end the game if you burn through the whole thing in one turn. While this one totally can.
This kind of emphasizes how weirdly designed Halveria is. She won't benefit from all these charge tokens.
But might be broken in that case.
I think this is kinda just a worse Foamrender.
But maybe DH can use it better.
Meltemental seems pretty good to me. Like Tar Creeper but even fatter.
Obviously it has synergy with DK's freeze cards too, but that's like... an aggro deck. I'm not positive that deck wants a fat taunt that can't attack or not just to enable a few synergies.
I think they've pushed minion copying to be a bit too cheap.
The downside of not REALLY knowing what the copy is going to be kind of offsets that, but copying a minion for like 3 mana has been pretty toxic IMO.
Under the Sea conflicting with Blizzard in Orb decks kinda sucks. But it's a solid card. Especially in big spell decks.
Also as of right now, big spell mage doesn't exclusively need big spells. It benefits from big spells, but you're not penalized for running small spells, and in fact with the Orb I'd say you're rewarded for having a wider range of spell costs. Getting extra light shows or Ice Barriers can be good.
Under the Sea kind of conflicts with that, hitting a 3 cost spell off Under the Sea isn't godawful but it's not good. So that's... kind of interesting. Maybe those type of orb decks don't want Under the Sea then.
There's also the tourist element, but I dunno what tourist Mage has.
I'm still absolutely flabbergasted Edwin, Defias Kingpin isn't in core.
...what? You use 1 card to get 2 cards, and it thins your deck. Beyond the fact that... you can't run the coin in your deck anyway.