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Magnetize this to a Rusty Recycler.
Hmm... Obsidian Statue
Ooooh, what a pretty golden animation!
This card is actually insane guys. with the right set up it's like vilespine slayer in death rattle hunter.
Don't even think about the mech tag focus on the deathrattle.
no, that' would be pretty op. It passes the effect to the new mech.
the deathrattle goes off when it magnetises right?
Sounds pretty fun. Removal for hunters might push the class into control archetype even more that now. I would like that.
You can now trigger the deathrattle effect with so many hunter tools, such as Play Dead and Terrorscale Stalker. Definitely an insane tempo card in both early and late game .
Hooray! Now when Deadly Shot misses the minion I wanted to kill I can just try again. Very cool.
love to see more control tools for hunter, specially pushing the deathrattle archetype
This seems really good, there is deathrattle synergy, if hunter gets mech synergy... maybe we will finally get control hunter? We will need some healing, more card draw and early game control, but there is hope. At least I have hope.
I see 3/7 framebots with deathrattle on turn 3... meta defining.Great synergy with Play Dead and alike
Attach this to an Unpowered Steambot for a 7 mana 2/11 taunt that kills a random enemy minion
It's a spider. It's a bomb.
Therefore it's perfect.
Well, any Shadowverse player can tell this low costing 'destroy a random enemy minion' deathrattle effect minion is gonna be monstrous in both such a deck and even a more unique refueling aggro deck. All we need now is a cheap 'destroy a friendly minion and draw X cards' spell or minion for hunter and those two variants will just skyrocket.
More Deadly Shot, more control Hunter. The last expansion we saw *cough* *cough* Dragon-Hunter, now it’s time for Mech-Hunter (wtf, Rexxar is hunting for mechs?!)
except his terrible accuracy usually means he eliminates more targets than his clients requested
The Amazing SpiderSLAM
You win some, you lose some. I commend you for trying though.