Card Text
Copy 2 cards in your opponent's deck and add them to your hand.
Flavor Text
"What do you get when you cast Thoughtsteal on an Orc? Nothing!" - Tauren joke
Card Sounds
Copy 2 cards in your opponent's deck and add them to your hand.
"What do you get when you cast Thoughtsteal on an Orc? Nothing!" - Tauren joke
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This should go back to 3-mana, you're always going to get a good card because that's what people put in their decks. Burgle cries in the corner.
You aren't really stealing. Shouldn't this card be called Thoughtcopy?
When you nut but she still sucking
Shaman taste his own medicine :)
Thoughtstealing my opponent's n'zoth and 2x chillmaw is good fun.
hate this one
f*ck you Thoughtsteal I really hate you...
Somebody thoughtstole my monkey today...
I punched a hole in a computer screen today...
Hahaha! Awesome level of stealing and irony
Fuck this card. Use your own cards to win you dam thief! XD
I just Thoughtstealed Fireball and Frostbolt for exact lethal. And then this happened.![](
Salt Overload
I won a game by thaughtstealing gromash adnd whirlwind. The problem was that if I had thaught stolen anything else I would have lost. My conclusion was that it was too unrelieable, but feel free to prove me wrong :)
It is NOT that unrelieable! :D Even though its a tempo oss to just draw cards Thoughtssteal is more often than not usefull because:
Vs agressive decks you want aggressive cards to deal with the agression, direct damage etc. Who has such cards? Agressive opponents!
Vs Control decks you want bigger minions and removal, take your opponents cards!
Same goes vs Midrange.
Combodecks might not give you usefull combopieces and an occasional deadly poison might be bad though.
New conclusion: Its a good card for control priest!
This card is very helpful for Fatigue/Shadow Priest, who wants to just kill everything the enemy has and then have them die once their deck runs out. The reason it's WAY better than something like Arcane Intellect is that it gives you cards without actually taking cards out of your deck.
If you're against a Mage and you both play 2x draw cards, they're 4 cards deeper in their deck than you.
I'm an experienced HS player but I can't imagine why people use this card. It is always strictly a worse Arcane Intellect (not to mention that Mage can abuse the fact of playing spells to draw cards with Mana Wyrm and Archmage Antonidas) because your opponent's cards will be ALWAYS less useful to you than yours. That is why you build a deck and don't just throw in a lot of individually good cards. I admit that fantastic videos can be made and shared on youtube showing the super-draws but this card has a very huge RNG-factor and the decks containing it lose consistency a lot.
And I know very well that card advantage is a key element in this game, but Priest can get some card draw with Northshire Cleric and Power Word: Shield (which are staple cards in almost every Priest deck) and anyway Priest-decks' mana curve is usually quite high.
Of course Priest would play Arcane Intellect, but why Thoughtsteal?
And you can't state seriously that because of Thoughtsteal you "play around what's in your own deck"... That's ridiculous! xD
Thoughtsteal accomplishes two things that Arcane Intellect does not.
(1) Thoughtsteal tells you what two cards from your opponent's deck are. If you Thoughtsteal Warsong Commander or a Frothing Berserker off a Warrior early on, for instance, you instantly know you're up against Grim Patron Warrior.
(2) Thoughtsteal pulls cards out of the ether to give you card advantage. That means that you are *not* two cards closer to fatigue like you would be if you played Arcane Intellect. In a control sort of Priest, this can be a significant boon, especially if you draw Thoughtsteal as one of the last cards in your deck.
Since it generates the cards from your opponents deck, it doesn't put you closer to fatigue giving it an edge against Arcane Intellect in that category and because your oppoenent doesn't know what you stole, they don't know what to play around other than the other cards in their deck. Playing against Freeze Mage? That Priest might have stolen an Ice Block and now you can't win. Playing against Control Warrior? Now that priest might have a Grom, or another Boom, or a Sylvanus. It isn't as useful against an aggro deck because you want to make more tempo plays and control the board, but against a Control deck or a midrange deck it's incredibly useful and adds a layer of unpredictability to the match that gives you a solid edge against your opponent.
Wait a minute. You're complaining about a Priest stealing four legendaries from your Control Warrior — a deck that often runs about eight or nine legendaries, making it rather likely statistically — even though you won that game? What the hell?