Your points are spot on, i'm basically not playing for months except for R25 shenanigans, so i'm out of the meta and i don't even know what's being played, but the concept seems ok, we'll see how viable it is.
Too bad it's not a 4, 5 or 6 mana card with lower stats. That way at least it could be coupled with Bite.
The card is still decent after the DK but I feel like it will be too late to matter against aggro decks it's supposed to work against. It's still basically a worse Fool's Bane and you might just kill yourself while clearing that enemy board...
The main problem i see with this is: You have to build your deck arround it to make use of the card. And THEN you don't even have any wincondition. Killing multiple minions won't win you the match.
Basically a 4/9 that gains windfury when you attack and kill a minion with malfurion... Most boring Loa ever. Give it a keyword, a deathrattle or something ! Most of the time it's a vanilla card with no text how cool is that
Stupid Blizz doesnt like to use keywords outside their respective expansions, else I'd love to see: Adapt for each minion killed by your hero power as an additional text on this card.
This is the issue with Blizzard; they will print all the support cards for a new archetype, but then they won't actually print cards to make the deck work in the first place.
Why so much hate? This card is definely not bad... you guys are very used to completely broken cards specially people that like to play with druid these days. I cant wait for the rotation to really shake things on this game.
Basically a 4/9 that gains windfury when you attack and kill a minion with malfurion... Most boring Loa ever. Give it a keyword, a deathrattle or something ! Most of the time it's a vanilla card with no text how cool is that
A build around card isn't good if the support cards it needs are bad cards. This should live or die based on the quality of support cards it gets. So far I say it dies as I'm not terribly impressed with the whole 'savagery core'.
Maybe if they print something that gives your hero permanent +1 attack.
"IT may attack again" I'm not native english speaker but I would assume "it" refers to the beast, not the hero, which is a he/she ?
If you are correct, I like it more, but Gonk still needs to survive a turn doing nothing and then your opponent must have 2 low health minions that you can kill with druid attacks and that they didn't conveniently traded into Gonk the previous turn and BOOM, Gonk value, you killed two 1/1s with your hero power in just one turn, hurray !
It refers to the Hero.
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Your points are spot on, i'm basically not playing for months except for R25 shenanigans, so i'm out of the meta and i don't even know what's being played, but the concept seems ok, we'll see how viable it is.
Too bad it's not a 4, 5 or 6 mana card with lower stats. That way at least it could be coupled with Bite.
The card is still decent after the DK but I feel like it will be too late to matter against aggro decks it's supposed to work against. It's still basically a worse Fool's Bane and you might just kill yourself while clearing that enemy board...
Playable. Maybe after rotation will become meta-defining.
Odd or play hero. oh wait they already fo that.
I have déjà vu with shadow reaper combo but for board clear only. I has potential to be fun
It could work with some spells and obviously with DK and Baku. People calling it trash are being biased or spoiled.
The main problem i see with this is:
You have to build your deck arround it to make use of the card. And THEN you don't even have any wincondition. Killing multiple minions won't win you the match.
If this has windfury instead it woullkd still be hot garbage for a class legendary. So yeah...
To be usable, it should say something like your hero is immune or like the mage card Animated Armor 1 damage at a time
Technically, in a way, this card is meta defining
Needed to be an aggro card. Druid has way better control options
Stupid Blizz doesnt like to use keywords outside their respective expansions, else I'd love to see: Adapt for each minion killed by your hero power as an additional text on this card.
This is the issue with Blizzard; they will print all the support cards for a new archetype, but then they won't actually print cards to make the deck work in the first place.
Can really judge this card until we see more.
There are some good synergies with being a beast. A 4/9 is going to stick around for a turn (or more given the effect).
It seems hard to imagine a world where this sees play over the other druid things before the rotation.
Savage Roar
Malfurion the Pestilent
Twig of the World Tree
15 attack so far in Standard
In Wild you can also add Feral Rage and Savage Combatant so 21 total.
Add Baku the Mooneater, Auctionmaster Beardo, Garrison Commander, Maiden of the Lake, Blackwald Pixie, Frost Giant, Spirit of the Raptor, Savage Striker, Savagery, Stampeding Roar, etc, maybe we'll see other cards to support this new archetype.
Why so much hate? This card is definely not bad... you guys are very used to completely broken cards specially people that like to play with druid these days. I cant wait for the rotation to really shake things on this game.
It doesn't gain winddury. Your hero does.
A build around card isn't good if the support cards it needs are bad cards. This should live or die based on the quality of support cards it gets. So far I say it dies as I'm not terribly impressed with the whole 'savagery core'.
Maybe if they print something that gives your hero permanent +1 attack.
Galavant Animation
It refers to the Hero.