I am registered in OoC, but I will stay here until the very last second, because I want to witness the Apocalypse.
Also, there are many users here, who are still active, and I want to stay with them. Also also, I still try to win a card design comp even if it's a mini one.
This will be my last post on this site. I received my new avatar border, the wonderful people went to OOC, so there is nothing keeping me here. See you guys there.
You know, back when I was in 7th grade, my class teacher talked about the things, which make a school an elite one. He told us, that the fancy technology and the outward appearance of the building pale before the teacher staff and the students, who attend it. If we remove those from the building, we wouldn't have an elite school anymore. And he was right.
What I'm trying to say is that although hearthpwn is an established site, if the majority of beloved users, that made the forum what it is right now, go to OOC, hearthpwn won't be the same anymore. And it will lose a lot of popularity especially due to how the ownership transfer was made in the last minute.
I've fulfilled all of final wishes on this site, so there is nothing keeping me here.
I am registered in OoC, but I will stay here until the very last second, because I want to witness the Apocalypse.
Also, there are many users here, who are still active, and I want to stay with them. Also also, I still try to win a card design comp even if it's a mini one.
The Apocalypse has finally arrived. Take care.
С обич, Ковачът
P.S. I find the adjectives "new", "exciting" etc, that Blizzard employees constantly use for their Q&As, rather cliche.
Few people know this, but the tentacles are actually wonderful pets. They are small, fluffy and take a liking to their first master. Just don't let them hug you, else they would instantly die. And that would be heartbreaking.
I voted for Hephaestus. It's interesting gameplay-wise and has good flavor (though I'd have preferred if it were WoW-related).
I would too, but I am not that familiar with the WoW lore to come up with more warcraft-y names myself. DestroyerR informed me about Khaz'goroth and I would have gladly used it, but now it's too late.
Btw I would like to mention the small Easter egg in my card. In Bulgarian the noun "ковач" (kovach) means "smith", so Hephaestus's title is a nod to my username. ;d
Finally a win-condition for
Heavy Metal!
warriors by giving them the Greek God of Fire himself. I didn't choose an odd cost for Hephaestus, in order to prevent odd warriors from abusing this legendary.
My opinion on SN1P-SN4P's deisgn- the card is undoubtedly overtuned. I haven't played against it that much (I don't play hs frequently right now), but I can understand why some people lose their shit when they see it. It features a repeatable cheap +2/+3 buff with a bonus deathrattle effect, which makes it really valuable in zoo-ish and mech aggressive decks. People can decide to go either wide or tall and make their valuable minions harder to kill. If I have to use statistics to support my words, hsreplay shows a high win-rate when SN1P-SN4P is played.
So there is no doubt, that this legendary is very strong and flexible. I also think, that this is considered as an auto-include in many decks, but in comparison to another free legendary (Archmage Vargoth) this doesn't steamroll that much. I'm not denying the potential TTKs, but Vargoth does horrific things, when left unanswered (Big Priest and Jade Druid in wild, Token Druid in standard).
Regarding the discussion whether or not SN1P-SN4P is game-breaking. On the one hand, if I look only at popular lists, I would say no - the mech is just a really powerful inclusion there. On the other hand however the devs are nerfing old cards, which weren't considered to be problematic before (Reckless Experimenter and Mechwarper might be the next candidate), in favour for a new one, which no one asked for. This reminds me of the case, when Aviana was nerfed in favour for Juicy Psychmelon. Prior to TBP druids were forced to cycle through their entire deck, in order to assemble all combo pieces, and when the expansion launched, they could just fetch them with the 4-mana spell early on.
So, I might anger some people, but I'm inclined to say that SN1P-SN4P is kinda problematic for the health of the game due to my last argument. Whether and how it should be nerfed, in order for the Experimenter and the Mechwarper to be saved, I don't think I can find the best solution. If I reduce its health to 2, combo decks wouldn't really mind it, because they would play the legendary only as a finisher. Increasing its cost to 4 won't prevent TTKs - people would have to play two mana-cheaters on the same turn and only mech decks would get hit. If I remove the deathrattle effect, then Corpse Widow and Experimenter won't be able to reduce its cost anymore, but this would hurt non-combo mech decks a lot. Removing one attack point from SN1P-SN4P, would remove the burst potential due to long animation time, but it would make it too weak. Speaking of animation, another nerf would be to increase its entrance time by 2-3 seconds, which would cause the least amount of damage game-wise.
There are many possibilities on how to change it, but I don't think it will be touched. People wouldn't want to lose the game-winning magnetic minion in their aggro decks. Moreover a nerf to this free legendary would probably alert the devs on how powerful the future free cards would have to be. And I'm sure many people wouldn't want to get fillers like Volcanosaur or Marin the Fox but powerful ones, in order to spare themselves some dust.
Uhm... thanks for the last-minute votes, so that I can be in the final poll. <3
Anyway my favourite version of Bob is thepowrofcheese's, because I always wanted to overcome the 30-card limit and this legendary doesn't break the game by allowing me to shuffle 10 or 20 extra cards in the deck. Only 2 and a bonus 2-mana vanilla minion.
This will be my last post on this site. I received my new avatar border, the wonderful people went to OOC, so there is nothing keeping me here. See you guys there.
@ the new owners:
You know, back when I was in 7th grade, my class teacher talked about the things, which make a school an elite one. He told us, that the fancy technology and the outward appearance of the building pale before the teacher staff and the students, who attend it. If we remove those from the building, we wouldn't have an elite school anymore. And he was right.
What I'm trying to say is that although hearthpwn is an established site, if the majority of beloved users, that made the forum what it is right now, go to OOC, hearthpwn won't be the same anymore. And it will lose a lot of popularity especially due to how the ownership transfer was made in the last minute.
I've fulfilled all of final wishes on this site, so there is nothing keeping me here.
The Apocalypse has finally arrived. Take care.
С обич,
P.S. I find the adjectives "new", "exciting" etc, that Blizzard employees constantly use for their Q&As, rather cliche.
Few people know this, but the tentacles are actually wonderful pets. They are small, fluffy and take a liking to their first master. Just don't let them hug you, else they would instantly die. And that would be heartbreaking.
I would too, but I am not that familiar with the WoW lore to come up with more warcraft-y names myself. DestroyerR informed me about Khaz'goroth and I would have gladly used it, but now it's too late.
Btw I would like to mention the small Easter egg in my card. In Bulgarian the noun "ковач" (kovach) means "smith", so Hephaestus's title is a nod to my username. ;d
Finally a win-condition for Heavy Metal! warriors by giving them the Greek God of Fire himself. I didn't choose an odd cost for Hephaestus, in order to prevent odd warriors from abusing this legendary.
(I'm surprised no one posted this meme yet)
My opinion on SN1P-SN4P's deisgn- the card is undoubtedly overtuned. I haven't played against it that much (I don't play hs frequently right now), but I can understand why some people lose their shit when they see it. It features a repeatable cheap +2/+3 buff with a bonus deathrattle effect, which makes it really valuable in zoo-ish and mech aggressive decks. People can decide to go either wide or tall and make their valuable minions harder to kill. If I have to use statistics to support my words, hsreplay shows a high win-rate when SN1P-SN4P is played.
So there is no doubt, that this legendary is very strong and flexible. I also think, that this is considered as an auto-include in many decks, but in comparison to another free legendary (Archmage Vargoth) this doesn't steamroll that much. I'm not denying the potential TTKs, but Vargoth does horrific things, when left unanswered (Big Priest and Jade Druid in wild, Token Druid in standard).
Regarding the discussion whether or not SN1P-SN4P is game-breaking. On the one hand, if I look only at popular lists, I would say no - the mech is just a really powerful inclusion there. On the other hand however the devs are nerfing old cards, which weren't considered to be problematic before (Reckless Experimenter and Mechwarper might be the next candidate), in favour for a new one, which no one asked for. This reminds me of the case, when Aviana was nerfed in favour for Juicy Psychmelon. Prior to TBP druids were forced to cycle through their entire deck, in order to assemble all combo pieces, and when the expansion launched, they could just fetch them with the 4-mana spell early on.
So, I might anger some people, but I'm inclined to say that SN1P-SN4P is kinda problematic for the health of the game due to my last argument. Whether and how it should be nerfed, in order for the Experimenter and the Mechwarper to be saved, I don't think I can find the best solution. If I reduce its health to 2, combo decks wouldn't really mind it, because they would play the legendary only as a finisher. Increasing its cost to 4 won't prevent TTKs - people would have to play two mana-cheaters on the same turn and only mech decks would get hit. If I remove the deathrattle effect, then Corpse Widow and Experimenter won't be able to reduce its cost anymore, but this would hurt non-combo mech decks a lot. Removing one attack point from SN1P-SN4P, would remove the burst potential due to long animation time, but it would make it too weak. Speaking of animation, another nerf would be to increase its entrance time by 2-3 seconds, which would cause the least amount of damage game-wise.
There are many possibilities on how to change it, but I don't think it will be touched. People wouldn't want to lose the game-winning magnetic minion in their aggro decks. Moreover a nerf to this free legendary would probably alert the devs on how powerful the future free cards would have to be. And I'm sure many people wouldn't want to get fillers like Volcanosaur or Marin the Fox but powerful ones, in order to spare themselves some dust.
Wow, I didn't know this was possible. Thanks for sharing it.
Is Lassy fluffy enough?
Just some random pics with Steal Priest torturing a Renolock. Enjoy:
^ All from Crystalline Oracles.
^ Mirror Mirror.
But that wasn't even my true form. Behold:
(inb4 I thought I made a better screenshot - I summoned 1 Mal'Ganis, 1 Voidlord and the rest were Voidwalkers)
My opponent proceeds to Polymorph all of my demons with the Kazakus's potion. A couple of turns later:
Same outcome (and apparently same shitty screenshot quality :C) followed by a concede from the warlock player.
Today was a good day. I love stealing my opponent's flashiest cards and beating them with those.
What tie?
^ Neat.
The question is which version will be the winner - the zoomed-in or the zoomed-out one?
Uhm... thanks for the last-minute votes, so that I can be in the final poll. <3
Anyway my favourite version of Bob is thepowrofcheese's, because I always wanted to overcome the 30-card limit and this legendary doesn't break the game by allowing me to shuffle 10 or 20 extra cards in the deck. Only 2 and a bonus 2-mana vanilla minion.
He appreciates your tips.