Captain GalvangarCharacters can't be healed.
Chieftain ScarvashEnemy cards cost (2) more.
ChromaggusChanges Role at the End of Turn.
Colossus of the MoonDivine Shield
Strike him down, and you'll face the Colossus of the New Moon. |
Coren DirebrewWhenever a character Attacks, give it +3 Attack.
C'Thun, the ShatteredStart of Game: Break into
My grandfather's deck has no useless cards! |
Darkmoon RabbitRush, Poisonous
That's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! |
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous.
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous. Rush.
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous. Rush.
DeathwingBattlecry: Destroy all other minions and discard your hand.
Once a noble dragon known as Neltharion, Deathwing lost his mind and shattered Azeroth before finally being defeated. Daddy issues? |
Deathwing the DestroyerBattlecry: Destroy all other minions. Discard a card for each destroyed.
"He’s Deathwing? That one's Deathwing? You're Deathwing!? I'm DEATHWING! ARE THERE ANY OTHER DEATHWINGS I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?" |
Deathwing, DragonlordDeathrattle: Put all Dragons from your hand into the battlefield.
To his credit, Deathwing really took to heart the feedback he was receiving that he needed to be "more of a team player". |
Defending Drake
Dragonkin SorcererAfter an enemy is destroyed, summon a copy of this Merc.
Dragonslayer SkrukFrozen.
DrakanDrek'Thar is (@) Speed faster.
Drek'TharHas +@ Attack for each other friendly character.
Duchess 3Rush
DurosDrek'thar takes @ less damage.
East Frostwolf WarmasterBoth teams have +@ Frost Damage.
EmerissBattlecry: Double the Attack and Health of all minions in your hand.
Taste your world's corruption! It tastes like chicken. |
Emperor ThaurissanAfter this is damaged by a Fire ability, restore that much Health to ALL characters.
Eonar, the Life-BinderTitan
Protector of all living things, she once saved the nascent world-soul of Azeroth from annihilation. It seems mercy was her greatest wisdom. |
Faceless Behemoth
Rejected names: Forty-Foot Faceless, Big ol' No-face, Huge Creature Sans Face, Teddy. |
Factory AssemblybotMiniaturize
I call it Mini-me. |
Flesh GiantCosts (1) less for each time your hero's Health changed during your turns.
"A BIG mistake." |
Force-Tank OMEGA MAXDivine Shield.
Frost GiantCosts (1) less for each time you used your Hero Power this game.
Don't ask him about the beard. JUST DON'T. |
Frostwolf BerserkerBleed (@)
Frostwolf GruntAdjacent characters take @ less damage.
Frostwolf LieutenantWhenever ANY character Attacks, give it +@ Health.
Fungal BruiserRush
Fungal GargantuanRush
Fungal GuardianTaunt
GarrElementals have +20 Fire Resistance and +10 Frost Weakness.
Gearmaster MechazodBoss
Gearmaster MechazodBoss
Gearmaster MechazodBoss
Gearmaster MechazodBoss
General DrakkisathAt the end of each turn, restore @ Health to all your other Dragons.
GiantfinAt the end of your turn, draw 2 cards.
GigantotemCosts (1) less for each Totem you've summoned this game.
Totem Golem's uncle, gone too soon. |
GigantotemCosts (1) less for each Totem you've summoned this game.
Totem Golem's uncle, gone too soon. |
Goldshire GnollRush
They're searching for one ring. They're pretty sure someone said Goldshire. |
Greater Fire ElementalAfter an enemy uses an even-Speed ability, they have +@ Fire Weakness this turn.
Greater Water ElementalAfter a character uses an odd-Speed ability, they have +@ Frost Weakness this turn.
GythDeathrattle: Enrages Rend Blackhand.
Hakkar, the SoulflayerDeathrattle: Shuffle a Corrupted Blood into each player's deck.
ATTENTION: Do not enter any major city while infected with the Corrupted Blood! |
Headless Horseman's HeadDestroy his head to win the game, but watch out for fireballs!
Headless Horseman's HeadDestroy his head to win the game, but watch out for fireballs!
Herald of Ivus
High Justice GrimstoneWhenever a friendly character Attacks, deal @ damage to all enemies.
Highkeeper RaAt the end of your turn, deal 20 damage to all enemies.
Highlord OmokkTakes @ less
Horde PrimalistYour characters can't be Frozen
Ice Shard+10 Fire Weakness
Ivus, the Forest LordWhen Ivus takes @ damage, he goes Dormant and summons 3 Treants.
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jade Golem
Jumbo ImpCosts (1) less whenever a friendly Demon dies while this is in your hand.
Jumbo in size! Huge in E.V.I.L.! |
Jumbo ImpCosts (1) less whenever a friendly Demon dies while this is in your hand.
Jumbo in size! Huge in E.V.I.L.! |
Karl the LostBattlecry: Summon six 1/1
A friendly paladin who was found wandering Uldum. He seems to be looking for someone. |
King Krush, UntamedBoss
King PhaorisBattlecry: For each spell
When you're the king of the cats, the whole desert is your litterbox. |
Kun the Forgotten KingChoose One - Gain 10 Armor; or Refresh your Mana Crystals.
Aya siphons a bit of Kun's soul to animate each golem in her Jade army. To his credit, he's being a great sport about it. |
Lady Naz'jarAt the end of your turn, replace all other minions with new ones of the same Cost.
Living HorizonTaunt, Divine Shield
Even in the darkest of days, the sun never sets on the Badlands. |
Living MonumentTaunt
This is not the greatest card in the world. This is just a monument. |
Lokholar the Ice LordRush, Windfury
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense. |
Lokholar the Ice LordAfter another character dies, gain +{0}/+{1}, and +{0} Frost Damage.
Lokholar the Ice LordRush, Windfury
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense. |
Lord SlitherspearAt the end of your turn, summon 1/1 Hungry Naga for each enemy minion.
Louis PhilipsUndead characters take 5 more damage from Humans.
Loyal MyrmidonApply Bleed (@) to all characters Attacking Azshara.
MaestraWhenever this Attacks or is Attacked, change roles to have role advantage against the enemy.
Magma Rager
Majordomo ExecutusDeathrattle: Summon Ragnaros the Firelord.
Majordomo ExecutusDeathrattle: Summon Ragnaros the Firelord.
Mana GiantSpell more and save more with a GIANT discount! |
Mecha'thunDeathrattle: If you have no
"Your software will fail. Your users will abandon you. You are already obsolete." |