clear all

Purified Dragon Nest

At the start of your turn, Discover a Dragon.
It costs (4) less.

Red Portal

The character in the red beam has Windfury.

Sherazin, Seed

When you play 4 cards in a turn, revive this minion.

Sir Finley Mrrgglton


Sir Finley Mrrgglton


Sir Finley Mrrgglton


Snowfury Giant

Costs (1) less for each Mana Crystal you've Overloaded this game.

This minion goes all the way to 11!

Snowfury Giant

Costs (1) less for each Mana Crystal you've Overloaded this game.

This minion goes all the way to 11!

Spirit of Lucentbark

When you restore 5 Health, awaken this minion.
(@ left!)

Terrifying Tentacle


Terrifying Tentacle


The Twisting Nether

At the end of your turn, summon two 3/2 Imps.

Tyrande Whisperwind


Varian Wrynn




Moveout Box

Skip this turn.
At the end of it, replace
your warband with a copy
of your teammate's.

Absolution {0}

Resurrect all friendly Mercs that died this game with 25 Health.
(Once per game.)

Accelerate Fuse 1

Deal 10 damage to this Merc.

Accelerate Fuse 2

Deal 20 damage to this Merc.

Amalgamate {0}

Destroy adjacent characters to gain their Attack and Health, then Attack all enemies.


Attack a random enemy.
Repeat for each of your other characters.

Battle Frenzy {0}

Cast all of this Merc's abilities.
This Merc falls asleep next turn.

Blade Dance 1

Deal damage equal to this Merc's Attack to 1 random enemy.

Blade Dance 2

Deal damage equal to this Merc's Attack to 2 random enemies.

Blade Flurry {0}

Deal damage equal to this Merc's Attack to all enemies.

Bloodcrave Feathers 1

Steal 5 Health from all other characters.

Bloodcrave Feathers 2

Steal 8 Health from all other characters.

Break Time!

Restore {0} Health to this Merc. (Increased by {1} for each other Murloc you control.)

Burning Fuse 1

Deal 5 damage to this minion.

Bzzz!!! 1

Deal damage equal to
your Attack. If Activate Saw
is active also damage
the target's neighbors.@Deal damage equal to
your Attack. If Activate Saw
is active also damage the
target's neighbors. Bleed ({0}).

Cold Snap

Set a friendly Merc's Cooldowns to (0).

Corrupt Heart

Cast all of this character's other abilities.

Corrupted Current

Trigger ALL Deathrattles.

Curse of Flesh

Fill your board with random non-Merc characters. Give them +@ Health and Taunt.

Devouring Hunger

Eat an enemy and gain its stats.


Deal @ damage
to a random enemy.
It loses Stealth.
Deathblow: Repeat this.


Deal @ damage
to a random enemy.
It loses Stealth.
Deathblow: Repeat this.


Deal @ damage
to a random enemy.
It loses Stealth.
Deathblow: Repeat this.


Deal @ damage
to a random enemy.
It loses Stealth.
Deathblow: Repeat this.


Deal @ damage
to a random enemy.
It loses Stealth.
Deathblow: Repeat this.

Disintegrate {0}

Destroy a random enemy minion.

Disintegrate 2

Destroy a random enemy.

Don't Look At Me

Deal @ damage to enemies across from this.

Earthmother's Fury {0}

Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Deathblow: Set the Cooldown
on all enemy abilities
to their original value.

Earthmother's Fury 1

Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Deathblow: Set the Cooldown
on all enemy abilities
to their original value.

Earthmother's Fury 2

Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Deathblow: Set the Cooldown
on all enemy abilities
to their original value.

Earthmother's Fury 3

Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Deathblow: Set the Cooldown
on all enemy abilities
to their original value.

Earthmother's Fury 4

Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Deathblow: Set the Cooldown
on all enemy abilities
to their original value.

Elune's Overgrowth {0}

Deal @ damage to an enemy. Your Nature abilities are (3) Speed faster.

Fel Bolt {0}

Deal @ damage.

Fel Bolt 1

Deal @ damage.

Fel Bolt 2

Deal @ damage.

Fel Bolt 3

Deal @ damage.

Fel Bolt 4

Deal @ damage.

Feral Spirit {0}

Start of Game: Summon a {0}/{1} Feral Spirit with Taunt.

Get 'em!

Each friendly character Attacks the character opposite of them.

Hail to the Lord 1

Deal 5 damage to the highest Health enemy. Repeat for each Ice Shard you control.

Hail to the Lord 3

Deal 10 damage to the highest Health enemy. Repeat for each Ice Shard you control.

Hand of Fate

Your abilities are 0 Speed next turn and have no cooldown.

Holy Beam 1

Deal damage to a character equal
to its Attack.

Huff and Puff

Gain Windfury this turn and Attack all enemies.

Hysteria {0}

Choose a character.
It Attacks random characters until it dies.

Imp-oster Syndrome {0}

Passive: The first time this Merc would be Attacked, summon a {0}/{1} Wild Imp as the new target.

Imprison {0}

Deal @ damage to a Merc. Its
abilities gain Cooldown equal
to the number of their benched
Mercs. Return it to the bench.

Imprison 1

Deal @ damage to a Merc. Its
abilities gain Cooldown equal
to the number of their benched
Mercs. Return it to the bench.

Imprison 2

Deal @ damage to a Merc. Its
abilities gain Cooldown equal
to the number of their benched
Mercs. Return it to the bench.

Imprison 3

Deal @ damage to a Merc. Its
abilities gain Cooldown equal
to the number of their benched
Mercs. Return it to the bench.

Imprison 4

Deal @ damage to a Merc. Its
abilities gain Cooldown equal
to the number of their benched
Mercs. Return it to the bench.

Intense Heat 1

Deal @ damage evenly split among all enemies.

Jade Gust {0}

Deal {0} damage to
an enemy. If they
Attacked this turn, deal
{1} damage instead.

Jade Gust 1

Deal {0} damage to
an enemy. If they
Attacked this turn, deal
{1} damage instead.

Jade Gust 2

Deal {0} damage to
an enemy. If they
Attacked this turn, deal
{1} damage instead.

Jade Gust 3

Deal {0} damage to
an enemy. If they
Attacked this turn, deal
{1} damage instead.

Jade Gust 4

Deal {0} damage to
an enemy. If they
Attacked this turn, deal
{1} damage instead.

Jade Whirlwind {0}

Passive: Jade Gust deals an additional @ damage.

Listen Closely

Deal damage equal to your C'Thun's Attack.

Madness of Y'Shaarj {0}

Attack all enemies.

Mana Blink {0}

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 1

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 2

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 3

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mana Blink 4

Your characters'
abilities Refresh ({0}).
Their next ability is
({1}) Speed faster.

Mass Hysteria {0}

Force every character to Attack another random character.

Mindflayer Goggles

Give an enemy +@ Atttack. It's neighbors Attack it.


Return all enemy Mercs to the bench. They cannot act next turn.


Do something fun! Three Times!

Out of My Keep!

Return a random enemy Merc to the bench. It cannot act next turn.

Pile On!

Each friendly character Attacks the enemy with the lowest Attack.

Poison Vial {0}

This Mercenary gains +@ Attack.

Psychic Shell

Summon Psychus.

Pyroblast {0}

Deal @ damage.

Reclaimed Souls {0}

Gain +@ Attack for each friendly character that died this game.

Reclaimed Souls 1

Gain +@ Attack for each friendly character that died this game.

Reclaimed Souls 2

Gain +@ Attack for each friendly character that died this game.

Reclaimed Souls 3

Gain +@ Attack for each friendly character that died this game.

Reclaimed Souls 4

Gain +@ Attack for each friendly character that died this game.

Rime-fog Incantation 1

Enemies' next abilities are (2) Speed slower.

Rod of Roasting {0}

Deal @ damage to a random character.
Repeat until something dies.

Shadow Rend {0}

Deal 50 damage to the enemy with the highest Health.

Shadow Rend 2

Deal 20 damage to the enemy with the highest Health.