Moira BronzebeardDeathrattle: Give Emperor Thaurissan +@/+@ and +@ Fire Damage.
Msshi'fn PrimeTaunt
NefarianYour characters cannot be Frozen.
NefarianYour characters cannot be Frozen.
NefarianCan't be targeted by spells.
NefarianCan't be targeted by spells.
NefarianCan't be targeted by spells.
Neptulon the TidehunterColossal +2, Rush, Windfury
Neptulon, tired of filling hands, is now throwing hands. |
NordrassilCan't attack. Immune.
NozariBattlecry: Restore both heroes to full Health.
In another timeline, she was called Yeszari. |
N'ZothImmune while Psychus is alive.
N'Zoth, the CorruptorBattlecry: Summon your Deathrattle minions that died this game.
Has not been able to get "Under the Sea" out of his head for like FIVE THOUSAND YEARS. |
Ogre BruteImmune while
OgremancerWhenever Health is restored for ANY character, restore @ more.
Onyxian WarderAfter an enemy Attacks, summon a {0}/{1} Whelp.
Overloaded MechazodBoss
Piñata GolemBoss, Taunt. Can't be targeted by spells. It's full of candy!
Powdered KegDeathrattle: Deal 30 damage to all characters.
Priscilla AshvaneWhen this Merc is damaged, Fire the Cannons!
Queen Azshara
Raging InfernalCosts (1) less for each other Demon on the battlefield.
Raid Boss OnyxiaRush. Immune while
Onyxia chose her guises to manipulate mortals, but her true form? That was reserved for ending them. |
Red PortalThe character that acted last each turn has Windfury until the next turn. Dies when alone.
Rend BlackhandWhenever an adjacent character takes damage, this Merc takes it instead.
Risen WarderTaunt.
Safety ExpertRush. Deathrattle: Shuffle three Bombs into your opponent's deck.
Remember: Always wear your helmet when strapped to a bajillion explosives. |
Scrapyard ColossusTaunt
Heap on heapin' on. |
Sea GiantCosts (1) less for each other minion on the battlefield.
See? Giant. |
Sea GiantCosts (1) less for each other minion on the battlefield.
See? Giant. |
Seabreaker GoliathCosts (1) less for each time you've fired your Cannons.
4 Mana 7/7, try a 0 Mana 15/15 |
Seabreaker GoliathCosts (1) less for each time you've fired your Cannons.
Seaside GiantCosts (2) less for
Everywhere's the shallow end when you're 88 feet tall. |
Sire DenathriusLifesteal. Battlecry: Deal 5 damage amongst enemies. Endlessly Infuse (@): Deal 1 more.
History has a way of altering villains so that we can no longer see ourselves in them. Unfortunately for the Venthyr, they all look like Sire Denathrius. |
Sire DenathriusLifesteal. Battlecry: Deal 5 damage amongst enemies. Endlessly Infuse (@): Deal 1 more.
History has a way of altering villains so that we can no longer see ourselves in them. Unfortunately for the Venthyr, they all look like Sire Denathrius. |
Sire DenathriusLifesteal. Battlecry: Deal {1}
Skelesaurus HexAt the end of your turn, put a random card in your hand. It costs (0).
Spud M.E. 1Switch sides each turn.
Spud M.E. 2Switch sides each turn.
Stitched GiantCosts (1) less for each
Sew big or go home! |
Stoneborn GeneralRush
Leads with an iron fist and a stony demeanor. |
Stoneborn GeneralRush
Leads with an iron fist and a stony demeanor. |
Stormpike MarshalDies when Vanndar dies.
Subjugator Drake
Sun Raider PhaerixYour other minions are Immune.
Superior Golem{0}
Thaddius, MonstrosityTaunt. Your odd-Cost
Feugen is positive that Thaddius will see play, but Stalagg seems negative about it. |
The Boom ReaverBattlecry: Summon a copy of a minion in your deck. Give it Rush.
“What’s better than reaving? BOOM reaving!” |
The JailerBattlecry: Destroy your deck. This minion
At one point, The Jailer served as Arbiter over the souls of the Shadowlands. He was the epitome of an unbiased, righteous judge of character. WAS. |
The JailerBattlecry: Destroy your deck. This minion
At one point, The Jailer served as Arbiter over the souls of the Shadowlands. He was the epitome of an unbiased, righteous judge of character. WAS. |
The Steel SentinelThis minion can only take 1 damage at a time.
TidemistressFreeze all characters Attacking Azshara until the end of next turn.
TreantWhen no Treants remain, awaken Ivus.
Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today. |
Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today. |
Evolved the really long neck to spy on its neighbors. |
Undead Onyxia+{0} Spell Weakness.
VaelastraszAt the end of each turn, deal @ damage to all enemies.
Vanndar StormpikeAfter {0} turns, Vanndar will complete his conquest of Alterac Valley!
Varian WrynnBattlecry: Draw 3 cards.
Leader of the Alliance! Father of Anduin! Also he likes to play Arena, and he averages 12 wins. |
Void Guard {0}Taunt
Void Guard 2Taunt
Void Guard 3Taunt
Volcanic DrakeYour characters can't be Frozen and have +@ Fire Resistance.
Wakener of SoulsTaunt, Reborn
The alarm again!? Wake me up in 5 more eternities. |
West Frostwolf WarmasterBoth teams have +@ Fire Damage.
Yogg-Saron, Hope's EndBattlecry: Cast a random
I spell your doom... Y-O-U-R D-O-O-M! |
Yogg-Saron, Master of FateBattlecry: If you've cast
Yogg take the wheel! |
Yogg-Saron, UnleashedTitan
Has been known to monologue before he strikes. |
Y'Shaarj, Rage UnboundAt the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into the battlefield.
When he's working out, he binds all that rage back into a ponytail. |
Y'Shaarj, the DefilerBattlecry: Add a copy of each
Y'Shaarj made an excellent office intern, doing the copying AND defiling. |
ZinaarAt the end of your turn, gain a wish.
Bloodreaver Gul'danBattlecry: Summon all friendly Demons that died this game.
Aimless Assault 1Attack a random enemy.
Arcane Volley {0}Passive: Whenever your characters cast an Arcane ability, cast Arcane Shot 1 at a random enemy.
Atonement {0}Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 1Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 2Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 3Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 4Deal {0} damage.
Bitter Bruising {0}Deal @ damage to an enemy. Repeat for each Frozen character.
Bitter Bruising 4Deal @ damage to an enemy. Repeat for each Frozen character.
Blade Dance 3Deal damage equal to this Merc's Attack to 3 random enemies.
Blazing Horns {0}Attack an enemy.
Blazing Horns {0}Attack an enemy.
Blazing Horns 2Attack an enemy.
Blazing Horns 3Attack an enemy.
Blazing Horns 4Attack an enemy.
Bouncing Blade {0}Deal @ damage to a random enemy. Repeat 2 times.
Bzzz!!! 2Deal damage equal to
Clear the Deck {0}Return all friendly Mercenaries to your bench.
Clear the Deck 2Return all friendly Mercenaries to your bench.
Cleave 1Attack an enemy.
Corrupted Dragonsoul {0}Battlecry: Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Demonic Combustion 1Destroy a friendly Demon
Demonic Combustion 3Destroy a friendly Demon