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Mm , this will be great in paladin mech also :)
Guys why the mechanical dragon look so green?Is it powered by fel?
I summoned 5 7/7 with Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial
T7: Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
T8: random hero power, this, attack w/rush, get the 7/7, attack w/rush!
I love the art.
Odd rogue be like : ''I will be your death! ''
Garbage, very slow and the pay off isn't even there.
I'm not sure it's good even if it were a battle cry.
This is worse than Dr.Boom for 1 less mana if it was battle cry and Dr.Boom sees zero play in wild past rank 5.
So then, Mr Bitey (Dragonling Mechanic's mecha-whelp) is all grown up and now has whelps of his own...
In constructed, this cards purpose is more generalized as being a deathrattle and mech. In terms of the mech part, you could see it used in Mech Warrior if that is a meta deck. Otherwise more likely it is meant to try and assure that you have a mech body to magnetize.
you discover this with warrior(rush) trade 2/2 then trade 7/7
hunter build?!
Mechanical Whelp, Cairne Bloodhoof, Devilsaur Egg, Coffin Crasher, etc. Seems funny with the Zerek's Cloning Gallery
this is a 3 mana 7/7 with Reckless Experimenter and also has cube synergy. Probably still bad though
Over my mechanized body!
My Eggmancer deck is going to love this card.
Making copies and bringing them back with Twilight's Call.
Oh yes...
Apart from the card being playable, interesting choice that Blizzard had to make here. To be a Dragon or a Mech, that is a question.
This could actually see play in quest priest, especially with the new legendary spell
Star Aligner
I hope this is the first of many Star Aligner enablers.