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Nerf this shit with ''Deal 1 damage to all other characters (HIM INCLUDED)
Seems like the point of this is to defend against swarms when you are building a big tall super-mech. So something like Venomizer > Bronze Gatekeeper > Wargear > Missile Launcher. And now you've got a single huge minion that can also deal with large numbers of smaller minions. I'm not saying that such a plan is good,but that seems to be the concept behind it IMO.
If you ve played previously Venomizer he will clear all the minions, no matter how huge they are. Btw, Silence...
So it's a slightly weaker, more expensive Despicable Dreadlord that hurts everything.
Venomizer + Missile Launcher = Twisting Nether (except divine shield minions) with a 6/6 Mech body. Great
Also Equality + Missile Launcher = Twisting Nether. And I think paly has the other tools and mechs aswell.
Say hello to Venomizer
This expansion is full of toys but bring us the support for them
Compare it to despicable dreadlord, dread inferno, and abyssal enforcer and you'd see why this card is pretty shitty. I highly doubt the magnetic tag is worth 2/2 in stats.
Can we stop talking about its power level for a moment and appreciate how cool this card is? It's a f****** missile launcher.
Frost Lich Jaina+Nightmare Amalgam+this = miniBaron Geddon
That dies Golakka Crawler :))
Dies to Hemet Nesingwary, E.M.P. Operative, and Big Game Hunter.
Literally Unplayable!
Missile Launcher > Plague Scientist Ez! clear borad 9 mana 4/4
Honestly I was really excited for this at first, but after thinking about it, the deck this is best against is odd paladin, and if you play this on curve, they've just played their level up, so it doesn't kill anything, and even if they haven't leveled up, it curves into their vine-cleaver turn which means that it dies immediately and they have 2 more 1/1s. Maybe one or two more good mechs will get printed and the magnetic keyword will save this card, but when its best use involves it dying to on-curve, proactive plays I don't see it being very good.
Comparable to Dispicable Dreadlord as a worse choice but magnetic so, possibly powerful
There's snowchugger or whatever the freeze mech is... that's even worse
Toxic Arrow
Plague Scientist
Adaptation into Poison Spit