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Love it when Power of Creation lets me summon two of these at full health. I've only just returned to the game and it's happened twice by now.
If a class ever gets a secret that silences, he’s ya man
This card is doing work in taunt druid. It resurrects into a sleepy dragon sized threat but doesn't cost 9 mana to get into the res pool. 82% winrate so far
Thinking of running two of these alongside Woecleaver and The Boomship, as well as various other Warrior cards that are good in general (namely Frothing, Mountainfire and Blood Razor with Forge of Souls) as well as a Witchwood Grizzly. Plenty of single-target removal as well, and 7 or so other 5~9drops to boot plus maybe a single Supercollider and Omega Assembly.
And voila!
Midrange warrior. Tools galore. Hope it works well, 'cause paying for all the new mechs and making a Mech Warrior deck instead will be awful lol.
turn 10: omega assembly, get this, and The Boomship. Not bad
If only you could recruit a mech
The combo with brann sounds op Kappa
Mechadin looks fun
Great synergy with Divine Hymn, great cube target as well.
This is better than Unpowered Steambot for Inner Fire Priest and for Lady in White decks. Unfortunately, it costs 6 so it can't be used in an Odd Priest deck. It would be really strong with the upgraded hero power.
Imagine Witchwood Grizzly. You don't always play this, forcing the battlecry, sometimes you pull it from hand, deck or even revive it with Abominable Bowman etc.
This is the same case. Pull it from The Boomship or just revive this with Kangor's Endless Army. I can picture this being better in paladin than warrior imo.
Ow... it's a -tron... Still reading -don.
Right, with the legendary spell.
Finnaly a Shudderwock shaman buff Kappa
A true man of culture.
The Boomship or taunt Druid
or mech paladin