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We$t Coa$t?
With the upcoming rotation, this spell will be able to summon the following minions:
Year of the Mammoth
Looking over this list, I think this will go well with the Druid quest, since slightly over half of these minions in standard have over 5 attack.
Big-Time Racketeer makes Corrupted Seer seem a LOT better to drop from this.
WTF i got 3 Corrupted Seer 3 times in a row
is this card broken?
Love this card! Played a tournament yesterday and I was getting crushed by a Dragon Warrior until I played this and got a Dark Arakkoa from it. After that I turned the game around and won. I have gotten so many sick minions from it such as Sylvanas, Emperor, Sunwalker etc..
There seem to be a large number of bad 6 cost minions to get from this. Kidnapper, justicar, corrupted seer, moat lurker, Nerubian prophet, book wyrm, ivory knight, etc. The bad ones seem to outnumber the good ones by a lot
Sylvannas Emperor Sunwalker
Even getting Boulderfist Ogre is pretty amazing, because I would play a 6 mana 6/7 with Battlecry: Heal 6
You named some of the good outcomes, each of which has a 1/55 (1.8%) chance of being summoned. All I was saying is that there seem to be a large number of bad outcomes
This card could restore Ramp Druid.
"I HAVE NO TIME FOR GAMES!" (Cue dramatic sound)
"Aint no party like a moonglade party 'cause a moonglade party got bears"
Coolio approves of this flavor text.
"aint no party like a westcoast party 'cause a westcoast party don't stop" lyrics from 1, 2, 3, 4
For a red hot second there, I thought this might have been a Priest card.
Pretty silly of me! "Moonglade" clearly goes with Druid's "nature"-y theme, not Priest's "sh*t-for-cards"-y theme.
RIP Ancient of Lore
Best Priest card in Karazhan.
Why the fuck is this rare but that Mage portal common?
Broken card rarities?
Doesn't matter anymore since both are from an adventure and arena rarities are getting rebalanced in the near future (the bans were the first step)
Should have played around it
An average 6 drop is significantly better than 3/5
omg this card is sick.