Fire Elemental
Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 4 damage.
Flavor Text
He can never take a bath. Ewww.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Deal 4 damage.
He can never take a bath. Ewww.
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Because a wall of text is worth nothing if it's complete babble. Nothing this guy said makes any sense. He stated that the ideal mana cost for a 6/5 would be 4. That makes no sense. Also he doesn't see the fact that having a "Dark Bomb" attached to a minion is better than actually playing the spell even if Spell Damage can't be benefited from primarily because you gain card advantage from only having to use one card.
I think this is one of the best basic cards. I actually didn't even think it was from the basic set and was really surprised when I found out that it is, considering this seems pretty strong even nowadays in my opinion.
6/5 body misses 2 health for 6 mana but deals 3 damage, which costs 2 mana
this is class card so lets reduce its cost by 1
6 5 body (5 mana) + deal 3 damage (2 mana) mana - class card (1 mana) = 6-cost
Stop crying. This card is balanced. At least it doesn't freeze the target.
disgusting golden animation
People say it's good but I'm conflicted.
It fails the vanilla test, a 6 mana 6/5 is weak, sure a darkbomb attached is "2 mana", but that "2 mana" is not its own spell, that means you lose a lot of flexibility attached to having that "lightning bolt with no overload", and it doesn't scale with malygos nor azure drake.
How much would a 6/5 cost?
* Would pass vanilla test at 5 mana, while being the only minion in this bracket with such stats.
* Cobalt guardian is not played at 5 mana, but it's in a class that doesn't want cobalt guardian.
* Hard to valuate the body by itself because a 6/5 is not particularly good stats for trading, and since it has no charge, it's an unimpressive body. I would imagine it would start seeing competitive play at 4 mana, as 6/5 eats shredder while threatening face.
The power of this card is similar to SI agent, southsea kraken and bane of doom: they kill a weaker minion, and, sometimes potentially threaten a larger minion. This is a weak effect against single large minion boards, and against boards of weenies.
I do not see this card as "great", I see this card as "above average". While a regular 6/6 or 6/5 for 6 is pretty bad without deathrattle, in a class with limited draw, you don't want to run darkbombs usually, and cards that function as multiple cards let you fight on board as if you had more cards in hand than you actually do, eg one card lets you put a 6/5 on board and deal with an si agent or shredder's first form is better in shaman than lightning bolt + sideshow spelleater.
That being said, this is not to say that classes with effective draw that can actually have the REAL flexibility of playing a minion + 2 mana 3 damage in one turn have less frustrating time as a deck. So I am conflicted whether a deck full of draw + flexibility is as good as a deck with double-impact cards such as fire elemental.
Sometimes you just want to frostbolt a knife juggler, fire elemental can't let you do that on turn 2. Sometimes you want to double frostbolt on turn 6, again 2 fire elementals cost 12, 10 with emperor tick. Basically, it isn't REALLY as good as 2 cards, as the flexibility is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced in the fact that it is a single powerful card. That being said, it is a better lategame topdeck, since it functions as 2 specific cards you want to get on board...
Basically, It's a good card, but I don't think it's as good as people make it seem to be. The value you gain from this card is countered by the tempo loss of playing this card.
You wrote all that text to get all those downvotes? Don't worry, i think that you're right!
Why is this so good? Darkbomb is worth 2 mana. A 6/5 body is worth 5 mana (Pit Fighter with reversed stats). This adds them together and makes the package cost 6, cause reasons. That's why it's good.
This card has won me many a close game. Dropping him to get that last 3 face damage behind a line of enemy taunts is a really good feeling.
Actually, even if the Fire Elemental get Hexed or Polymorphed, it still trades 2-for-1, since the battlecry deals with a card and the body requires another card to remove. Hex trades 1-for-1 with the body, but since the battlecry traded 1-for1 with one of their minions (unless you went face with it), the card as a whole traded 2-for-1. That's what makes this card so good: even if your opponent has the best answer possible to the 6/5 body, you still get a favorable exchange, or at least an even one.
This card is simply amazing! Intently the best free card and the best part is it stays out of Big Game Hunter range, as well as showing it's little brother (Fireguard Destroyer) how to be a real Fire Elemental. (Sorry Rag)
"Senpai! I want to be as strong as you!" - Blackwing Corruptor
I'm with ya there man, he looks, burnt
hmmm well this card is good but against a priest it can get instantly destroyed by the power word card that kills a minion with 5 attack damage or more no?
so yeah, I find that this card works well against most classes except priest
That's the worst possible reason to say why a card is bad....
Possibly the most powerful free minion in the game, Fire Elemental worths well over 6 mana on its own.
A shaman player is prone to play Overload cards on turn 4, rather than turn 5, so that he can play Fire Elemental as soon as possible in a game. Should you encounter any aggressive turn 4 Overload card played, your foe is possibly setting up for a Fire Elemental play.
Most powerful free minion? Maybe. Water Elemental is another good candidate for that title.
Water Elemental is very strong, but it's not even close to being as good as Fire Elemental. I will say that Water Elemental is better against Control and maybe Patron Warrior, since they have few 3-health minions for the battlecry to kill and freezing the weapon is a Warrior's nightmare, but against any other class or deck Fire Elemental beats it.
Considering 3 damage worth 2 mana, Fire Elemental is a 6/5 for 4 mana, better then the mighty Yeti
3 damage is 2 mana look at frost bolt or dark bomb actually dark bomb wasn't in the game yet but frost bolt was