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I don't know why, but I personally dislike the card. I mean, yeah, having a better Stand Against Darkness is great and all, but I feel as if it's too situational. Zoolock is about shitting out minions like you just came back from Taco Bell, and you're more than likely going to have a giant board by the time this card becomes "good" (around turns 4-7). And it's not like you're gonna get anything special. Only 1/1s. And while synergies with cards like Knife Juggler, Darkshire Councilman, and Stormwind Champion exist, I feel as if it's just too slow. Why spend all of your mana for 7 1/1s and wait a turn while they remain vulnerable only to make them into 2/2s? While on the other hand, you could be playing cards that are a lot stronger in base stats, like Flame Imp, Doomguard, or even Devilsaur Egg, then buff them with Defender of Argus or Stormwind Champion right there? In general: I'm not saying Forbidden Ritual is a TERRIBLE card. I just feel as if the risk is too, well, risky, and the reward isn't good enough. Even if it did get a buff, like making them 2/2s, that'd too overpowered. Even if they were made into 1/2s, the reward would be too great. So yeah. That's my opinion. Carry on.
Swipe Consecration Maelstrom Portal Revenge
Starfall Avenging Wrath Elemental Destruction Ravaging Ghoul
Explosive Trap Circle of Healing Lightning Storm Tentacle of N'Zoth
Dreadscale Excavated Evil Demonwrath Wild Pyromancer
Arcane Explosion Holy Nova Spreading Madness Abomination
Twilight Flamecaller Fan of Knives Hellfire Corrupted Seer
Blizzard Blade Flurry Shadowflame Baron Geddon
Flamestrike Dark Iron Skulker Dread Infernal Chillmaw
Anomalus Vanish Whirlwind C'Thun
Don't forget.
Edit: Added Shadow Word: Horror, Twisting Nether, DOOM!, Brawl, Doomsayer, Deathwing.
Amazing synergy with Darkshire Councilman
Powerhouse in arena :D
If I have 10 mana, 6 minions on board is all my manager used to summon 1 tentacle?
The answer is yes. All mana will be used for 1 tentacle.
I love the golden artwork!
The ultimate hentai pack ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°):
Forbidden Ritual
Power Word: Tentacles
Tentacle of N'Zoth
Squirming Tentacle
Tentacles for Arms
Tentacle Zoo is going to be top-tier. This card does everything: Ramps into Sea Giant, deals a bunch of damage with Knife Juggler, and swings tempo SO heavily in your favor. Even if your opponent uses AoE to clear the tokens it's only one of your cards for most of their turn. The only card that answers this efficiently is Twilight Flamecaller.
There's a lot of cards that answer it efficiently. Too many to name. I don't think most classes mind spending their turn to clear a Zoo's board. As the games drags on the chances of certain classes chances of winning goes up substantially, such as Priest and Warrior. It's a strong card, but not on the level of Implosion, which was a huge swing card.
This card is great for filling up your board and pulling off combos with Knife Juggler, Gormok the Impaler, Sea Giant and any buffs like Abusive Sergeant or Power Overwhelming on the following turns. Great combo potential with Darkshire Councilman and Spawn of N'Zoth. I've been playing Zoo since forever and noticed that Imp-losion is often just dead in my hand and hardly ever punished on board despite the variety of tools in other classes. This card should be more flexible, more reliable (no RNG thank you Jesus) and even more annoying to deal with. It's a 0 mana AoE bait lol.
Death's Bite is rotating out, Muster for Battle is rotating out, Unstable Ghoul is too. Only Unleash the Hounds and Swipe (play around Swipe? lol) are left to answer this efficiently. The new WoG cards with Whirlwind and Arcane Explosion tucked on them aren't good enough.
Only thing that could make this card better is a demon tag on tokens for some Demonwrath synergy. But Zoo's never used that spell anyway.
I did say on the following turns, didn't I?
Zoo can trigger Gormok with cards like Peddler and Abusive on the same turn, which is how I've triggered him most of the time, because Implosion isn't exactly a reliable card. The tokens generated by this card guarantee an easier Gormok and a cheaper Giant on the next turns. At worst it's a great AoE bait.
No, the spell costs 0 mana, so it would spend 0 health. Then it would consume all of your remaining mana (as that is the spell's effect, not it's cost) and summon that many tentacles.
Wait. Its a rare card? Thought it was epic
It seems Warlocks aren't allowed to travel to Japan anymore...
Oh man, totally gross tentacle:
I feel icky!
Fighting online this way is counterproductive, it's all about speculation and imposition of ideas. Nobody will accept a defeat, even without great arguments. Only produce negative feelings. Maybe is better at least wait to see the card in real action before commenting so strongly.
I can explain to you why these "idiots" as you so nicely called people with opinions, are downvoting you. From my perspective, the way you are presenting your opinion and evaluation is very arrogant. It does sound like you have already played the card and know for a fact that it is bad. In all reality, you DON'T know if the card will be good or not because no one has played with it yet. But when you present your opinion like "You can talk about combos all you want. They don't work. Period." and "Actual combos with this simply don't work and all the talking about combos don't change that" it can give off a negative and know-it-all attitude.