Faceless Lurker
Card Text
Battlecry: Double this minion's Health.
Flavor Text
Longtime lurker, first time attacker.
Battlecry: Double this minion's Health.
Longtime lurker, first time attacker.
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With Brann Bronzebeard or the like it becomes a 3-12!
Hint: this twice, followed by a bunch of Twilight Drakes and a Wyrmguard makes for a really sweet Shudderwock.
Anyone know how does this card interact with Amet? (The new priest legendary)
Battlecry triggers first. so it will equal amet's health.
First his health is set to amet, then battlecry triggers. I tested it yesterday for a 14 hp faceless lurker. Next game, doubled amets health on 5 with coin, faceless lurker for 28 hp on 6 with inner fire. 28/28.
Quest Shudderwock OTK Shaman
A new deck (using this card among quite a few other Uldum cards) that I theorycrafted for Saviors of Uldum, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts if you want to check it out.
Hey look, it's a representation of those that don't comment.
Without buffs it's a Fen Creeper.
very often a 5/10 for 5 in Taunt-warrior :O