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    posted a message on Revamping Facehunter Curve - Need constructive criticism on this concept.

    If you are running plenty one drops like what I once made, maybe Desert Camel helps? I find it work fine with Brave Archer and Southsea Deckhand in my list.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from Giorgioksk >>
    Quote from nirino >>
    Quote from DyingAtheist >>

    I think people are overrating Shifting Shade slightly. Compared to other 4 drops like Yeti et al it's just such a tempo loss. Arena is so tempo heavy these days that I don't think you'd ever pick this over even something like a Sen'Jin. (I know Shade is a rare but, mana slots)

    But getting a card advantage for merely 1 mana worth of tempo is really good, even when you are taking it from their deck. Indeed this card does not belong to very high places in tier lists because of tempo loss and that it does not synergize well with Lesser Heal, but it is still among the best statline for a draw effect card, like Azure Drake. For a closer comparison, I can safely say it is a better Polluted Hoarder and Cult Master
    Getting card advantage for 1 mana loss of tempo is good but not so much for priest, since he doesnt have so many cheap proactive cards to gain back the lost tempo. Not to mention that priest needs high health minions to make good use of the hero power. I dont think I would pick Shade over Yeti early in the draft. Also, the cards that your opponent drafted might not be that good (one of the reasons Thoughtsteal is not so good in arena). If I have high-value minions, I'd choose Polluted hoarder and Cult master to reach guaranteed value.
    Problem with the other two alternatives is that they are awkward played on curve due to the one health difference. Shifting Shade, playable both on curve and not, is therefore is more solid alternative. And I deny what you said that opponent's card is not that good (in fact they get better in later games like after 5 to 7 wins), but getting enemy's card like Thoughtsteal is not great in Arena because we don't know the composition of their deck.
    You're right about your first point though, so I revise my analysis that this card remains to be on par with Chillwind Yeti depending on draft. More SW:D and SW:P drafted (lower value, high tempo removals) makes this card a better pick than Yeti, I think? Otherwise sticking to Yeti is probably more consistent.
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from DyingAtheist >>

    I think people are overrating Shifting Shade slightly. Compared to other 4 drops like Yeti et al it's just such a tempo loss. Arena is so tempo heavy these days that I don't think you'd ever pick this over even something like a Sen'Jin. (I know Shade is a rare but, mana slots)

    But getting a card advantage for merely 1 mana worth of tempo is really good, even when you are taking it from their deck. Indeed this card does not belong to very high places in tier lists because of tempo loss and that it does not synergize well with Lesser Heal, but it is still among the best statline for a draw effect card, like Azure Drake. For a closer comparison, I can safely say it is a better Polluted Hoarder and Cult Master
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact

    Well so last week I mentioned recently announced cards I expect to see play and shape the power level of the new Arena, so I figured I do the opposite this time...

    Cards that are disappointing, from lowest tier to some cards in Tier 3

    Disappointing Tier 5 (reserved for cards with serious drawbacks):

    • Demented Frostcaller - An un-aggressive body for a reasonably aggressive ability, and that freezing opponent's face rather than minions is a miss in plenty circumstance
    • Renounce Darkness - Works much better if you can afford to abuse your life tap before you swap your cards, but in Arena you'd want to play zoo. Will often make mismatch of deck strategy.
    • Embrace the Shadow - Too many other cards need to be drafted to make this card work better than a 4 mana 2 damage ping, and when you do have them this card is still a 2 mana tempo loss and 1 card slot used up.
    • Yogg-Saron, Hope's End - Often not enough spells drafted to achieve that dream Arena win
    • Tentacles for Arms - Still not convinced by ratings of others, I still put this at 5. As reach, the card is comparable toHeadcrack. As removal, the mere fact that you are locking your weapon slot from other alternatives is just devastating. You will also take plenty of damage in the process of using this as removal beyond turns 5, and will then lose you games.
    • Eater of Secrets - Poor body, and counters secret that typically under-perform in Arena. And when it works, it does not have great stat as an outcome.
    • Shadow Word: Horror - There was plenty enough arguments about this, but I'll stick to Tier 5 for the following reasons: One, a two-sided dagger. Two, as priest you would already have killed lower-health minions by trading and abused your hero power. Three, does nothing to weaken higher attack creatures than Priests often find troublesome.
    • Tentacle of N'Zoth - a weak AoE, not a proactive ability (lets opponent trades all 1 health minions first), and has very poor value
    • Blood Warriors - worse Echo of Medivh due to the incredible task of damaging your own minions.


    Disappointing Tier 4 (consistently meh, or very situationally okay):

    • Ancient Harbinger - the 4/6 body is reasonable, but at 6 mana it is a tempo loss. It will be rare to draft 10 mana cards (except Mind Control) though, but this makes it interesting when you do draft any; Ancient Harbinger is often not a priority target, so it can thin your deck.
    • Blood of The Ancient One - A worse War Golem, and the only cards to make it work are very difficult to draft (and draw when you do draft them) - Echo of Medivh Faceless Manipulator Herald Volazj are a few.
    • Thistle Tea - Does not let you play 5+ mana cost cards at the same turn, drawing only 1 card in your deck makes it more unreliable than Sprint to draw for answer, and reveals information about your other two cards for your opponent.
    • Deathwing, Dragonlord - The only merit to this unreasonably slow card is the tempo advantage you can get... at turns 9 (on coin) and beyond. 
    • Shadowcaster - too reliant on having a useful card you want to copy stick on the board, and even the best cards you can copy (North Sea Kraken, Sludge Belcher, Piloted Shredder) will not give you a tempo advantage when you pay 6 mana for it.
    • Vilefin Inquisitor - 1/3 body that does not trade up to midrange bodies, it's not Tier 5 only because it is a somewhat resilient minion for all your Pally buffs
    • Infest - Needs an average of 3 minions for this to become good deal for its price, but you don't want to spend your mana so early to draw if you can use them to push for lethal. And afterwards, you cannot guarantee the 3 minions on the board.
    • Servant of Yogg-Saron - requires more tokeny board on your side so to ensure a generally good effect from the Battlecry, otherwise you are pushing your luck with this card.
    • Spreading Madness - Drafting a zoo-ish deck will make this card difficult to use, and hitting the two face will often be a miss. Moreover, there'sDemonwrath
    • Cult Apothecary - Slightly better than Priestess of Elune. Draft dependent to be useful, as you need value-oriented deck drafted to guarantee its use.
    • The Boogeymonster - initial 7 health for a 8 mana body is bad. And that you need to trade before this card becomes useful... It's not too bad statline is the only redeeming factor out of Tier 5.
    • Cho'gall - For warlocks, bigger bodies are often not what you want. And dealing face damage in turns 7 and beyond too, in spite of the tempo advantage you may get.
    • Spawn of N'Zoth - Too vulnerable to the removals (both single-target and AoEs) in your opponent's hand, as it makes it possible for your opponent to trade off the board and then kill this to deny its deathrattle value. And compared to Anubisath Sentinel, it often offers too little tempo when it works and has a less resilient body.
    • Scaled Nightmare - a more costly Gurubashi Berserker, with another difference that this card gets easily bullied by enemy trades the turn it is summoned. And that you only get value (however enormous) by this surviving at least 2 turns makes the card far too situational to be useful.
    • Validated Doomsayer - A very swingy card, as the card offers Tier 5/ Alarm-o-Bot value when traded off the next (opponent's) turn it is played, but otherwise becomes tier 3. Will rely on taunt, board clears and freeze effects drafted for the card to gain value.
    • Herald Volazj - Barely Tier 3, but the ability to generate tokens is rather valuable in Arena (especially when they have effects) to push the situational card out of Tier 4. Do take note of its weakness toFlamestrike - now that Mages have such awesome common cards coming soon, this card may perform worse depending on the Arena climate. Edit: That many good/great 1 damage AoE (Ravaging Ghoul and Twilight Flamecaller coming into the game actually made me change my mind about the Tier.


    Disappointing Tier 3 (okay-ish, but will not make great impact):

    • Xaril, Poisoned Mind - difficult decision, but seeing that only two of these toxins are usually useful (Firebloom Toxin and Briarthorn Toxin) and the other three being situationally useful, Xaril, Poisoned Mind is not great. You just lose plenty of tempo early, even if you managed to smoothen your combo and mana efficiency with the toxins.
    • Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale - Slightly worse Stormwind Champion, but a little bit more flexibility.
    • Forlorn Stalker - An aggressive 4 attack for 3 mana is not too bad, but this card is barely Tier 3. Sacrificing early tempo for later turns is not what typical Classic Aggro decks Hunters aspire to draft want to see. And the effect only is guaranteed value with deathrattle minions in what commonly will be small hand size. That said, this card is decent in more tempo-oriented drafts.
    • Forbidden Flame - offers the ability to smoothen curve (maximizes tempo gain at other turns) at the expense of having an overcosted removal (that will not gain tempo by itself). Decent, but still pales in comparison to the many cheaper removal (6 damage for 4 mana, 3 damage freeze for 2, transform for 4 or 3) Mages have.
    • Faceless Shambler - as it takes a mere 3/5 stat to be copied to make it pass the vanilla test (Sen'jin Shieldmasta), this card is not bad. Still, it will clog your hand until later turns when it can be useful. And silence is troublesome.
    • Corrupted Healbot - its deathrattle meant that you will need to fight for the board a little bit longer than usual, which is not such a big deal if you do not draft aggro.
    • Infested Tauren - slightly better body than Dragonling Mechanic (as the 2/1 from the mechanic is weak to pings), but still an under-average statline in general.
    • N'Zoth the Corruptor - often be a 5/7 body with one or two other deathrattle minions. Not great, certainly not bad (even a Harvest Golem is okay, not to mention Sludge Belcher). Rather draft dependent, but can be a very good card to draft.


    Disappointing Tier 1:


    I welcome comments. I'm pretty stubborn though.

    Edited: added Scaled Nightmare (4) and Validated Doomsayer (4) on the list after reading through DyingAtheist's comments, which I originally overlooked due to their landslide potential. Added Forlorn Stalker at (3). Also, missing description for Forbidden Flame (3) added. Herald Volazj updated (3) -> (4) and Blood Warriors (4) -> (5)

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from Garlicnerd >>
    Quote from notsoclutch >
     Deathwing is a tier 2 based on the 10 mana 12/12 not the effect.
     A 10 mana 12/12 seems about on par with War Golem.
     ^ What this guy said.
    At 10 mana, this card is more likely to be a clutch than a tempo advantage. So having this card in hand will probably clog your hand for a few turns, making awkward turns happen. When that happens and you are losing, you probably will not want to play this card and instead play taunt like Sludge Belcher because they may have threatened lethal.
    Then there is inherent weakness to hard removals. It will not be common that Sneed's Old ShredderY'Shaarj, Rage Unbound will be better than Dankwing because they can much more reliably get you the extra body on the board.
    Lastly, a 12 attack giant often will not matter if you are only summoning one body on the board which gets stopped by a single Annoy-o-Tron. Summoning multiple bodies like Silver Hand Knight is often a better alternative.
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from AbusingKel >>

    Deathwing, Dragonlord - 2 - based on 10 mana for 12/12 stats. Pretty unlikely you get the battlecry to trigger to any effect and most games are decided by turn 10 so the same applies here as it did to the old gods cards - lots of better Legendary minions that are more effective in arena. If you're lucky enough to get that constructed looking deck and have lots of dragons you're sure to make your opponent cry if you can drop this and get a dragon or two out of hand free. 

    Faceless Summoner - 1 - clear cut stud and fills a gap for mage's 6 drops AND it's a common. Jaina will be tough to pass on if you get her as a choice to start your run. Between this and Ethereal Conjurer you have 2 tremendously strong common cards that could populate your arena deck.

     Isn't Deathwing, Dragonlord a Deathrattle card? It's Tier 3 or 4 for sure.
    Faceless Summoner's randomly summoned 3 drop do tend to have battlecries and under-vanilla stats, so this card should not be too powerful... although I do admit that with the average stat of about 2.5/3 this card outperforms Silver Hand Knight by a long shot. And the 5/5 body is soo much better than the 4/4. 
    Edit: Just read the comments on Faceless Summoner to realize that King Mukla and Injured Blademaster is a thing. Holy Crap.
    Mage still a very annoying class in arena, Ben Brode never fails.
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from Giorgioksk >>

    Not to mention that in the rare section, it competes with 2 of the best arena class cards.

    I thought the best arena rare is Muster for Battle?
    Thistle Tea is like sprint, but higher chance of missing follow up you need (like Sap) because you are only drawing 1 card. You cannot immediately play 5+ mana cost cards, and furthermore you are giving information about the other two cards - enemy can then decide whether to ignore your North Sea Krakens or to play around Backstabs. So putting it at the lower ends of Tier 4 is actually reasonable.
    Soggoth the Slitherer – 3 – a big, untouchable taunt seems good but, for 9 mana, I think you'll often find yourself wishing he had just a little more on his attack. By that point in the game you're facing things like Boulderfist Ogre andNorth Sea Kraken and this guy won't have the power to remove them. He will, however, do a great job buying you the extra turn to find answers.
    To me, Soggoth the Slitherer certainly cannot be in Tier 3 if it can reliably grind enemy minions to dust. 9 health meant that it will often take 2 or more hits to kill this taunt, 5 attack kills most minions that come to it, while sufficiently weakening larger minions to be killed off by trading or spells (Flamestrike says Hello) and having the weakness to hard removals of Ancient of War covered means that the card is very solid.
    Twilight Summoner – 2 – based on the stats, you'll (hopefully!) get 6/6 for 4 mana. Ultimately, he's more likely to be a tempo loss that puts you behind, though. I'm not sure he should be this high and am curious to see him in action….. but I want somebody else to go first. lol
    Ikr, there is no similar card to this that I can use to assess. Not a 6/6 stat as you've said, but a 5/5 with ping, maybe Fire Elemental? But the ping works differently, and this even works with Dark Iron Dwarf.
    But most times in Arena every slight advantage in stat can prove to be game-winning, so Tier 2 is my prediction too.
    Posted in: The Arena
  • 2

    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact

    My idea of the newer cards I expect to see play, and why, in order of expected tiers 1,2 and 3:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    • Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. A worse Varian Wrynn due to inherent weakness to hard-removal, and cannot reliably pull taunts to compensate its slow nature. Better than Ysera, especially in near-lethal circumstances where thinning deck helps to draw reach. Close to Tier 1, but didn't make the cut.
    • Mire Keeper. Close to Silver Hand Knight, the mana crystal option isn't a likely pick as it isn't likely you would draft a very tall, value deck that can survive the harsh landslide-like tempo-driven nature of the Arena.
    • Twilight Summoner (?). Current placement considers Silence getting a possible nerf, and the pool of silence cards is getting reduced. Otherwise, the slight stat advantage can prove to make this card very good, even if there's a one turn delay in summoning the 5/5 to let your opponent summon a countering body (e.g. Pit Fighter)
    • Soggoth the Slitherer. Playable 2 turns after Ancient of War can be played. Both cards crushes enemy's lower minions, but the loss of tempo pushes the card just out of Tier 1. Good against Rogues and Mages, bad against Paladins (Blessing of KingsKeeper of Uldaman)

    Tier 3:

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Yogg-Saron an In-depth Analysis

    Can you mark the spells that generates tokens? I think this is rather important as they are not only absorbs potentially harmful character-targetting spells from your face (and your opponent's), interacts with buffs, and can serve as indicator to how flooded your board will be after playing Yogg.

    Not sure how they will nerf this, but the current Force of Nature is a very good spell off Yogg.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from Giorgioksk >>
    Quote from nirino >>
    Quote from Giorgioksk >>

    Consider to put Shadow Word: Horror and Steward of Darkshire as average and Tentacle of N'Zoth as poor.

    Just my two cents on the cards you mentioned:
     Shadow Word: Horror... I hope you're not serious. It is a beyond bad card, because you will rarely see 2 or more 2 attack minions on their side. If there were any, they would've been bullied already by your minions + healing from hero power. As a comparison, Shadow Madness is a strictly better card because it kill a 3 attack minion to trade with another 3 health minion, giving value of 2 minions similar to Shadow Word: Horror. Furthermore, anti-synergy with low attack minions you want to draft like Northshire Cleric.
    Steward of Darkshire have a 3/3 stat so I agree it's at least average, but its effect is so niche. Compare with Silver Hand Regent, would you rather have two 1/1ss or an argent squire? If you drafted Blessing of Kings or gg musters, the latter may be better, but as a stand-alone I would prefer the Regent. I'd rate it lower, slightly.
    Tentacle of N'Zoth is just not valuable, and doesn't even work as effective as Whirlwind and Arcane Explosion. Probably, you are rating this card far too high
     It all depends on your drafting choices. I would pick SW: Horror over Angry Chicken and Target Dummy.
    How am I rating the Tentacle of N'Zoth too high at poor, it certainly is not a bad card. It's really difficult for most cards to be bad in arena, especially since we have so much variety with the classes (aka again depending on my choices, I'd draft Angry Chicken in Hunter)
    Haha, what I meant is that the tentacle is such a low-impact, non-immediate card that I would feel bad whenever my opponent plays this, because I know they got a bad draft, or misclicked. It's not bad tier, it's Ancestor's Call tier
    Just to elaborate the many reasons I think it is bad...
    1. 1 health = pinged, while drafting more resilient minions will at least let you trade the minion away.
    2. Incoherent drafting. This card shines in decks that stall before playing their valuable minions, but Arena is very tempo-driven unlike in constructed.
    3. Not proactive, and lets your opponent choose the trade unless you can play with the Tentacle like a Jaina. This makes it even harder to drop the tentacle beyond turn 1, as you may already have other minions on your board.
    4. 1 damage AoE hardly kills, even against most aggressive Arena boards. As a stall card, it barely achieves its purpose.
    1+4 means that the card is of low value. 2+3 means that this card is not effective to gain tempo. Trash.
    It does trade with 3/2s, but that's niche. Unless I'm Mage, I probably will still pick Stoneskin Gargoyle or Angry Chicken over this, just to get the safe tempo option.
    Quote from notsoclutch >>
    Quote from nirino >>
    Quote from Giorgioksk >>

    Consider to put Shadow Word: Horror and Steward of Darkshire as average and Tentacle of N'Zoth as poor.

    Just my two cents on the cards you mentioned:
     Shadow Word: Horror... I hope you're not serious. It is a beyond bad card, because you will rarely see 2 or more 2 attack minions on their side. If there were any, they would've been bullied already by your minions + healing from hero power. As a comparison, Shadow Madness is a strictly better card because it kill a 3 attack minion to trade with another 3 health minion, giving value of 2 minions similar to Shadow Word: Horror. Furthermore, anti-synergy with low attack minions you want to draft like Northshire Cleric.
     In arena, all the overpowered tokeny board swamp cards are available.   This makes AOE all the more useful (and makes horror much more valueable especially against paladin).  There are many situations where it will be better than Shadow Madness.  It won't be a top tier card, but it's better than you probably think. 
    What are everyone's thoughts on the Ravaging Ghoul?  It seems like it could be quite good.  It definitely helps with divine shields and a couple of token spawners.  It's a little situational, but generally you are at least getting an ironforge with a 3/3 body.  In any kind of slower warrior, it seems like an auto pick, but maybe rate it slightly above average since it has anti synergy in agressive decks. 
    Maybe our arena experiences differ, but I do not often play against tokeny opponents in Arena, instead I deal with Shredders and Yetis far more often. I can understand your point regarding AoE being a necessity, but Priests generally draft more lower attack, higher health minions so the potential to hurt oneself is quite large. Not damaging the higher attack minions also meant that this AoE does not really help to slow down the lethal clock against midrangey decks.
    And Ravaging Ghoul is very very good. It's an AoE, which gets a premium in Arena. Then, all the synergy with Battle Rage, Commanding Shout (because your minions won't die), and OMG Execute. The 3/3 body will make less impact to the board compared to the 6/6 of Dread Infernal, but it is still a very good card, especially for warriors. I think I will put it at about the level of Cruel Taskmaster, maybe higher.
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact
    Quote from Giorgioksk >>

    Consider to put Shadow Word: Horror and Steward of Darkshire as average and Tentacle of N'Zoth as poor.

    Just my two cents on the cards you mentioned:
     Shadow Word: Horror... I hope you're not serious. It is a beyond bad card, because you will rarely see 2 or more 2 attack minions on their side. If there were any, they would've been bullied already by your minions + healing from hero power. As a comparison, Shadow Madness is a strictly better card because it kill a 3 attack minion to trade with another 3 health minion, giving value of 2 minions similar to Shadow Word: Horror. Furthermore, anti-synergy with low attack minions you want to draft like Northshire Cleric.
    Steward of Darkshire have a 3/3 stat so I agree it's at least average, but its effect is so niche. Compare with Silver Hand Regent, would you rather have two 1/1ss or an argent squire? If you drafted Blessing of Kings or gg musters, the latter may be better, but as a stand-alone I would prefer the Regent. I'd rate it lower, slightly.
    Tentacle of N'Zoth is just not valuable, and doesn't even work as effective as Whirlwind and Arcane Explosion. Probably, you are rating this card far too high
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact

    Vanilla 1/3 is definitely okay just as extra target for those pally buffs, so this definitely rates higher than Warbot. Regarding double hero power... only works if you have this and Kvaldir Raider or Mrglgl Knight in hand both at turn 10/9. Not happening. Tier 4 (40)

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact

    I say the Thing from Below isn't that good in Arena, because it doesn't let you play by taking the tempo initiative (by hero powering). Shaman really struggles to regain board from a losing situation without common AoEs. The 5/5 stat is still great, I concede. Especially the 5 attack that punches through all the notable taunts: Sludge BelcherTaz'Dingo and Sunwalker. I put it at tier 3-4, not Tier 2 as you did (maybe 50?)

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 1

    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods: Arena Impact

    I disagree with some of the ratings made above:

    Polluted Hoarder : Rated above as 3(Average), I think this card needs more merit among the draw cards. 2 health that survives pings, and 4 attack on a draw card is more useful than 2 attack of Gnomish Inventor because it trades with larger minions or pushes for quicker lethal. Comparison with Cult Master is difficult, but they rate about the same. while Cult Master benefits off those Spectral Spider and Silver Hand Recruit, generally aggro decks in Arena just want to push for lethal than to have to trade off minions. On the other hand, there's also the immediacy of draw in Cult Master, so they should be rated about the same. I'd say its Tier 2 (65)

    N'Zoth's First Mate : Rated above as 1(Excellent), it becomes a TERRIBLY clunky draw if drawn late, occupies the weapon slot if you have Fiery Win Axes or Arcanite SMORCer in hand. Still a very good card as it trades with a 3/2 effectively while activating those executes, but the 1-drop deserves far too much merit than it should. I will still put it at Tier 1 (75)

    Tentacles for Arms : Rated above as 1(Excellent), revised to 3(Average). It's useless as reach because its uncommon to put your opponent to 6 health (when you can use this to kill in 3 hits) without having some control of the board already. As removal, this doesn't kill midrange minions, and this uses up the weapon slot so you can't use it with your other axes on top of this being too slow. I put this at Tier 5 (15)

    Cult Apothecary : Rated above as 2(Good). The hell. You don't heal in Arena unless you already drafted enough board wipes and value Krakens or Ysera. This card is not only dependent on deck drafted, but also the size of opponent's board, making the heal much less worthwhile when you have sufficiently recovered the board. Only redeeming factor is the 4/4 body in a 5 mana card. I rate it Tier 4 (40)



    Posted in: The Arena
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