Silver Hand Regent
Card Text
Inspire: Summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit.
Flavor Text
The Silver Hand is the best paladin organization. The Argent Crusaders are super jealous.
Card Sounds
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2×This + Juticeer Truehearth= 2 Lost in he jungle. 2 mana + a lot of cards= 2 mana and less cards. Results: just play dudeadin without this
Spellbender works too
Today looking for some cards to dust, stopped by 3 mana minions i seen this grill and her attributes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
By far the sexiest female card in the game.
The artwork could easily have been done better. I guess blizzard doesn't think about how small the artwork appears on the screen. She looks like she has a beer gut unless you look really closely you realize that she is smoking hot. The burst of light in the background just doesn't do her justice.
between her, Maiden of the Lake, and Justicar Trueheart.... you can Muster for 1 mana.
Knife Jugglers, Warhorse Trainers, and Quartermasters... OH MY...
This card is way too fucking good in Paladin. First card in the set I legitimately hate.
This is a pretty sweet 3 drop for arena.
Side-note - does she actually have....nippled armor??
gotta protect your nips yo
Truth. I often need tape when I go for a run so... y'know...the chaffing...
Hey, if it's good enough for Batman...
Today i was goin through bunch of random pics and iv noticed this one among them lol :D Indeed, the metal bends before (or over? :D) the mighty elf warrior :)
I'm late to the party, but every time I look at this card, I get really upset.
It is, at the moment, the only neutral card that gives other classes the hero power of different classes.
With that said, I think I found a pretty decent use for this in a warrior deck
Spelleater legitimately GIVES you the enemy hero power though?
3 mana now buys 4/4 in stats. Seems like the older expert/Naxx/etc sets are going to become obsolete. I wonder when they will do a full reset.
what are you talking about? It's Inspire not Battlecry.
5 mana buys roughly 5/5 in stats with possible later upside you mean? 3 + 2 for inspire to say get 2x Silverhand Recruits is 3/3+1/1+1/1 ?
I think we're going to be seeing a lot of this card, in a wide variety of classes.
Idk what's the problem with this being neutral. Just cause it summons a "silver hand recruit" lol
I see it just as a 3/3 that summons 1/1 tokens, people wouldn't be complaining if it was named: Random name elf with battlecry: summon a 1/1 minion.
I think if it was written in the way you mentioned it would less of a slap in the face of paladins. Recruits should only be a paladins specific thing, like what if all classes had the ability to summon one of the random shaman totems, it is the same issue WHY is that happening. It just makes a class' power seems much less special when you put it on a neutral card. If it was a paladin class card then no problem, its what paladins do anyway but the potential summoning of recruits on every class is an insult.