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Honorary member of the Grimy Goons!
The Big Bad Wolf is back!
wouldn't just the normal grimy goon cards be better?
Ithink this and princess huhuran may make nzoth hunter but hunters need good card draw with the "in your hand" effect, maybe n the next expansion
I love the subtlety of the golden version of the card.
Love the art!
poop poop
at least we can all agree this expansion is garbage. why the fuck wud you play a deathrattle. deathrattles r totally 2015
Nice card. Beautiful art, good effect to push deathrattle sinergy decks and a okay/good body attached to the effect.
On the other hand, being his effect bound to the deathrattles you have in your hand, at first glance it looks pretty nice, but being hunter the class we're talking about makes it feel a bit underwhelming, mainly because hunter doesn't have a good draw engine, this with the loss in standard of many of the DR and DR related cards hunter used makes this card to feel like it came to late to the game and that it was created for wild mode rather than standard (which isn't bad at all, more wild love is always welcome, since this mode felt at first like the HS garbage bin). Well, this card is a bit bad in standard when we look at the cards revealed for now, but who knows, maybe hunter will be given some interesting deathrattle minions in WotOG. Only time will tell...
probably you won't play it for it's body. You'll play it for it's buff. In arena, i aggre it's terrible card, but in constructed it can be amazing.
If it buffs the cards like Savannah Highmane, new 4 mana 3/3 wolf etc. it will be great.
Don't think this card on this meta. Think it new hunter's meta. Probably you won't look topdeck for play, you'll hold at least 4-5 card every turn.
3 mana 14/12
Obviously you play this with Starving Buzzard and Knife Juggler so when you play it the Juggler hits the enemy 1-health deathlord summoning a beast from your deck drawing you a card.
Love this card. Well balanced, cool effect. Text isn't overbudgeted.
Remains to be seen whether WoG will include any playable Deathrattles, but this and N'Zoth, the Corruptor hint that there will be.
Another case of Blizzard printing a card too late for it to see any use. This would've been ridiculous with all the deathrattle minions that are now leaving in standard.
As if hunter wasnt already ridiculous zzz
Worgens don't get enough hearthstone love. I'm glad to see a worgen. though I think the card isn't great in Standard. Wild will be sweet though
This card seems crappy. The art is just supreme but effect and stats are very weak. The 4/2 is not bad but the battlecry is not that powerfull to pay 1 extra health (compared to Saboteur and Light's Champion). If it was a buff for deathrattle board AND hand it would be much better (yet still nothing crazy, because it is not likely to have a huge ammount of deathrattle minions)
well the cards should be aproximetely at same power level. The saboteur and light's champion battlecries are quite good (saboteur is not bad vs priest and warlock + threatens a huge face slap) yet they both are 4/3 bodies. I don't realy think that this battlecry worth -1 health. Hunter has some core cards that just can't be changed with deathrattle minions (like Animal Comp, Unleash, Weapons, Traps) And also what is REALY important is that hunter running out of cards very quickly so this card has a great chance of being not used at all. If you have no draw than this card is useless.
it can be actualy worse than people thinking now....
This is probably going to be strongest in the Wild format, but we will see since there are several cards yet to be released. That being said though, I think this is going to see more play in the later stages of the game as a mechanic for buffing smaller, early-game minions that would typically be poor in the late game.
I can see a scenario where you play a Cult Master Unleash the Hounds combo to clear the board, draw a bunch of cards, and then buff them with this one. I don't think it is going to end up being crazy good value, but it may be "good enough".