Maxima Blastenheimer
Card Text
Battlecry: Summon a minion
from your deck. It attacks the
enemy hero, then dies.
Flavor Text
Believe it or not, this is only the faire's fourth most dangerous game.
Battlecry: Summon a minion
from your deck. It attacks the
enemy hero, then dies.
Believe it or not, this is only the faire's fourth most dangerous game.
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Deathwing, Dragonlord
You can rip things like Savannah Highmane with this. I think maybe you need to have no little minions that you don't summon off of spells for this to be very good, which is kind of the problem. Hunter needs early game a lot of the time to survive or put on pressure. Feels like an oddity for now.
The classic 4/4 stats and not some uneven stats like 7/3. Check!
Boring effect AND a Legendary with this effect. Check!
I am not impressed about this card.
probably will see play in deathrattle hunter
Remember Flark's Boom-Zooka? Kinda similar, but like, much better
For me, this card should be "Battlecry: Draw a minion from your deck and summon a copy. It attacks the enemy hero, then dies." Ther actual card is just... A bad epic card...
Turn 7: Dinotamer Brann
Turn 8: Beastmaster Leoroxx pulling out 3 King Krush made by Ramkahen Wildtamer and Hunting Party
Turn 9: Last King Krush created by Hunting Party
Turn 10: Dire Frenzy on King Krush and this legendary. Because why not.
That's...scary...but keep in mind that the chances of getting a combo like that is absurdly low, albeit funny and possible.
yeah savannah Highmane and plagued protodrake. For early game secrets and companion. Like pack tactics
big hunter but you need Youthful Brewmaster x 2 in your hand for consistency damage face
Will it work with The Darkness? and being dormant will do 20 damage or nothing?
It should be the same interaction of Barnes or Ysharaj. So it is a stone for 0 damage to the face.
I could imagine a weird Hunter deck that runs nothing but spells The Darkness + this Maxima card. Kind of like Barnes into Y'shaarj combo except this could maybe win you the game quicker.
Edit: Ah doesn't The Darkness go dormant even if you cheat it out? I guess C'thun is the only way.
Majordomo Executus: 6 mana 4-4, 9 damage to the enemy hero, your hero power is ragnaros.
Ye, next turn, Pyroblast in your face, gg...
It can do a lot with cards like Highmane or Tonk or Colossus but the issue is you can't put it in a Phase Stalker deck and Phase Stalker is currently THE highest winrate card in Hunter by mulligan% so that's a HUGE disincentive to playing this. Guess we'll have to see more but CURRENTLY you wouldn't put this in any existing Hunter deck so it would have to be something completely new.
That's because there aren't any popular non aggro hunter decks right now? That doesn't mean much
"Guess we'll have to see more but CURRENTLY you wouldn't put this in any existing Hunter deck so it would have to be something completely new."
The reason there are not any popular non aggro hunter decks now is because, if you make a non hunter aggro deck now using the cards available, the deck you make is worse than anything else that is currently available. That is basically fucking tautologically true. You can't dispute that. And this card ON ITS OWN, a one-of legendary with an only decent effect is not going to singlehanded make non-aggro Hunter decks beat the fifty other decks that are better than it. Hence why I said "Guess we'll have to see more but CURRENTLY you wouldn't put this in any existing Hunter deck so it would have to be something completely new."
I just kinda imagine Scrapyard Colossus with its huge upper body stickin out the end of the cannon and it tilts its head towards Maxima and just silently throws up a thumbs up