Deck of Chaos
Card Text
Swap the Cost and Attack of all minions in your deck.
Flavor Text
Yeah, it's chaos, but it's organized chaos.
Swap the Cost and Attack of all minions in your deck.
Yeah, it's chaos, but it's organized chaos.
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I want to play with this card and build a deck around it. I really do, it's such a clever concept. But this card is just way, way too expensive currently especially in this meta. Playing it means death almost every time. I really hope Blizzard buffs this card to make it cheaper or also affect your hand.
Would it have been too op if it also read "in hand" and not only "in deck"?
_____________Wasteland Scorpid
_____________Robes of Protection
gg wp
Deck of Chaos vs Emperor Thaurissan -> Slow Control Synergy/Combos vs Fast Tempo Combo.
40:60 [%] IMO.
You guys are doing this wrong - Rock Rager
Carnival Clown
Voidlord // Lord Godfrey // Possessed Lackey // N'Zoth, the Corruptor // Molten Giant // Dragonhatcher // Naga Sea Witch // Giggling Inventor // Scaled Nightmare // Doppelgangster Meat Wagon // Baron Rivendare // Darkmoon Rabbit
Not to burst your bubble but I kinda feel like C'thun's attack buff would make him more expensive
I guess that does make more sense
Any Egg deck would love this card.
Any dragon or demon deck would love cheaper minions.
Even 3 out of the 4 old gods will be nutty in value.
Okay, this is absolutely madness.
Everybody: Malygos
Me, an intelectual: Mogu'shan Warden
How will this work with giants?
For Molten Giant, it will make it a 20/8 minion that only requires 8 health to cost 0.
The other giants are self explanatory.
FINALLY I can make a decent Desert Obelisk meme deck
This card has amazing synergy with a lot of Warlock class cards--for example: Zzeraku the Warped, Abyssal Summoner, Aranasi Broodmother, Valdis Felgorge, and Lord Jaraxxus (if only it made the weapon have 9 attack). Additionally, it adds a ton of value to some neutrals, such as Malygos, Shu'ma, Batterhead Khartut Defender, and Ysera. There is actually a jank OTK in wild that I might try out with this that uses an Emperor buff to play Malygos + 2x Faceless Manipulator + 2x Nether Breath as a 9-mana combo to hit the opponent for 38.
It's similar to Pocket Galaxy, but Warlock has much better draw tools. I think that it lacks consistency as a one-off, so it probably won't be prominent in the meta, but it has the potential to create some crazy highlights. That said, if you look at the cards that this benefits, many of them are included in Control Warlock, so this could be slotted into that if it is a powerful meta deck.
Hir'eek, the Bat
this is terrible, luna's but much worse in a class with long term health issues
Except Warlock has much better draw than mage and tends to run a lot more minions than mage, most of which actually work well this this. Not to mention Warlock is already getting more survival tools like the 4/3 Demon that deals 2 damage to everything except demons.
Summoning Portal // Chromatic Egg // Desert Obelisk // Ruststeed Raider // Abyssal Summoner // Shu'ma // Underbelly Ooze // Hir'eek, the Bat // Mosh'Ogg Enforcer // Batterhead // Twin Tyrant // Ysera // Malygos // King Phaoris