The Scholomance is housed within a series of crypts that lie beneath the ruined keep of Caer Darrow. Once owned by the noble Barov family, Caer Darrow fell to ruin following the Second War. As the wizard Kel'thuzad enlisted followers for his Cult of the Damned he would often promise immortality in exchange for serving his Lich King. The Barov family fell to Kel'thuzad's charismatic influence and donated the keep and its crypts to the Scourge. The cultists then killed the Barovs and turned the ancient crypts into a school for necromancy known as the Scholomance. Though Kel'thuzad no longer resides in the crypts, devoted cultists and instructors still remain. The powerful lich, Ras Frostwhisper, rules over the site and guards it in the Scourge's name - while the mortal necromancer, Darkmaster Gandling, serves as the school's insidious headmaster.
- Faiakas
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Member for 11 years and 7 days
Last active Sun, Oct, 27 2024 17:42:47 -
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- 124 Thanks
Madness88 posted a message on Expansion Teaser - Announcement Tomorrow July 14Posted in: News -
Ixlid posted a message on Waste WardenPosted in: Waste WardenLesser Emerald Spellstone won't be nerfed if this is printed in Rastakhan's Rumble.
Trimutius posted a message on Sunreaver SpyPosted in: Sunreaver SpyTotem Golem but for secrets... Good aggro card...
Juicy_JP posted a message on Dean Ayala Asks: What Would Get You Back Into Hearthstone?Posted in: NewsHi Blizz, great to know you are interested in our thoughts to return back to the game.
Well I for one am still playing, still paying for all the bundles I can get my hands on, still trying to get to be a Legend player...
1) Return Adventure specific free cards (like before). Will push more players to buy the Adventures (previous post). No more Puzzles game mode!!!
2) Make a new tab in Arena, for 'with Wild cards', or 'plain Standard' cards. (previous post)
3) Have a Gold counter built-in, so I know if i have reached my quota of 100 g per day for winning battles. Better yet! Remove the 100g cap entirely, to promote continued gold gain mode, for those addicts out there! (previous post)
4) Offer all future adventures / expansions with Golden Hero avatars. Allow old Avatars to be free in other expansions that do not offer avatars.
5) Re-offer purchase of Wild Packs (3x a year; or before every Wild HS Open), since I have Legendaries that I want to possibly open from packs and not craft from dust. (previous post)
6) Achievement freebies (for technical plays is a good thing), class missions possible. Like, for Mage; Counter spell 50 spells --> Get 50 gold and 50 dust; Counter 100 spells --> Get 100 gold and 100 dust. Counter 200 spells --> Get 200 gold and 100 dust. Fin. (previous post)
7) Advanced Arena awards --> Get ten (12 wins) in Arena for free Golden Epic (between choice of three). Arena card back that evolves per season would be nice!
8) Longer Tavern Brawl period (hate it when have a quest to complete tavern brawl, but then it ends)
9) Sorry emote ^^ (previous post)
10) Add No duplicate Epic clause. (previous post)
11) Reduce Legendary per pack pitty timer (from 1:40 to 1:35 packs). Increase rate of Golden Legendary drop if pitty timer has been maxed (35-40 packs). (previous post)
12) For changes in Classic cards, give free Legendaries to new Players (above Rank 15-25). So they have enough dust to make something decent (like losing flame tongue totem and equality; their only classic cards that can make them actually win games)
13) Once a year, double pack gains from purchase in shop. (previous post)
14) Every week or month, one free Arena Ticket, for those who log in on for 7 consecutive days. (previous post)
15) Rewards for Retunrees, For those who were return after 1-2 month of not playing, get 1 free golden standard (1 day), 1 free golden rare (2nd day), 1 free golden epic (3rd day), 1 legendary (Random, from current expansion) (4th day).
16) Farming mode; vs AI, win gets 1 gold. Decks are random from Hero templates. OR have a Solo Hero mode vs AI (NPC). That has a SAVE button, or progression that can be saved!
17) Market option, For sale legendaries (3 legend to choose from / gold legend --> changes weekly) that can be bought with gold only.
18) Email monthly updates - currently happening, but to also reflect stats, against other decks, just like HSReplay style. (previous post)
19) Increase incentives for Arena (previous post) better prize for losing all 3 matches (0-3), eg. 1 pack and 40 gold.
20) For PC only, ability to watch games in 3D mode, where I can see opponent hero being attacked by 3D figure of my own creature. etc.
21) Game mode with Dust cap for Standard (new game mode) (previous post)
22) More filter codes, and post on-line (eg, mana:odd:epic) Filter all epic odd cards.
23) Stop creating trash epic cards (Ice cream vendor, which I bought to use as a Shudderwock combo, but has now become useless due to sardonite chain gang nerf!!!)
24) Increased dust reward for dis-enchanting cards for low ranking players (Rank 15-25 above).
25) More Daily Quest slots (possibly 5 slots) ^^
26) Return some Wild Legendaries to in Standard (that rotates out per 3 months). Legendaries to be returned to pool can be voted.
27) Make Brawliseum a permanent mode (Wild and Standard). No fee to enter, each player can run it just once per week or once a month. (previous post)
28) Tournament mode - I Fireside Gathering frequently and a hosting game mode can be done. I think it is built-in with the Fireside.
29) Tag team mode (but independent and not through the Tavern brawl) to beat the boss in the middle. Winning match levels you up in next stage with random ally.
30) Thanks for reading and God Bless!
Dragnlord666 posted a message on Forbidden AncientPosted in: Forbidden AncientBrann Bronzebeard approves
worm_child posted a message on New Shaman Card Reveal - Storm ChaserPosted in: News4 Mana 3/4 Elemental
Battlecry: Draw a Volcano from your deck. -
dlamarca posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Reveal: TemporusPosted in: NewsBlizzard is drinking too much with the inkeeper lately...
codebracker posted a message on The RunespearPosted in: The RunespearTortollan Primalist on a stick
Flood posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting GuidePosted in: Card DiscussionA New Legendary Crafting Tier List Has Appeared!
The ratings in the thread are more than my opinion, they are opinions of people I know, myself and popular Steamers such as Trump, Reynad, Sjow, etc. I am ranking the Cards in Tiers/Brackets I am doing this because it is impossible to rate them from 1 to X.
This is not a tier list of the best Legendaries, this is a Crafting Tier list. This list is used to find out which Legendaries to craft and Disenchant. Arena and non-competitive play have no bearing on this list.
I have arranged the Legendaries this way to not only show their importance in constructed but also to inform readers on how/why they are useful. If you have any questions about the tier list ask them, if you believe the tier list should be changed in any way, PM me.
Remember: If you would like to know what Legendary to craft, please include the decks you play and the decks you are going to play. This is necessary and someone can help you a lot easier.
Press Ctrl + f to find in page!
Strongest Legendaries used in a variety of decks or are staple for competitive play. (The ones to craft)
Expert Set
- Alexstrasza
- Lord Jaraxxus
- Malygos
- Grommash Hellscream
- Tirion Fordring
- Bloodmage Thalnos
- Edwin VanCleef
Old Gods Expansion
Tech legendaries that can be replaced. (Craft for Specific reasons)
Expert Set
- Baron Geddon - Control Warrior Tech (Increase winrate VS aggro and midrange)
- Harrison Jones - Tech for weapon classes
- Leeroy Jenkins - Tech for aggro (Increase winrate VS control)
- Deathwing - Control tech
- The Black Knight - Tech against Druid mostly (Increase winrate Druid and taunt heavy decks)
- Cairne Bloodhoof - playable in all control decks and tempo warrior
- Al'Akir the Windlord - Midrange Shaman Tech (Increase winrate VS slower midrange)
- Archmage Antonidas - tech in tempo and freeze mage
Old Gods Expansion
- Xaril, Poisoned Mind - Tech for Miracle Rogue(increase winrate VS control)
- Yogg-Saron, Hope's End - techable for druid, mage and warrior
One Night in Karazhan
- Medivh, the Guardian: - Usable in Control Mage and Warlock decks
- The Curator - Used in many Midrange decks such as Dragon Priest and Taunt Warrior
- Moreoes - Used in Quest Rogue as control tech.
Cards that are usable, but see little play and can be replaced easily(keep for specific reasons)
These Legendaries are usually out of meta and weird tech choices that you probably will not see anymore but are still viable options that may be playable later.
Expert Set
- Cenarius - Ramp Druid (Increase winrate VS slower midrange)
- Ysera - Playable in many control and dragon decks
Old Gods Expansion
- Soggoth the Slitherer - playable in control paladin and ramp druid
- Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound - playable in ramp druid
- Malkorok - playable in tempo warrior
- Hallazeal the Ascended - playable in midrange shaman
- Hogger, Doom of Elwynn - Playable in patron
- Princess Huhuran - playable in midrange hunter
One Night in Karazhan
- Barnes - Playable in midrange decks with strong minion effects
Legendaries that are too weak to see competitive play (Disenchant)
Expert Set
- King Krush
- Nozdormu
- Onyxia
- Gruul
- Hogger
- Illidan
- The Beast
- Captain Greenskin
- King Mukla
- Tinkmaster Overspark
- Lorewalker Cho
- Millhouse Manastorm
- Nat Pagle
- Prophet Velen
Old Gods Expansion
The Boogeymonster
Shifter Zerus
Nat, the Darkfisher
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale
Herald Volazj
Deathwing, DragonlordOne Night in Karazhan
Prince Malchezaar
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Looks like a new Call to Arms for Pure Paladin @ 4 mana. Looking forward to test it. Also makes nice synergy with Imprisoned Celestial. Currently the cards that can give value are: Shotbot , Goody Two-Shields & Murgur Murgurgle.
Of course can be also applied to Libram Paladin.
Nice info :-)
Goodbye SunKeeper Tarim. You will be missed! That's for sure.
It should been +1 attack if you win the joust. Should be so much better and it would gave so much value to joust mechanic !!
Still waiting Blizzard's announcement moving him to the Basic set..
Probably the best animation for the Shaman cards
Good Nostalgic moments. This Weapon was one of the best healing weapons for Cataclysm from the first tier raids. It dropped from Choggal in Bastion of twilight.
Bit weird that they don't add a healing value like its original form. Anyway I really like the current value.
The King is Dead. Long Live the King Mire Keeper
Least playable Giant atm.