Goody Two-Shields

Card Text
Divine Shield
Spellburst: Gain Divine Shield.
Flavor Text
These are my shields. There are at least two like them, and both are mine.
Divine Shield
Spellburst: Gain Divine Shield.
These are my shields. There are at least two like them, and both are mine.
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why are you such a toxic person?
"The best defense is a good defense!" - summon quote.
Shocks even in Hearthstone... Brigitte is haunting me.
This + Blood Knight and the new 0 mana spell....
Anyone that thinks this card is bad clearly didn't play with or against a c'thun deck in WotOG.
Broken AF. This card along with first day of school makes pure paladin a thing.
How's this piece of shit broken. You will never trigger the spellburst
That's a fantastic body even if you don't get the spell burst off. The spell burst is just icing on the cake. Any 3 drop that has the potential to trade evenly with 3 4/4's is clearly a great 3 drop...
compare it to today's cards and say this again
I am. C'Thun's Chosen was FOUR mana. The 4/2 divine shield body was competitive back then. This new card is THREE mana. This is a huge difference. At the absolute worst, this minion is a 4/3 that can't be killed with 3 damage. If they don't have a ping, the power is great. If you get the spell burst off, its insane.
Yes, back then, but that was years ago and now it would be garbage, just like this garbage is. Plus it was buffing C'thun, this is straight up useless
You completely ignore the fact that this card is a whole mana less. Chosen buffs c'thun, this has a chance to renew its bubble and trade again. Stop acting like it is a vanilla card.
Yes, and it's still useless. Chosen always buffs c'thun and gives value, this will never renew shield and is weak overall
You really have 0 clue about hs^^ Even Scarlet Crusader sees play in aggro d-shield Paladin(check out Regis Kilbins video, its not even 2 weeks old and he plays in low diamond-legend ranks) and thats a 3-1 for 3 mana+d-shield, this is 4-2 and the ability to get another d-shield that you dont even need to make this AMAZING. 4,5 stars and auto include in any pally deck for sure.
Regis plays so many games with so many cards that it's hard to consider it as a proof, since he can make basically anything work
Looks like it is played in every paladin deck performs absolutely amazing...big suprise. Its in Regis new video about what the community ranked cards before release and how they are ranked now. It is over 70 places higher than the community ranked it;)
This card has potential
Garbage, same problem as Glass Knight or Cobalt Guardian. You put understated minion with posibility of gaining divine shield, but there is no way of getting value from the second shield
I think you are missing that it is overstatted without the second shield. a 4/2 with divine shield is already strong, the fact that you can hit something, through a libram on it and gain a second shield is gravy on top of the already strong card.
You can play this in combo with the new card animated broomstick...
Or blood Knight and the new 0 spell...
But it is nothing strong, especially compared to what we have seen give to other classes...
I hope you change something for paladin, but for now it doesn't seem...
It's not overstatted, 2 health on third turn is nothing, divine shield only not makes it complete shit, just regular garbage card, because spellburst can basically not exist because it will never be triggered