One of the great things I love about hearthstone is its incredibly small internet usage (Usually less than 100kb per game) and even with a connection of only 10-20 kb/s you are still able to play the game well.
This last update with a size of a little over 1GB completely kills me... and before you say (just get a better inet connection nub) here my explanation. Im a tropical biologist working at a research station in the savannas of north eastern Ivory Coast, the next city is 200km away and with it electricity etc. Everything we get is through our own solar station and a small satelite dish for internet (via satelite... duh). This allows us a connection of roughly 100kb/s (with good weather) capped at 12 GB per month for the entire station, meaning that each person has roughly 40-60mb they can use per day... The TGT expansion was already pushing it but I managed to pull it off since it was still only a fraction of the size from this patch.
So WHY... WHY is this patch so incredibly large... Guess im gonna have to wait two month to install it when im back in germany... I needs my Hearthstone...
ps. answers like: "you want some cheese with your whine" are completely acceptable
Best whine thread ever! +1 At last an adult in here with serious concerns.
I don't get the size also... Maybe they are "preparing something for the future" and are adding parts of code.
Looks like a new Call to Arms for Pure Paladin @ 4 mana. Looking forward to test it. Also makes nice synergy with Imprisoned Celestial. Currently the cards that can give value are: Shotbot , Goody Two-Shields & Murgur Murgurgle.
Of course can be also applied to Libram Paladin.
Nice info :-)
This deck sucks. Pure RNG. Plz Prefer the other decks, you will save precious Time.
Crappy deck, there is no chance to counter new meta decks. Pure Murloc Shaman is way better.
Truesilver still remains the best Paladin Weapon...
It should been +1 attack if you win the joust. Should be so much better and it would gave so much value to joust mechanic !!
Still waiting Blizzard's announcement moving him to the Basic set..
Probably the best animation for the Shaman cards
The King is Dead. Long Live the King Mire Keeper
Any news about buffing some old cards ?
There were rumors in the past about buffing Illidan, Nozdormu and some other basic cards that haven't been played.
Anyone heard anything ?
Respect all I can say. From MC till now still remains Top !!
Least playable Giant atm.
lol best signature ever saw !!