Edwin VanCleef
Card Text
Combo: Gain +2/+2 for each other card you've played this turn.
Flavor Text
He led the Stonemasons in the reconstruction of Stormwind, and when the nobles refused to pay, he founded the Defias Brotherhood to, well, deconstruct Stormwind.
Card Sounds
%70 ezwinnnn Vancleff
Not sure why this still sees so much play in a meta with so many easy ways to remove it. IME, unless I can capitalize on it in the turn it’s played, it is always removed before I get any value out of it. I’d happily be proven wrong, though, if there’s a way to avoid this!
ezwin vancleef lul
People thinking that this card is the major offender in current Lackey Rogue are totally wrong: Edwin is very good because there are a lot of crazy combos that should not happen so easily: Preparation into Raiding Party, for example, is a zero mana draw three combo that gives at least +4/+4 to him (it depends if you also have The Coin or other cheap stuff like Backstab).
Let's say you change Raiding Party's cost to 5: now you need 2 more mana to pull of a 6/6 Edwin, so this will happen at least two turns later than now or, given that you'll probably be less certain to keep him in the mulligan, maybe even more.
Edwin is the output of how good Rogue is right now, but he should NOT be addressed as the cause.
Best card!
I'm so glad i crafted Edwin Vancleef , very good legendary that is a must in generally any Rogue deck. :)
Golden Edwin VanCleef Entrance Animation
Depends on what deck you are facing and what else you have in hand. It isn't always a bad play.
I miss conceal :(
I got golden rogue 1 year ago w/o this guy. Crafted him a week ago cuz tempo rogue.
I have been creating a miracle rogue list and due to dust limits, I have to decide between crafting Edwin and Valeera DK, (I will add both eventually).
Any Suggestions?
lol i'm here for the same reason i can't decide
edwin is really good but on the other hand valeera DK is super fun
any hero that can help !
Casual turn 2 Edwin...
My first legendary :')
Even pirate warrior is hopeless against Turn 3 8/8 Van Cleefs
I just got the golden version. Luckily, I had him normal already from the starter pack :D
That's Incredible!
coin -> coin -> 6/6 edwin vancleef in turn 1