How to Get
- This card is earned in the Blackrock Mountain Adventure.
- Defeat High Justice Grimstone in the first wing, Blackrock Depths, to unlock two copies of the card.
- Once you have earned the regular version of Gang Up, you can craft the golden version for 400 Arcane Dust.
No reason to play this card anymore now that they printed [card]
Togwaggle's Scheme
[/card] It’s a shame. :/. To me anyway
Patches the Pirate
This with Ragnaros the Firelord
The possibilities...
I am happy that blizzard is against mill decks and this card's death brings the death of the mill archtype
Can't wait to try this with Jade Golem summoners!
This card will be revived by Arcane Giants!
I find it unfortunate people don't like this card. I genuinely see some pretty decent value out of it. Sure, the card isn't good on its own, but Rogues generally don't have an issue using cards like that.
Rogues are designed to play multiple cards together to amplify their effects. Sure, playing this against a large, threatening minion on its own would be a poor play, but playing with it a card like, let's say Assassinate, suddenly you've just removed a big threat from your opponent's side of the board, and gained the opportunity of using it multiple times against them.
Imagine using Gang Up and then Assassinate against Ysera? Or Tirion Fordring? Or even a C'thun? Those cards come in the late-game, which means less cards in your deck, and a higher chance of drawing these. That can be huge.
You prep gang up c'thun Kappa
Will Gang Up break Reno Jackson's battlecry?
Yes ^_^
Interesting trivia: The maximum deck size is 60 cards. When the deck reaches 60 gang up will no longer add more cards.
Found out with a friend using gang up and Cho to get more gang up's to gang up more Cho's.
I don't have this card and I completed every part of both expansions.. I can't even craft the gold one which means i've never had it. How can i get this card? Everything is already completed and the chest is open???
Do class challenge
most undervalued card in the game.
It's value hits extreme when you are near fatigue, hence making you win topdeck wars.
You basically pack your deck with above-average cards(in relevance).
People are put off by it because "you skip a turn", but rogue is not a class that "plays on curve", it's a combo/impact class that is extra careful not to over-commit, and playing this card is generally better than doing nothing.
The truth is, this is a very powerful card, for 2 mana, you have a stronger deck, and if you have enough draw, you should win in the lategame against most classes that play on curve.
This card could also add a priest Thoughtsteal like effect to rogues, as it can target enemy minions. Just imagine playing this on an opponent's Stalagg or on Malorne !
Too bad there isn't a great use for this card on Ladder. :(
Hmmm, what about using Gang Up to increase the chances of winning Jousts?