How to Get
The normal version of Blackwing Technician is obtained by defeating Baron Geddon in the second wing of Blackrock Mountain, Molten Core. Once obtained, you can craft the golden version for 400 arcane dust.
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delet this
Ehem Scarlet Crusader exists m8
Love it! But not sure if all dragon decks can afford putting in a 3/5 at best, when you rather have more dragons, dr boom, class cards, bgh, heal etc. This is arguably the best 3 drop, but it isnt anything more than a pile of stats. What do you think?
I was wondering if Blackwing Technician is better than Dark Cultist for Priest?
If you make a deck with at least 8 dragons, yeah.
Love this card and you really do not need as many Dragons in your deck as you might think: I put together a list with the chances for each Mulligan scenario here: (includes the 5-drop chances for the Blackwing Corruptor, too)
With 4 Dragons in deck and keeping only the Blackwing Technician in Mulligan, you have a chance of 55% to play it as 3/5 going first (63% going second) and that increases to 64% (and 72%) when there are 5 Dragons. If you Mulligan your complete hand (not very uncommon in Druid for example - Ramp yeay!), theses probabilities are 61% (and 68%) for 4 Dragons and 70% (and 76%) for five... you might not have the Blackwing Technician, though, but if you don't have it, you cannot play it... :-)
Given that 2/4 for 3 is mediocre, but not at all terrible (still trades 2:1 with most aggro minons), and 3/5 for three (perhaps even on turn 2 with coin!) is insane (trades 1:3 commonly with Mech Mage minions - or eats lots of Goblin Blastmage and still trades favoribly), these gambles seem okay to me. Also the 4 Dragons are easy atm with 2x Azure Drake and two bigger ones (Ysera & Malygos for doging Dr. Boom?) in a slower midrange deck. The jump to 5 dragons might wait a bit for the other ones, but well... you can still try something with Twilight Drake which sadly has bad synergy since the 3 drop takes away health or other big ones.
Having played this just a bit in my Dragodin placeholder deck (with 2x Faerie Dragon, 2x Twilight Drake, 2x Azure Drake,Ysera) I can say this card is a MONSTER if you can activate it. Plus unlike Tinkertown Technician your opponent can't do anything to prevent activation. Once the other BRM dragons are released I think this card is going to be showing up on a lot of turn 3s.
What card can do 5 damage t3? Magma Rager? I guess the new Druid of the Flame but I really doubt we'll see that as a 5/2 on turn 3.
Seems odd this card is being released 2-3 weeks before any low costing BRM dragons are released.
It requires you to HOLD a dragon, not have one in play, so it doesn't require early dragons. Just by having na Azure Drake or Twilight Drake, Alexstrasza or whatever in your hand, you get the bonus.
You can hear the audio for this card here:
With the hold a dragon mechanic I think druid over draw decks are going to be really strong vs this. Unless they have a dragon version of a mech warper so you can dragon zoo and rotate the hand quickly, I really like the sound of dragon zoo. When all the people have all the same cards with all the same numbers, you need a mini game of plus or minus those numbers, either negative numbers via damage or bonus numbers via buff. So any card that can plus or minus has value, multiply those card types and you have a really strong deck with so so minions. We saw this with the undertaker. Or with the mana worm, questing adventurer In that context of this sub mini plus minus game This card has a strong roll. It's going to be amazing.
This is the kind of card we have to wait and see about. In the right deck, though, this dodges a lot of removal. Dragons being a thing, I predict this will see play. Dragons not seeing play, and mechs coming back with some strength, it loses its validity. Think now, judge later.
That 5th point of health puts you out of range of alot of common removal in that phase of the game at least!
If Dragon decks become a thing, this will definitely see play. If you don't have a Dragon in your hand it's a 2/4, which is about average for a 3-cost minion so it's not entirely a dead draw. Even without the buff, it can still attack favorably into the various 3/2 minions gadding about. With the buff, well, it's a better Spider Tank.
2/4 is below average for a 3 drop. The reason alot of 3-drops have 2/4 is because they have other effects to weigh up for the lack of stats.
What I'm trying to say is its stats without the buff aren't so bad that you can't play it if you don't have a dragon in your hand; I should've worded it better. Playing a 2/4 minion for 3 with no extra benefit is pretty bad, but it's not completely detrimental if you need a minion out right now.
I think this is the best card thus far. 3/5 for 3 mana is yet to be seen. I think it will be a joy to play this card, because it killS a 3/2 and still have 2 health, plus the 2/4 body for 3 is not that bad Imho. I seriously think this is an arena changer, and maybe we will even see this in constructed
You forget about felguard.... but then again, everybody forgets about felguard.
No one forgot about felgaurd. No one wants to think about that card.