Card Text
Deal 1 damage to all minions. If you have 12 or less Health, deal 3 damage instead.
Flavor Text
This is better than Arcane Explosion, so I guess warriors are finally getting revenge on mages for Mortal Strike being worse than Fireball.
Revenge into reno jackson face hunter conceides
one of the most underrated cards in Hearthstone
Such a great Card *-* in control Warrior the best 1 of i´ve ever tryed
Since removing 1 copy of Cruel Taskmaster, and Baron Geddon, (they don't work well with Varian Wrynn), from my Control Warrior deck, I've been running 2 copies of Revenge, along with 1 Bash, 1 Brawl, and the usual two each of Execute, Shield Slam, Fiery War Axe, and Death's Bite. It's been working quite well.
I have this card in my control warrior deck. It works really well against aggro decks.
I really don't know why this isn't played more in control decks. Warriors only run one direct board wipe and that's Brawl, and at 5 mana. Right now in the current meta there are extreme amounts of aggro being played and simply playing Brawl turn 5 can't help you win anymore because of sticky deathrattle minions. I've tested and played around this card and it works best when you replace it with whirlwind. At best it wipes the field of 3 health or less minions and at worst, it triggers Armorsmith and Acolyte of pain. Even if people complain about the 2 mana cost it can be reduced with Tharussian since you keep it in your hand until the right moment anyway.
The flavor text of this card is just the best of all xD
But it damages your own minions as well.
So it's not strictly better than arcane explosion anyway..
I do like the idea of using the heros health as a way to make it better it gives it flavor like how mortal strike was, however there is an issue with that because of mortal strike, That card isn't used mainly because its really dependant on health and the limit is too low just like revenge. If the threshold was higher maybe like 18 it might be a little more idea but then there are the other draw backs. Comparing to whirlwind, that is 1 mana and deals 1 damage to all minions, basically a 1 mana cheaper arcane explosion with a small downside and it is small because while 1 health in some cases can be a big deal the fact that it only deals one damage to things that when they take damage give an effect make it much more effective and even after deaths bite the reason why any warriors might run this is just that its a very cheap card. This on the other hand does a bit too much to the board, it can be a 2 mana better then consecration but then it doesn't benefit your board as much it ends up destorying it and say armorsmith, this might be better if it say dealth only 2 damage to yours and did it 1 at a time to gain stacking effects but even then im not sure if that would make it as useful. and there is the case of how often will this be 3 damage for 2? and just a 2 mana whirlwind?
I like the idea but i think its still too heafty of a price boardwise
I've tried it out and it has vastly improved my matchups vs zoo and paladin. This is very strong vs paladin since they will usually get you pretty low but lack the burst to finish you from 12 hp. You can set yourself up for this, and when they think they've won the game, revenge usually swings it back onto your side. Also excellent vs grim patron warrior as well.
You haven't heard of Shield Block, Shieldmaiden or Armorsmith before, have you?
Love what they are doing with warrior, recognized it was a class that was limited to only specific control builds, not they are making a midrange type
This card is gonna be godlike in Grim Patron decks.
Also 10/10 flavor text.
I don't see it having a place in patron decks. In those decks, it's just a worse Whirlwind with a chance of killing all your dwarves.
This card looked pretty underwhelming at first but the more I think about it the more I know I'm going to run it in my CW deck. Looks like it'll wreck aggro, and by the time you're at 12 HP you should have enough mana to play something good after clearing the board! (or most of the board... because shredders.)
Yes more synergies for grim patron warrior.
I think that even if this card, and Control Warrior along with it becomes prevalent in the post-BRM meta, there is still probably going to be decks that work well against it. A lot of aggro decks can just reflood the board after Revenge, even if it's comboed with a Sludge Belcher or Shield Block, despite maybe losing a bit of tempo. By the time it's turn 7 or 8, you're probably worried about staying above the 12 health barrier to avoid Kill Command or Fireball bursts, so trying to get your health down to below 12 but still being able to survive the next turn or two until you can stabilize seems a bit tricky. Also, a lot of hunters (probably the deck hit hardest by a Revenge clear besides mech mage) are starting to run later, big cards like Savannah Highmane and Dr. Boom that won't die to Revenge, and mech mages have Goblin Blastmage, Dr. Boom, and possibly Archmage Antonidas to keep board presence. Revenge actually seems to work best as a clear against a Paladin who played their Muster for Battle + Quartermaster combo at the wrong time out of desperation, and by then you might already have the win as a control warrior, and even if Revenge suddenly becomes amazing and none of the current aggro decks can actually reliably win against control warriors, the meta will become specialized towards dealing with them. Personally, I'd like to see Revenge become popular just so there can be a new, more control oriented meta, but I just doubt it's going to happen.
I'm inclined to disagree. The rise of 3-health minions since GvG has made most 2-damage AoEs ineffective. With 3 damage, you could wipe a shaman/zoo board with ease.