Ready, Aim, FIRE!Trigger your minions' Auto-Attacks.
Rising WindsChoose One - Draw a card; or Summon a 3/2 Eagle.
Rising WindsTwinspell
Do not talk to me or my chick ever again. |
Swoop InSummon a 3/2 Eagle.
Take FlightDraw a card.
Twisted KnowledgeDiscover 2 Warlock cards.
People eat eight spiders in their sleep per year. Centaurs have two rib cages. Dwarves are just counterfeit titans. |
WaxmancyDiscover a Battlecry minion. Reduce its Cost by (2).
The waxmancer works with flame and form, giving shape to figures warm. Some think he's a crazy creeper, but crafting minions is simply cheaper. |
Claw of Go'rathAt the start of your turn, summon a Claw of Go'rath.
GreasemonkeyAuto-Attack: Restore a random friendly Mech to full Health.
Kirin Tor ElementalYour spells cast an additional time.
Licensed AdventurerBattlecry: If you control
"Just point me in the vague direction of the things you want smashed, and you got yourself a deal!" |
LighterbotBattlecry: Deal 2 damage to all other minions.
Living CandleDeathrattle: Equip a Wax Lance. If you already have one, give it +1/+1.
Relaxin' MurlocAt the end of each turn, gain +1/+1.
Impact detected. Assuming hero pose. |
When you go without fruits in an airship, you get a nasty case of skyvy. |
Steel BeetleBattlecry: If you're holding a spell that costs (5) or more, gain 5 Armor.
Steel you can trust—fashioned from the husk of an over-sized creepy-crawly. |
Warchief Sylvanas
AnnihilationDestroy an enemy minion and all copies of it (wherever they are).
Burn...Destroy a random cart. Burn them all to transform!
DragonflameDeal 3 damage to an
FortuneDiscover a copy of a card
FortuneDiscover a copy of a card
Gauntlet of OriginationDestroy a friendly minion.
Gauntlet of OriginationDestroy a friendly minion.
Golden BladeGive your weapon +1 Attack.
Gronnic StrengthGive your minions +1/+1
Lead the ChargeGive a friendly minion Rush and Divine Shield.
Maximum WaximumSummon a 1/1
Prepare the Cannons!Add a random cannon to your hand.
Prepare the Cannons!Add a random cannon to your hand.
Rot AuraAt the start of your turn,
Rot AuraAt the start of your turn,
Sculpted IceCreate a copy of a minion and Silence it.
SnowstormSummon a Frozen
StormrageDeal 2 damage to a random
SUMMON THE BOTS!Add a random Boomlabs Mech to your hand.
Swampqueen's TouchTransform a friendly
Teamwork!Shuffle 2 random Signature Treasures into your deck.
Wings of RebirthGive a minion
Boom SquadDiscover a Lackey, Mech, or Dragon.
Discover the meaning of squad goals. |
BubblehearthSecret: When your hero takes fatal damage, prevent it and Hearthstone out.
Draconic PotentialSidequest: Spend
Cleric of ScalesBattlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, Discover a spell from your deck.
If she can't find a spell, it's a clerical error. |
Echo of MeAfter you cast a spell on another friendly minion, cast a copy of it on this one.
Eye of Go'rathAt the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
Fiendish ServantDeathrattle: Give this
Putting the "r" in fiend. |
Heavy CannonAuto-Attack: Deal 1 damage to enemies opposite this minion.
Ice ShardFreeze any character damaged by this minion.
Risky SkipperAfter you play a minion, deal 1 damage to all minions.
Sworn enemy of the Safety Matey. |
Chronomical DistortionPassive
Dragon AffinityPassive
Dragonbone RitualPassive
Dragonbone RitualPassive
Flame AffinityPassive
For the Alliance!Summon five minions from your deck. Give them +3 Health and Taunt.
For the Horde!Summon five minions from your deck. Give them +5 Attack and Rush.
Galakrond's VanguardPassive. Whenever you
Gatling MagicPassive
Gatling MagicPassive
Gatling MagicPassive
Gronnic StrengthGive your minions +1/+1
Guts and Glory
Teamwork!Shuffle 2 random Signature Treasures into your deck.
The Gauntlet of OriginationDestroy a friendly minion
Unleash GalakrondPassive
What Does This Do?Passive
AnnihilationDeal 5 damage to all enemy minions.
DALA-SMASH!!Deal 10 damage to all minions, then deal 5 damage to all minions.
DominationGive your minions +2/+2.
The Perfect CardDiscover the perfect card, then shuffle this back into your deck.
The Perfect IdeaDiscover the perfect card, then shuffle this back into your deck.
Wondrous WisdomballPassive
Wondrous WisdomballPassive
Wondrous Wisdomball Copy Cards TokenspellChance to give you 2 - 5 extra copies of a card.
Wondrous Wisdomball Empty Hand TokenspellChance to give you 3 random cards.
Wondrous Wisdomball Free Minions TokenspellChance to give you 3 random minions.
Wondrous Wisdomball Random Legendary TokenspellTransform a minion into a random Legendary minion.
Wondrous Wisdomball Summon Taunts TokenspellSummon 3 random Taunt minions.
Pile of Bones
Archmage Khadgar
Archmage Modera
Brann Bronzebeard
Commander Elise
Commander Elise
Dr. Boom
Dr. Boom
Dragoncaster Askaara
Dragonrider Brann