Rotnest Drake
Card Text
Battlecry: If you're holding
a Dragon, destroy a random
enemy minion.
Flavor Text
Clean your room, or I'm taking your favorite minion away!
Battlecry: If you're holding
a Dragon, destroy a random
enemy minion.
Clean your room, or I'm taking your favorite minion away!
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So in which phase of the Galakrond's Awakening solo adventure do I get this card? It seems I can't craft it.
Two copies of regular Rotnest Drake are obtained by defeating Rotwing in Galakrond's Awakening's Chapter 3 of Explorers campaign.
Once the regular version has been obtained, both regular and golden versions can be crafted and disenchanted.
Deadly Shot baked into a 6/5 body. With dragon synergy. For 5 mana.
This card is crazy good, especially since you can discover more from Emerald Explorer and it can help clear a path to face for Stormhammer. A strong auto-include in any Dragon Hunter deck!
Honestly? It could be 6 mana and still be very good.
Building board while also removing high threat minion? This card has singlehandedly brought Dragon Hunter to T1.
Big body, check.
Value as it comes into play, check.
Is a dragon itself providing synergy to the deck it plays in, check.
Great card!