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Should be a beast.
↑↑↑↑↑ Here you can get this card with a beast tag. Pls, update it^^
P.S. Can someone explain to me, how to post images here?
This page needs a reset since the card is now a beast. Surprisingly once it became a beast it became a little bit better, as it combos nicely with Hunters, and Rouges can use them in Arena.
I think somebody should reset the voting poll.... More than likely, this will now fall into the playable category...
I have one in my Midrange hunter deck, it works pretty good, just something a little bulkier those early turns. I tried running two, but then you get stuck with it dead on the board, with one i've yet to be forced to play it without a bow or a Houndmaster at hand.
Not a game-changer, but viable. I do wanna see if it could work out in beast druid.
I suppose I shouldn't complain considering what I got in the pack, but this is the one that had to be golden?
can someone explain why this card is viewed as not garbage? if a 3/4 for 3 with at least a a tribe is considered meta, why is a 3/3 with an objectively bad card text and no tribe considered not trash?
Pure shit card.
Absolutely incredible in rogue Arena. 2 drop+weapon up turn 4 is still a really good play just because this card is that good, bonus points if it's a Boneguard Lieutenant so you get a 3/3...
bad bad feelsbadman
Good thing it's a rare, imagine getting this offered to you 10 times in arena, and you are a none weapon class/druid
I think this card is better than people give it credit for, it looks really good in rogue, and i'm convinced that it can work in warrior and druid quite well too. Great stats, and not the worst limitation(especially for rogue!). If it could attack the turn it was summoned, I think it would be better, and it really should have the "Beast" tribe instead of having no tribe. I would really want to use it in Pirate decks(Malkorok is great too!), or more hero-power centric Rogue decks.
I wonder why it's not a Beast, especially since Princess Huhuran (also a Silithid) is classified as a Beast...
It is now
No, similarly to argent watchman. By rules of hearthstone, minions can't attack the turn they are played unless they have charge
I think this card is okay in rogue, not amazing but certainly fringe playable. 3/5 stat line is very good for 3 mana, and in rogue attacking isn't much of a drawback.
Comparing this in my head to Ancient Watcher. Cheap, sturdy body for taunting. But where warlock also uses watcher for Shadowflame, this helps weapon classes trade or push a little face damage without needing silence. Warlock probably gets more mileage out of watcher.
Can see attack ordering making things needlessly complicated. Probably trash.