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Only useful when you summon it from Vex Crow or from Lackey.
This actualy can be good with Inner Fire
I mean, the 0/7 spell damage imp, while a demon, which sadly rarely was relevant, was disadvantaged by being a 3 cost one, but this at 2 and still having 6 health, and elemental tag to boot, well, it just might be able to make some notable placements in decks.
in my opinion this is the best spell damage minion outside of thal'nos, cat, and drake.
twisted zealot was a close second that almost saw play in frozeny dudes expansion.
I know, right? Often this 0-attack minion goes overlooked in deck creation but precisely given its apparent harmlessness, it is not attacked, and thus you have Spell Damage +1 for multiple turns running, which is damn useful in spell-heavy control decks (specifically Mage and Shaman). As opposed to Thalnos who will be removed almost immediately.
The definitive Bloodmage Thalnos budget substitute.
Finally a sticky cheap spell damage... maybe this time it will work...