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My jaws that bite...
The copies should probably have 3 mana cost, this is just absurdly strong with Evolve.
The most retard card the suck developers made ever
This should be 2-cost mana on board, not 5
They fucked FoN so hard. Doppelgangster is the definition of power creep. Doppelgangster is a rare, all-class, minion (can be buffed by spells), and Counterspell fully destroys Force of Nature meanwhile Doppelgangster survives Potion of Polymorph and is good vs Mirror Entity. Now you might say, "BUT MUH ARCANE GIANTS AND YOGG SARON". All druid decks already have tons of spells in them so that's not even a problem and now Yogg isn't even that good anymore. Oh and, don't let me get started on Brann. Tokens are also lower mana cost if you evolve/get devolved. Well, atleast the FoN art is cooler.
Brann Bronzebeard + Doppelgangster + Evolve = GG
throw in a bloodlust or two and its gg and a bonus rage uninstall.
So I've gotten Gadgetzan Ferryman like 6x from packs, but this only once?
Need a ride?
This card is so stupid in Shaman with the Evolveand even with a totem or some smaller minions, it is almost unclearable board.
Try "Collectible" criterion on "No" next time.
I like how his ice-cream scoop of a gun is in post-fired position on the tokens.
good card
If you summon one of the copies from your hand the right dople will actualy have the original one's art.
because blizzard.
Combined with the buffs from the Grimy Goons, this card is completely insane!
The duplicates he summons actually have different artwork. Nice!
How long until people start calling this guy Dr. 5? Even if you just buff this guy once, that's three 3/3s for 5, which is really damn strong. With Don Han'Cho, your opponent might as well concede.
"Every me, get in here!"
*Plays Brann Bronzebeard into Dopplegangster turn 8*
*Opponent plays Devolve*
*Gets 5 Flamewreathed Facelesses and a Totem Golem*