Soooo this is now something like the 15th most upvoted deck on Hearthstone, although I'm pretty sure it has like 2000 upvotes and 1500 downvotes because of all the Huntard haters : )
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Twitchy posted a message on #1 Legend Midrange Hunter [TGT]Posted in: #1 Legend Midrange Hunter [TGT] -
Twitchy posted a message on #1 Legend Hybrid Druid [TGT]Posted in: #1 Legend Hybrid Druid [TGT]The dream is real! Turn 2 and a full board
ForPeL posted a message on ADD gold cost from adventure for decksPosted in: Site Feedback & SupportSeeing a gold amount not customized to how many wings of each adventures you have purchased is pointless.
Yeah it would be nice but not worth it in the long run. It would be a lot better to say 3 wings of BRM 4 wings of GvG
^ this
Following the OP's logic (which makes sense) not all players have unlocked the same number of wings in each adventure. The only thing that would make any sense here is if we could have a "collection" database for each user (like on hearthhead, or wow.tcgbrowser for the former WoW TCG) and the gold/dust cost would adapt to this.
So yeah the quickest way would be like a BRM icon and the number of wings next to it and a Naxx icon and the number of wings next to it. But then again, when more adventures are released, this would become way too cluttered up to be convenient for anyone anyway...
ThaRular87 posted a message on KAZAKUS WARLOCK -perfect for this meta-Posted in: KAZAKUS WARLOCK -perfect for this meta-Please guys, play this deck against me :D
Vapiesh_2137 posted a message on The Final Un'Goro Card Reveal - Remaining Cards Revealed!Posted in: Newswhat stream?xD
Fluxflashor posted a message on List of Achievements and Daily Quests in HearthstonePosted in: General DiscussionThis data is accurate as of Patch 8416 (2015-04-21).
Name Description Reward First Blood Complete a game in Play mode. 1 Classic Card Pack Level Up Get any class to level 10. 1 Classic Card Pack Crafting Time Disenchant a card. 95 Arcane Dust Enter The Arena Enter The Arena 1 Arena Credit (Free Round) Arrrrrr!!! [G] Acquire every Pirate. Captain's Parrot Golden Arrrrrr!!! [G] Acquire every Golden Pirate. Captain's Parrot (Golden) Mrglglglgl! [G] Acquire every Murloc. Old Murk-Eye Golden Mrglglglgl! [G] Acquire every Golden Murloc. Old Murk-Eye (Golden) Chicken Dinner Win 100 games in any mode. 300 Gold Big Winner Win 1000 games in any mode. 300 Gold Ready to Go! Unlock every Hero. 100 Gold Beta Hero! Thank you for helping to test our Store! Gelbin Mekkatorque (Golden) Crushed Them All! Defeat every Expert AI Hero. 100 Gold Got the Basics! Collect every card in the Basic Set. 100 Gold One of Everything! Collect every card in the Expert Set. 100 Gold Golden Malfurion Stormrage Win 500 Ranked games with Malfurion Stormrage. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Rexxar Win 500 Ranked games with Rexxar. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Jaina Proudmoore Win 500 Ranked games with Jaina Proudmoore. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Uther Lightbringer Win 500 Ranked games with Uther Lightbringer. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Anduin Wrynn Win 500 Ranked games with Anduin Wrynn. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Valeera Sanguinar Win 500 Ranked games with Valeera Sanguinar. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Thrall Win 500 Ranked games with Thrall. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Gul'dan Win 500 Ranked games with Gul'dan. Golden Hero Portrait Golden Garrosh Hellscream Win 500 Ranked games with Garrosh Hellscream. Golden Hero Portrait Greater Reaper of Packs Your Diablo III Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition comes with 2 packs. 2 Classic Card Packs Mount Up! A special reward for your third win! Log in to World of Warcraft to claim it! Hearthsteed WoW Mount You are Legend Welcome to the Hearthstone Elite! Show it off with your Legendary Card Back! Legend Card Back Fireside Friends Hearthstone is better with friends! Enjoy the company, and your new card back! Launch Card Back Reaper of Packs Your Diablo III Reaper of Souls comes with 1 pack. 1 Classic Card Pack iPack Awarded for playing a game on iPad. 1 Classic Card Pack Android Tablet Awarded for playing a game on an Android tablet. 1 Classic Card Pack iPhone Awarded for playing a game on an iPhone. 1 Classic Card Pack Android Phone Awarded for playing a game on an Android Phone. 1 Classic Card Pack Greater Reaper of Packs Your Diablo III Reaper of Souls Collector's Edition comes with 3 packs. 3 Classic Card Packs Win 5 Practice Games Win 5 Games in Practice Mode. 1 Classic Card Pack
Daily Quests
Upon logging into Hearthstone for the first time each day, you will be given one of the following daily quests. Beta Patch 3890 changed the individual class dailies to including two classes in each daily to make them easier to complete.
Name Description Reward Druid or Hunter Victory Win 2 games with Druid or Hunter. 40 Gold Druid or Rogue Victory Win 2 games with Druid or Rogue. 40 Gold Hunter or Mage Victory Win 2 games with Hunter or Mage. 40 Gold Mage or Shaman Victory Win 2 games with Mage or Shaman. 40 Gold Paladin or Priest Victory Win 2 games with Paladin or Priest. 40 Gold Paladin or Warrior Victory Win 2 games with Paladin or Warrior. 40 Gold Priest or Warlock Victory Win 2 games with Priest or Warlock. 40 Gold Rogue or Warrior Victory Win 2 games with Rogue or Warrior. 40 Gold Shaman or Warlock Victory Win 2 games with Shaman or Warlock. 40 Gold Druid or Hunter Dominance Win 5 games with Druid or Hunter. 60 Gold Druid or Rogue Dominance Win 5 games with Druid or Rogue. 60 Gold Hunter or Mage Dominance Win 5 games with Hunter or Mage. 60 Gold Mage or Shaman Dominance Win 5 games with Mage or Shaman. 60 Gold Paladin or Priest Dominance Win 5 games with Paladin or Priest. 60 Gold Paladin or Warrior Dominance Win 5 games with Paladin or Warrior. 60 Gold Priest or Warlock Dominance Win 5 games with Priest or Warlock. 60 Gold Rogue or Warrior Dominance Win 5 games with Rogue or Warrior. 60 Gold Shaman or Warlock Dominance Win 5 games with Shaman or Warlock. 60 Gold Destroy them All Destroy 40 minions. 40 Gold Only the Mighty Play 20 minions that cost 5 or more. 40 Gold The Meek Shall Inherit Play 40 minions that cost 2 or less. 40 Gold Spell Master Cast 40 spells. 40 Gold Beat Down Deal 100 damage to enemy heroes. 40 Gold Total Dominance Win 7 games in any mode. 100 Gold 3 Victories! Win 3 games with any class. 40 Gold Watch and Learn! Watch a friend win in spectator mode. 1 Classic Card Pack -
airlord posted a message on [3RANK] Secret META CRUSHERPosted in: [3RANK] Secret META CRUSHERWho upvotes these decks to front page status?
Kill_Dash_Nine posted a message on [3RANK] Secret META CRUSHERPosted in: [3RANK] Secret META CRUSHERAll I am going to say is that showing decks like this on the main page make Hearthpwn look bad.
lisbethlynn posted a message on [3RANK] Secret META CRUSHERPosted in: [3RANK] Secret META CRUSHERThis list isn't running a single MSG card - just a standard Kara deck edited with a clickbait title, don't fall for this scum
ur2ezchaos posted a message on Dumb people playing control decksPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from bluealert375 >>feels like everyone is taking 60 sec to play a turn and its getting annoying
even in the early turns, its fucking intentional bm.
that, or maybe they are going full tryhard in trying to read your hand based on the plays you made - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
This card is strong in 2 ways. The actual 20/20 which takes hard removal to kill and the 3 candles which invade your opponent's deck preventing 1-of decks like Raza priest from activating their battlecries. A bonus is that either way you are happy if they draw no candles their cards don't work and if they draw them all you get a 20/20, meaning the card's worst case (against Raza priest or 1-of warlock which might be a deck later this expansion) is when they draw 2 candles and have 1 in the deck.
Obviously, the worst part of the card, in general, is that you do nothing the turn you play it, meaning it is probably bad in tempo deck, midrange and aggro. The other bad part of the card is the fact that it's legendary and not searchable. This means that if the Raza Priest draws Raza before before you draw this card it doesn't even change their combo potential with the Death Knight. This makes it pretty weak in control decks which need a hard answer to the late game combo of Raza Priest.
So for mill, which is not a deck and has never been a deck in standard, this card does not seem as strong as people think. the best mill deck has been a Rogue which uses N'zoth to resurrect deathlord and dancing blades(?) and would not need this. A few reasons why a 20/20 is not good in mill. 1) mill has no large minions so the hard removal would not be a useful card until you play this. You rarely have enough mana to play a 4 mana "do nothing" and if you do, it gains you nothing in the early game which is when mill loses.
To conclude, this card is not meta defining in any way. It's at its best against Raza Priest which requires luck to be drawn before the opponents Raza, and if you can win that coin flip, you might as well play Raza Priest.
You can't compare a 6 mana card to six 1 mana cards. Saying this is "half as good" as Iron Hide is wrong. 1 mana cards are stronger per mana cost than 6 mana cards. Like a Mana Wyrm x6 would be a 6/18 that gained 6 attack when you cast a spell. Pretty strong 6 drop eh? Or Iron Hide x6 would give you 30 armor for 6 mana, also too strong. This is a fantastic card, the problem is the randomness making it worse than "very good". If control warrior is a deck, this card will be in the deck.
A New Legendary Crafting Tier List Has Appeared!

The ratings in the thread are more than my opinion, they are opinions of people I know, myself and popular Steamers such as Trump, Reynad, Sjow, etc. I am ranking the Cards in Tiers/Brackets I am doing this because it is impossible to rate them from 1 to X.
This is not a tier list of the best Legendaries, this is a Crafting Tier list. This list is used to find out which Legendaries to craft and Disenchant. Arena and non-competitive play have no bearing on this list.
I have arranged the Legendaries this way to not only show their importance in constructed but also to inform readers on how/why they are useful. If you have any questions about the tier list ask them, if you believe the tier list should be changed in any way, PM me.
Remember: If you would like to know what Legendary to craft, please include the decks you play and the decks you are going to play. This is necessary and someone can help you a lot easier.
Press Ctrl + f to find in page!
Strongest Legendaries used in a variety of decks or are staple for competitive play. (The ones to craft)
Expert Set
Old Gods Expansion
Tech legendaries that can be replaced. (Craft for Specific reasons)
Expert Set
Old Gods Expansion
One Night in Karazhan
Cards that are usable, but see little play and can be replaced easily(keep for specific reasons)
These Legendaries are usually out of meta and weird tech choices that you probably will not see anymore but are still viable options that may be playable later.
Expert Set
Old Gods Expansion
One Night in Karazhan
Legendaries that are too weak to see competitive play (Disenchant)
Expert Set
Old Gods Expansion
The Boogeymonster
Shifter Zerus
Nat, the Darkfisher
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale
Herald Volazj
Deathwing, Dragonlord
One Night in Karazhan
Prince Malchezaar
reynad - everyone hates him, but he is the best deck builder
This card is very good in a slower token druid build it basically will need hard removal
"All your minions may attack gain 5 mana"
I can't wait! This Expansion looks great in my honest opinion.
the meta was to fast at the time
Teammate got legend? you don't enter in legend at rank 3k... and it shows your rank before the game beside your name so that screenshot is someone just winning a game with shaman...
Nice deck tho I saw the rank 10 legend evolve shaman, I just want to know why you would ever run devolve... seems like any anyone card that doesn't kill things is just worse than lighting storm, but maybe you need a 5th aoe.