Lost Tallstrider

Flavor Text
The message, "If found, please return to Mulgore," is tattooed on his rear.
Card Sounds
The message, "If found, please return to Mulgore," is tattooed on his rear.
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thats so cute how it get goggles though
I ve just understood that's a bird and not a camel...
One problem is that it loses against Piloted Shredder as a 4-drop. You can consider using it with Druid of the Fang in slower meta. Otherwise it's just another passable ARENA minion.
Debatable to be honest, the yeti can remove a lot more smaller minions without dying (any 4 damage minions or more smaller damage minions)
it can be targeted by shadow word death where as yeti cannot
This is a beast so it has a few more synergies then yeti with some classes / cards.
can trade into 5 health minions however
Over all in constructed I would pick this if my deck suited it better then yeti, but in arena yeti every time.
Not bad, might see some use.
Both versions of Druid of the Claw and Malorne will be beasts. Relax.
Well define "cheaper", because there are several cheap, decent beasts that can fill that niche. From Stonetusk boar for 1 mana, to Oasis Snapjaw at 4 mana. And don't tell me snapjaw doesn't have staying power. I'd say that's the ideal beast to play prior to DotF. Don't get me wrong. I see your point, but I think the Tallstrider is more than adequate. :)
not sure how good it is, 4 hp makes it vulnerable to removal, but clearly better than Ancient Brewmaster as most of the time Brewmasters battlecry is undesirable, plus this is a beast. Might see play in midrange hunter as they are lacking a decent 4 drop beast. Beats snapjaw by a large margin as it can trade down without a houndmaster buff, which this card can as well but also has potential to trade upwards, could even see play in druid as a replacement to yeti with druid of the claw, should be interesting.
Just a bad version of Ancient Brewmaster?
Beast synergy
Isn't a brewmaster 5 mana? Oh wait, I checked, it's a 4 drop too. Ok, and this is a 4 drop. They are both a "reverse yeti", in a way...
Ancient Brewmaster is worse if you don't want your minion on board to be back to your hand, especially in arena