Robes of Protection

Card Text
Your minions have Elusive.
Flavor Text
Warning: Robes of Protection are intended for targeted effects only and are not an effective defense against Flamestrike, Twisting Nether, or other AOE attacks.
Your minions have Elusive.
Warning: Robes of Protection are intended for targeted effects only and are not an effective defense against Flamestrike, Twisting Nether, or other AOE attacks.
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bane of every mage in arena
Wee Spellstopper rolling in its grave.
Doctor Strange called. He wants his robes back.
completly agree with this, i think this is truly a powerful card in any agro decks can you imagine this in demon hunter
This card might make Big Priest a thing again in Wild. Getting this resummoned with a bunch of other big threats in one turn is going to be hell.
Finally, one of these that actually protects all your minions, not adjacent ones or any of that nonsense. It might finally be used.
This has to be one of the most toxic cards of the set. I’m not sure this belongs in HS. At least it should only be adjacent minions, or it doesn’t apply to itself. We should be allowed to at least “waste” a spell killing it. As it stands now (and with 4 health) its way too strong.
What hope no minion mage had is dashed by this. It doesn’t even die to Flame Ward.
“Hey mister aggro man, can you please not kill me until turn seven, hopefully I can pull a Flamestrike out of my butt”
better than Lotheb, auto include in aggro
Why would they even word it like this? If you aren't going to have a keyword at least phrase things better ->
Your minions can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers.
No quotation necessary! lol
Blizzard word things in a sensible way? The same Blizzard that went "let's design two cards that function like they have Echo but not give them Echo!", that Blizzard? Surely you jest, sir!
To be fair, the cards don't function exactly like echo - they can still cost (0).
Still, where the frick is the keyword? How many thousand more of these need to be made for the HSTeam to finally realize it's mechanic worthy of being compressed into a single word???
going to be hell in aggro decks, is my prediction.
Umm, is this minion untargetable as well? Because it doesn't say "other" minions. If so, this card is going to be very underrated.
Yes, this will also be untargetable.
Okay ActiBlizzard seriously just make “Can’t be targeted by Spells or Hero Powers” a keyword already.
hexproof Kappa
How about... "Illusive"?
Untargetable is already an effect in Heroes of the Storm, they should just keyword it and port it to Hearthstone.