Psyche Split
Card Text
Give a minion +1/+2. Summon a copy of it.
Flavor Text
This is how the arakkoa make friends.
Give a minion +1/+2. Summon a copy of it.
This is how the arakkoa make friends.
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Ok i take it back. This card is actually pretty amazing for two reasons: you can target and enemy minion + its actually +2+4 total stats that you get.
You can use it on enemy minions as well! May not be the best card to put in your deck but i wont mind getting it randomly in my control priest deck!
This card is WORSE than Replicate. You will want to use it only on high-value cards, Replicate at least could be used on shitty minions for tempo...and was never played.
The thing about this card is that it actually decent on shitty minion because of the buff. Lets take the new 2 drop. 2/4 with lifesteal. Using Psyche split ends up with two 3/6. total of 6/12 stats. With replicate you get 7/9 total stats. So yea you are wrong.
I read 5 mana 2/4 on two bodies.SUCKS.
Eh okey???
Let me be more clear. So I can explain why this card will see no play in THIS expansion (I mean in future could be better but NOW is practically garbage). The card should be compared to Faceless Manipulator, which was played back in the days but has seen no play in eras. Basically the idea is to copy a High-value card giving it a buff that sounds kinda cool, right? Well but let's look at what you can do in practical terms: if you want to play this card on curve, you should have an high-value minion of your own by turn 4. What could be this minion? Let's say Sethekk Veilweaver or Dragonmaw Overseer, well...if you ever played this game, you should know that a scenario where you can have those cards on the board for more than one turn is irrealistic.So you don't play this spell on curve. So is a late game card. if you want to copy a card by turn 6 or 7...well 5 mana is way too expensive to just copy a minion with a little buff. LEt's say you want to copy a minion from your are giving your opponent a buff...sounds shit to me. How can we make this card good? Reduce mana cost? With the Galakrond that is unreliable. In my opinion Faceless Manipulator, could be a better option if you want to steal something from your opponent... In fact, Faceless can target EVERYTHING as is not a spell!
As told Replicate had a better way to give you SOMETHING when bad scenarios are in place...and was NEVER played beacuse it sucked as well.
Sorry but I just can't see this work in a practical scenario. Priest really got garbage this expansion... As in the previous.
Well you first started with saying that its worse then replicate. Thats such an absurd opinion that its hard to take anything else you say serious. Atleast you are comparing it to faceless now. First of all sometimes you will curve in to it, and those times it can be a strong play. I watched when some streamers had 6 hours to play the new expansion and split on curve happened alot and every time it was a strong play, Faceless can never be a good play to curve on 5. Second the problem with faceless is that it sits in you hand for too long on average. The fact that you atleast have the option to play Sethekk Veilweaver into spilt for 7 mana and its a million times better then faceless. That alone shows you that this card is so much easier to find targets for. Also most of the time when you faceless the opponents minion you then also remove the target, and also the buff enables for more death targets, that stuff is not irrelevant. Im not saying its insane, but its much better then faceless and replicate by a MILE and overall a pretty good card.
I Guess we have very different ideas on what a "strong play" is. But I'm ok with this.We'll see who is right very soon. After all...we are not ready!
Yep yep i will atleast play one copy of it and see how it goes. But yea i guess we will see soon.
One of the Strengths of this card (In my experience) was its potential to compound powerful effects and overwhelm the opponent.
I rarely got a chance to stick it to cards like Veilweaver, but putting it on cards like Dragonmaw Skystalker or Dragonmaw Overseer was often enough to cause the opponent to be unable to respond to it if they lacked hard removal. If you can Apotheosis the card you want to split beforehand, the life steal can negate anything your opponent is doing, so you can just outlast them.
If you want to see how much better this is that replicate, just use it in place of replicate in one of replicates best combos. Coin out Archmage Vargoth on turn 3, use embalming ritual and/or grave rune, and if you don't get your golden boy sheeped, frogged, or silenced, you have just won the game. if they kill him, you now have 2-3 archmages. If they don't, either psyche split him or kill him yourself, then Psyche Split for an entire board full of bigger and bigger Vargoths. I play this is Rezz priest and good LORD do opponents hate a full board of Vargoths. I combo that with Holy Nova, Holy Ripple, etc, then if for some reason they eat a board wipe, Mass Resurrect for another full board of Vargoths. The only down side is he doesn't have taunt so you will probably need more healing spells. But seriously, so many cards synergize with a board full of Vargoths: Mind Control! - need their board cleared or just want to cherry pick minions? BAM! Want to annoy your opponents AND refill your hand? Mass Dispel! Want to burst the opponent down in one turn? Mind Blast! Want a hand full of discovered spells and 21 random healing? Renew! Not to mention all the other new buff cards. There is no end to the crazyness.
Power word Replicate ?? Really ?
nah this is much better, Its more like a faceless manipulator that gives you 2/4 extra stats when played on a friendly minion. You can also do some cute things like copy a 4/12 enemy dragon like kalcegos and kill it it with shadow word death. Im not sure it will make the cut in any preist deck, but this atleast is much better then replicate.
Agreed, much better than replicate which is oriented for aggro/midrange priest ( LUL ) this one is way more versatile.